Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: Yes, she did all the singing for the film herself. She further demonstrates her singing abilities in the film 'Chicago'.


Question: What/who is Leonard listening to through the wall (with the empty glass), or is it meant to be ambigious?

Nick N.

Chosen answer: He was paranoid, so he was listening to hear if they were cops.

Josh Appelbaum

Question: At the very end when we see Alkali Lake, we see a phoenix shape underwater, referencing Jean Grey's ascension into the form of the Phoenix. Is this symbolic or has this really happened to her?

Answer: This really happened to her. In the comics, the Phoenix Force that took over her body was an alien, which became so consumed with power that she became Dark Phoenix, and was killed; I don't know how they'll do this in the movie.


Show generally

Question: The very first episode of Friends includes Rachel leaving Barry on their wedding day and coming to live with Monica. The rest of the group are already friends. But I know I've seen an episode which has Phoebe moving out of Monica's, Joey moving in with Chandler and making a move on Monica. It also shows Central Perk as a bar, before it gets turned into a coffee bar and Ross anouncing him and Carol have broken up. In which episode does this happen?

Question: Is "Becks" at the end of the movie really David Beckham, or just a look-alike?

Answer: It is Andy Harmer. (


Question: When Marty arrives back from the past, but a bit earlier to try to save Doc's life he sees himself disappear into the past. So for a few minutes we have two Deloreans and two Martys. What happens to this Marty who obviously goes back to 1955? Is he going to relive the whole film?

Answer: Basically, yes. We never see the looping effect, but we have to assume that's what happens. The Bill and Ted argument of "time is always running" doesn't seem to apply in the BTTF films - the Marty who goes back to 1955 is about to do exactly what we've seen Marty do throughout the film.

Jon Sandys

Question: After Matt Damon shoots the sinner on the bus he and Ben Affleck get off the bus and Matt Damon starts singing a strange song. What is that song all about?

Answer: In the bus, Ben Affleck teases Matt Damon for thinking that the movie "Krush Groove" was going to leave a greater legacy than "E.T." So after they leave the bus, Matt Damon's starts with this riff from Krush Groove. The words are, "Whose house? Run's house. I said whose house? Run's house." The "Run" is from "Run DMC," stars of Krush Groove.

K.C. Sierra

I was under the impression that Damon sings the song in victory after proving that he could recognize whether the couple in front of them on the bus were actually married to each other. Damon establishes that the man is married, but not to the woman he's making out with on the bus.

Answer: Frodo was 50, Sam was 38, Merry was 36 and Pippin was 28.


Question: Who exactly is the person that Melissa sees behind her before it attacks her?

Answer: The ghost that kills Melissa is the patient Vannacutt was dissecting. When Melissa initially sees them through her camera, what she's really seeing is the ghosts re-living their last moments.

Answer: Just a generic ghost/monster as it has no face.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What specific job in the Visual Effects Department did Suzanne Benson have? It must have been important because she won an Oscar for her work, yet she isn't credited on either version of the film.

Answer: The effects were done by a company called "The LA Effects Group". She was in charge of the team that did the work for Aliens.


Question: When Michelangelo is in the village and wakes up in the shed for the first time, there are some kids that run in front of the camera. As they move we hear a very distinct sound effect of them giggling. Like the Wilhelm, this giggle sound effect is played in tons of movies and even commercials. Any idea what it is called?

Answer: I don't belive it has a set name, other than giggle or laughter it is just a generic sound. Much like the Wilhelm, which I think fans named after hearing it in a lot of movies.


Ben Burtt, a sound designer who used the scream, is the one credited for naming it the Wilhelm scream. It's named after the character Private Wilhelm in the film "The Charge at Feather River" when the scream is dubbed in after he's shot.


Answer: Edward Norten actually fully intended to kill himself, failing only accidentally. But the definite desire to kill himself/Tyler resulted in the "death" of Tyler.

Question: This question is about the scene where John Candy is the driver, and Steve Martin is the passenger in the rented car. Steve is unaware at one point, that they are going the wrong way on the highway. He becomes aware, after looking out the window and down onto the shoulder of the road with the wet snow splashing up. As soon as he looks at that, he knows they are going the wrong way. What was it about the road that made him realize it?

Answer: The reason was that the snowbank was on his side (the passenger side) when it should have been on the driver's side if they were driving in the right direction. Also and I'm not sure if you could see this in the film but the deflecters on the road which separate the lanes if you are going in the right direction shine yellow and if you are going the wrong way shine red.

Tobin OReilly

Question: What's the significance of the discordant chord Harmonica plays after Cheyenne tells him to "watch those false notes"? Why does Cheyenne react like he'd heard something very unnerving?

Answer: Harmonica is after Frank. At this point, Harmonica does not know who Cheyenne is and he assumes he's one of Frank's men because of the duster he's wearing. So he is confronting him to provoke him. The ultimate goal is to get to Frank.

Question: When Spaceball 1 achieves ludicrous speed and overshoots the Winnebago, Barf is heard to remark "they've gone to plaid". Is this just a joke about eighties style special effects or is it a reference to a specific film?

Answer: Its a reference to how the stars streak around the ships in "Star Wars". "Ludicrous speed" had to have a ludicrous color. It is also referencing 2001: A Space Odyssey, where this "tartan" effect occurs when Dave is in the pod towards the end of the film.

Grumpy Scot

Those answers are quite correct and possible, but how about this: Warp and weft are the two directions of yarn in weaving (of plaids and other things). It might be a very meta joke since plaid is at much higher level than warp. On the other hand, it's Mel Brooks. On the gripping hand, he was born in Brooklyn in the mid 20's and might have been exposed to the basics and vocabulary of the tailor at a young age.

Btw, it's also a clear reference to the sentence from Star Trek "They've gone to warp."

Answer: A Triscuit is a cracker that is made of wheat or something. You set them out at cocktail parties with crab cake or something. You understand it a little more when you hear his next line, something about the sharp edges.

Question: Is it really possible to stop blood flowing from the brain with a pin stuck in the neck? Also, why does the blood not flow again after Jet Li has removed the pin?

Answer: 1). Yes it is possible. 2) If you listened while Li told the dying man what was happening, he said that when he pulled the pin out, the blood WOULD flow again, except: because of the empty blood vessels, there would be a vacuum effect that would suck too much blood too fast... therefore the guy dies.

Answer: The acupuncture point known as "Point 15" is in a delicate area of the spinal column, a little below the second cervical vertebra. It's a definite knock-out target in fighting, and it can even be a lethal target. But Jet Li's explanation that it somehow prevents blood from flowing away from the brain is pure nonsense.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Okay first of all, what happened to the Twins? They didn't die in Reloaded for as they flew into the air, they shifted to their ghost forms thus keeping them safe. Second; what was the reason the French Man's wife kissed Neo in Reloaded? I heard that she was supposed to be some type of vampire and have a bigger role in this movie. Was that scene cut out?

Answer: They never explain what happened to the twins. Persephone kissed Neo because she wanted to remember what true love felt like.

Question: In the Barbarian Horde battle, why on earth is there a gas cylinder in the chariot to begin with? What significance does it have for the "prop" (i.e. the chariot)?

Answer: It's full of compressed air, used to flip over the chariot.

Jon Sandys

Question: The ending apparently had to be reshot, because the original ending leaked out. What was this original ending?

Answer: The original ending features a huge shoot-em-up, involving more than 150 cops, but it was changed to a shoot-em-up on a much smaller scale that involves only Kevin Spacey, Samuel L. Jackson and Ron Rifkin.

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