Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I've watched this movie several times, and there is no foul language in this film yet the MPAA rated this film PG for language. Why?

Answer: And the man shooting the cow.

Answer: It's rated PG for "parental guidance" suggested due to some thematic elements.


Answer: Uncle Rico trying to sell breast enlargement supplements to various women including a teenager undoubtedly factored into the final rating.


Answer: They do say "ret**ded" and things like "Freaking Idiot."

Question: Who put gasoline all over the massive swan float? Is it ever revealed. Who could it of been! And why did anybody do it (and how would they have the time, IF everyone thought Amber would win etc.!!!) - It annoyed me, this did! Who put gasoline on the float?


Chosen answer: I don't think anyone actually put gasoline over the float - it's suggested in the movie that the float is leaking gasoline because Becky's father imported it cheap from Mexico.


Question: Catherine Zeta Jones' character is the daughter of a Mexican drug lord, but she tells her upper-class friends that she's European. I'm assuming she's trying to pass herself off as Spanish or maybe Portuguese because it seems more exotic and socially acceptable among the upper class than being Mexican. Is this correct?


Chosen answer: The upper classes in Spanish-speaking countries tend to be more of Spanish ancestry, decendants of the original conquistadores. As such, some consider themselves Spanish, distinct from the lower-class Mestizos.

Question: I don't understand what the Arab woman with the tattoos on her face have to do with anything? Did the attack on the convoy really happen? If so, how were they all captured?


Chosen answer: The tattooed woman was something that they all dreamt about. She was significant to the capture and the tattoos stood out among all of the other arabs.


I always felt they were just there to cause confusion. If they started to remember the image of the Arab woman/ women would sound and look crazy trying to explain. However later in the movie when they shoulder flash backs the women were not there and Shaw choked out that other guy but, early the Arab women where there, and he had plastic on his face choking him out. So, all the memories are mixed up.

Question: There were two flashbacks of how Raymond Shaw killed one of the soldiers. One scene it showed him suffocating him in the desert with a piece of plastic. In another scene it shows him choking him with his hands in some kind of observation room. Was the desert 'killing', a dream combining the truth with the brainwashing?


Chosen answer: Perhaps the piece-of-plastic killing was a "test run" by the brainwashers to see if Raymond would actually react to their commands. You can see other soldiers lying down wearing "halos", hinting that this happened at a different time and place than the observation room choking.

Answer: The plastic bag killing was part of the dream. Many things in the dreams are off. For example in the dream he sees himself handling the pistol while lying in a bed. When we see his actual memory, he is standing, and Shaw hands him the gun, which he immediately uses.

Question: In the UK (Region 2) version of the film, the scene in which Ace pretends to be Hans the dolphin trainer was removed. Can anyone tell me the specific reason why it was removed? Also do any other versions around the world (notably US and Australian versions) remove the scene?


Chosen answer: That scene was cut originally by the director Tom Shadyack because the scene did not support the story and thought it slowed the film down. (And the scene was cut from the US version as well.) It was added back later in TV versions of the film. Fan enjoyed the scene so much they asked it be put back in the film version. I know the DVD has it because I own it. It's hilarious!

Chosen answer: The music is Danke Schoen by Wane Newton - definitely not the music from Aladdin. It sounds close though. I have little kids and I've heard the song from Aladdin more than I want to.

Actually, the instrumental cue right before Newton sings his song, and many times throughout the film, is a rip off Aladdin cue. It's the exact melody from when Aladdin sings "Would they see a poor boy, no siree." It's exact, and sticks out obviously.

Chosen answer: She has no cellphone or home phone.


Answer: And / or does not wish to be eavesdropped on if she has a home phone?


Bart-Mangled Banner - S15-E21

Question: When the Simpsons go on the TV show to try and explain themselves, what show was this a send up of where the guy speaks really loud? I believe it's a show from Fox News.


Chosen answer: I believe the character is a parody of the "Hardball" host, Chris Matthews, who is seen by some as a loud host who gives guests no time to answer poltical questions.

Question: What is the point of the Riddler stopping Harvey (Two-Face) from killing Bruce Wayne when they are in his mansion? They now know that Bruce Wayne is Batman and their goal all along was to kill Batman. Essentially I can understand they want to torture Bruce by kidnapping Chase, but it seems like a huge risk that they don't really need to take as Batman is very elusive and this was a prime opportunity to take him out.


Chosen answer: They are both nuts and extremely arrogant. They are also suffering from "Supervillain Syndrome" wherin the villain will toy with and never kill his nemesis even though it will get him caught/defeated in the end. It's just how comic book villains are.

Grumpy Scot

Also, they specifically say they want him awake, aware and capable of suffering humiliation and shame when they destroy him. Also, since they have a hostage he values very highly, they can be reasonably sure he'll come to them afterwards, Riddler out-and-out says so.


Chosen answer: It was Kathleen Wilhoite (she also played Dr. Lewis' sister Chloe on ER).


Answer: She also played Luke Dane's sister on Gilmore girls.

Question: How come, Aunt Josephines house collapses, yet reappears later, when we see Count Olaf having to redo the tasks the children faced. Surely they didn't rebuild it! It looks exactly the same, anyway.


Chosen answer: They probably built a simple replicant of the house. They wouldn't rebuild every detail just to punish Olaf, especially since it was just going to fall down again.

Chosen answer: A burnout is a pot-head who is so "burnt out" (because of smoking way too much weed) that they never get anything school, work, etc.


Question: Why did Professor Hobby, at the beginning of the movie, tell the Mecha to undress?

Matty Blast

Answer: The Mecha was in a room full of strangers, and yet, because it had no feelings of shame (no feelings at all was the point), it undressed without any concern of onlookers.

Chosen answer: To show how completely obedient the mecha are and that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to them.

Tobin OReilly

Question: When Hughes is scrubbing his hands so hard that he cuts them, what exactly causes them to be cut? Is it something in the soap, or his fingernails? I wouldn't think, his being a man, that his nails would be long enough to do any damage, at least not to the extent shown.


Chosen answer: Hughes has obsessive compulsive disorder. He washes his hands so often, and so intensely, that he's literally worn away his skin. This is common with OCD sufferers.

Question: Since Rose in the "present" scenes is depicted as an old woman, what year did these scenes take place?


Chosen answer: 1996. Old Rose says "It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint." 1912+84=1996.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Does anybody know of a website that contains all of Kenny's quotes for this film?

Deidra Goins

Chosen answer: This should be usefull:


Question: In the ending credits, the name Cameron Duncan is mentioned. What is so significant about this now-deceased filmmaker?


Chosen answer: Cameron was a highly promising young filmmaker, who won several awards for advertisements that he directed - this brought him to the attention of Peter Jackson. He spent time with the cast and crew of the films, where he gained their respect and affection, to the extent that two of his short films are included on the extended edition DVD. Jackson spoke at his funeral and the song "Into the West" was inspired by him and is dedicated to his memory.


Chosen answer: Yes, this is alluded to by the Criminologist (narrator) circling their heads on a big picture from the wedding.

Chosen answer: The Emperor did sense Luke. He just didn't tell Vader that, because he was planning on replacing Vader with Luke (kind of like replacing an old sedan with a new sportscar) and double crossing Vader.

Bruce Minnick

Same thing what happened in Episode III, Palpatine deceived and betrayed Dooku by not knowing he was just a pawn to his plans.


Answer: You never know whether The Emperor is telling the truth or not, but either way what he's trying to convey to Vader here is that he's starting to get the tiniest bit of doubt over whether Vader has truly purged all compassion towards his son, and if not he'd better nip that in the bud, pronto.


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