Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: You find out in later seasons that it is a congenital hip defect.

Dr Muppet

Question: What is the meaning of the "devil" figure holding the baby while Jesus is being scourged?

Answer: The devil is taunting Jesus, trying to make him feel as if His Father doesn't care about him.


Question: How can Roy possibly be a smoker? He has OCD and is constantly cleaning the smallest of messes. The ashtray in his car was overflowing with butts.


Chosen answer: OCD isn't about cleanliness, it's about obsession and compulsion (hence the name). Cleaning could be a compulsion in this case, though smoking could be as well (and probably is, with the amount of butts in the ashtray). If that's the case then the cleaning probably wouldn't apply to the ashtray, since all he'd be doing is smoking and cleaning it, which would limit his actions even further. It's a bit more complicated than that, but that's the basics.


Answer: "On the Q.T. is slang for quietly. Q.T. is an abbreviation for quiet. The phrase dates to at least 1884." Found on


Answer: Allan Quatermain appeared in 14 books by H. Ryder Haggard, starting with 'King Solomon's Mines' in 1885, and ending with 'Allan and the Ice Gods', published in 1927 (two years after the author died). See and

J I Cohen

Question: Why didn't Finland's hockey team medal in the 1980 games if they played the U.S. for the gold?


Chosen answer: It appears that the medal round was just a continuation of the round robin tournament. When the US deafeated Finland, it cliched the best record in the tournament. The Soviet Union had the second best record, and Sweden the third best.

Timothy Cheseborough

Answer: I would say Homer. He was watching them in the episode when he stayed home from church when everyone else went to church. Episode where he meets God.

William Bergquist

Question: When Michael has his flashbacks at the end, shots include a woman being attacked at a payphone and someone being held down on a bed and stabbed. Did I miss these scenes in the movie?


Chosen answer: First, if you are referring to the big, bald guy who is the host of the personalities, his name is Malcolm. Second, the murders you are referring to are the real murders he committed which he is on trial for.

T Poston

Question: Many entries have made the assumption that the "Deus ex Machina" and "the source" are one and the same thing. I don't see that this is obvious. Does anyone have any observation or comments from the producers that proves that this is the case?

Answer: Well Deus ex Machina does mean God from (or in) the Machine. Could be they are the same or that the Deus ex controls and uses the Source. Further it's likely that the Deus, Neo and the Source are an analogy to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Christian religion.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the translation of what Wonka says before getting on the boat?

Answer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, now we are going for a great little trip by boat."

David Mercier

Kryten - S2-E1

Question: When Holly is saying about how he has changed music he says that because of the 2 new notes he's made instruments would be bigger. "Triangles will have four sides. Piano keyboards the length of zebra crossings. Course, women will have to be banned from playing the cello." I don't understand the joke about the cello part. Could someone please tell me what he means?

Answer: The cello is a large four-stringed instrument, which, when it is played, stands vertically on the floor between the player's legs (assuming they are seated). If it is to grow as large as the other instuments mentioned will, it would require a rather unseemly lack of femininity to be able to encompass it with the legs.

Rooster of Doom

Question: Why is it that they aren't allowed to bring any modern weapons into the past? The grenade didn't seem to be affected. A simple air gun with tranquilizer darts would be enough just for protection.

Answer: Because you can never know what kind of influence the discovery of such a thing by the local people would have on any of those involved. The grenade was not supposed to get sent back, but since it exploded, not enough pieces are left for local people to wonder about them if ever they find some. That would not be the case for a full weapon.


Chosen answer: Her real name is Eva, but in Spanish putting "ito" or "ita" on the end of a name makes it sort of a term of endearment. "Evita" literally means "little Eva."


Question: What make of car does Bruce drive after he becomes god?

Answer: The car is a Saleen S7.

Josh Appelbaum

Answer: From technogenius Wade. There's at least one scene in the show where she gets some new gadgets from him.

Kathy Tjarks

Question: Why exactly did Carrie's house collapse at the end? I thought it could be old age, Carrie's powers or the fire, does anyone know?

Answer: The whole idea of the movie and the book is that Carrie is an innocent, harmless young girl with unusual powers, driven over the edge by the cruelties she endures on a daily basis, while her mother is completely insane and uses a warped form of Christianity as an outlet for her madness. In fact, most of Margaret White's supposed "quotes" from the Bible are made up by her. The original answer is correct: Carrie's powers cause the house to collapse.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: We actually just talked about this in my film class, and the consensus was that her surging powers began the house's collapse, and she felt so guilty about killing her mother that she brought the house down so that they would both be dead in it together.

Nick N.

Answer: I perceive it as Carrie's mother was truly the foundation of good and Carrie was possessed by evil. Once her mother was dead the foundation of good was gone and evil was able to take over completely. This explains Carrie's fear as she no longer had any good.

Question: Does anyone know if there is a deleted scene (to be included on the Ext. DVD) involving the Mouth Of The Sauron fight at the Black Gate, which is featured in the book and video game.

Answer: Yes, there will be the Mouth of Sauron scene, (played by Bruce Spence, I believe), in the Extended DVD. They will be greeted by the Mouth of Sauron, and he will show the heroes Frodo's mithril shirt that was taken off by the Orcs at Cirith Ungol. He will tell them that Frodo is dead and the Ring is on its way to Sauron. Aragorn and the rest believe him, and the heroes thus have no hope and believe they will surely die in this last stand against Mordor's army. Aragorn says, "For Frodo" because of his sacrifice, not for 'buying time'.

Super Grover

Question: It was mentioned that Austin's chest hair resembled a shape. Can anyone tell me what the shape is? I don't have the movie.


Chosen answer: It's supposed to resemble an upside-down version of, ahem, wedding tackle.


Chosen answer: Try


Question: I am confused as to what happens to Sati. Is she the new One, succeeding Neo? Or did the Merovingian simply ensure that she could survive the Smith infection? In either case, where does the Merovingian, one program with power over only other programs, get the ability to guarantee either of these results?


Chosen answer: When Neo destroys Smith, all effects of Smith were undone, or something like that. There are those who say that everyone in the Matrix had become a Smith which is why the machines needed Neo's help because the situation was out of control.

Sol Parker

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