Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I've heard that the short film that Sean Astin directed in Wellington would be included on the Two Towers DVD. I know it's on the regular version, but I have the extended edition and I haven't been able to find it. Is it an easter egg, or did they just not include it?

Answer: It's only on the theatrical version.


Question: When Sauron spots Frodo on the plains of Gorgoroth, Sam screams 'Frodo. Get down.' and Frodo falls limp on the ground. Then Sauron just turns his eye away to the north (the black gate attack). Seeing as he knows the Ring is in the hands of a hobbit, and he has just seen two hobbits in his land, why doesn't he stop them (for example, call for the winged Nazgul)?

Answer: One of the reasons that Aragorn decided to charge the Black Gate (which is not really mentioned in the movie but is in the book) is because he intended Sauron to believe that he had the ring. Sauron would undoubtedly assume that nobody would attack Mordor with such a small army unless they had the ring themselves.


Question: How on earth did Peter create his Spider-man costumes?

Answer: He makes them himself in every other version. Its not outside the realms of possibility he made them in this one too. In the comics it says Aunt May taught him to sew.


Hot Dog - S5-E7

Question: This goes where Red give the puppy to Kitty. In real life whose dog is that?

Answer: It's Ashton Kutcher's dog.

Question: Can you really tell that someone has torn a tendon in their leg just by looking at the foot print they leave or is it just making fun of the TV show CSI?

Answer: It is making fun of the show CSI. Even still, there are ways of telling if someone had a knee problem by the way they walk and put pressure on the foot. Being able to tell if it was a torn tendon, I don't think so. Check out the way people run and you can tell if they have hurt something in the past because of which leg they favor.

Question: When the NazgĂșl first arrives in Osgiliath, Frodo cannot hear anything. Can anyone tell me what Sam says while it goes all quiet?

Answer: I think it's something like "Hang on Mr. Frodo" or "Hold on Mr. Frodo".

Question: Whats the name of the theme when the trailer shows the tagline 'before they were soldiers, they were family'?

Answer: I think the one you want is 'Unseen' - By Craig Armstrong which is track 2 on the Plunkett and Macleane soundtrack.

Answer: Sean Bean does show up, for about a second, in a flashback - this was enough to give him a credit.


Question: The first time Sarah goes out clubbing with Chenille, they run into some other girls from their school. One of them is Nikki, who gets mean and says that she's 'not walking on eggshells just because someone brought the Brady Bunch to the N*gro club'. Chenille gets offended and yells "Nikki, you did not just call me a N*gro." How is the term N*gro offensive? Or were they just not allowed to say ni**err in this movie? (Perhaps to preserve the rating?) Someone please help - this has been driving me nuts.

Answer: "N*gro" was the PC term in the 60's. While by no means vulgar, it has mostly fallen out of use and some people are offended by it.

Grumpy Scot

Question: I know this film was made before "Temple of Doom", which was a prequel. Thus the character of Shorty did not exist when this film was made. I'm wondering however if Spielberg or Lucas have ever said anything about where they assume Short Round is during the events of "Raiders..."

Answer: In all my years of watching interviews and behind the scenes footage of the 3 Indy films, I don't think this has never been addressed. Perhaps they might tie up this loose end in the new Indy movie...

Lynette Carrington

Question: Is there going to be some collection-dvd with all three LoTR movies? Will it have all the extra-material from all the movies?

Answer: There is already a boxset available of the three theatrical cuts. There will undoubtedly also be a boxset of the Extended Editions, which will no doubt come out in November, when the final Extended Cut is due for release.


Question: A few of the mistakes point out that certain scenes were shown backward. Why was this done?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: To give the film that extra creepy feel.

Question: Can anyone who speaks Japanese tell me what Jim says to the guard who's beating up the doctor? He says a few lines, then bows. The guard seems embarrassed and walks away.


Chosen answer: The first time, Jim says "Nanika no machigai desu. Bokutachi wa minna tomodachi desu yone. Senso no sei desu." This roughly translates to "There has been some sort of mistake. We are all friends aren't we? It is the war's fault." The second time, Jim only says "Nanika no machigai desu. Bokutachi wa minna..." and then gets pushed aside. "There has been a mistake, we are all...". I hope that helps.

Question: When 'Jack' gets the call from the arson detective, in the background of the guy's office, on the notice board, is a sticker of a monkey's head. The sticker is the same colour as the subliminal images of Tyler (dominantly red) and half of the brain area of the skull is faded white. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was symbolic of Tyler taking over 'Jack' or was put there on purpose and what it serves as in those shots?

Answer: On the DVD commentary, the director implies that this is a symbol of the Space Monkeys, Tyler's army. It shows that the Space Monkeys are beginning to infiltrate even the police station, as seen later.


Question: Is the ice cream man the same person who plays the man who says "We've got a stretcher for you, ma'am"?

Answer: No.

Gavin Jackson

Question: What is the meaning of the penguin and Marla saying 'Sly' in the cave?

Answer: The penguin says "slide" and then slides on its belly. Marla repeats it later. I believe they are telling him to let go and be Tyler.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Penguin is a manifestation of the "happy place" in his head. He seeks comfort in others grieving and this is what is helping him feel again. As someone else stated "slide" is the statement that is uttered. Marla is invading his grieving time and this is a manifestation of it. He can't even get away from her in his meditation, so he ends up leaving it altogether.

Answer: has screen captures from an awful lot of episodes - I've found some good ones of the puppet there.


Question: This ones a two timer: 1) Isn't it breaking the Disney tradition that no evidence of violence can be shown when Kala looks around the tree house and sees bloody paw prints? 2) The bloody paw prints lead to the dead bodies of Tarzan's parents, if Sabor killed them, wouldn't he have eaten them?

Answer: Disney does not have a policy against the evidence of violence, they do, however, try to keep it at a minimum. As for Sabor eating Tarzan's parents, there may have been something that scared him off, even if it was just another animal nearby.

Answer: Leopards are known to hunt for sport. And predators in general may store away kills for later.

Question: In the scene in which Jack is asking himself how Ramius is going to get his men off the Red October, how does he figure out what Ramius is going to do?

Answer: Thinking out loud, Jack says, "how do you make men want to get off a nuclear submarine..." the word "nuclear" made him realize that the easiest way to make the crew WANT to leave the sub is to fake a reactor/radiation accident.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the "flightless cormorant" that the doctor discovers in the Galapagos Islands? (It appears to be a dodo, which had already been extinct for more than 150 years.)

Answer: "The "flightless cormorant" that the doctor discovers in the Galapagos Islands" is a Galapagos Flightless Cormorant (see In my opinion, it looks nothing at all like a Dodo (see

J I Cohen

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