Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Forrest's mother doesn't want him at a "special school", where he would learn "how to re-tread tires." What does that mean? Would a school for mentally disabled children also be a vocational/trade school?

Answer: In the past, (perceived) "dumb" students were more likely to be placed into vocational rather than academic programs because it was assumed they had limited ability and would not "amount to much" in life (make much of themselves). Therefore, they could at least be trained to perform something almost anyone could do with little or no training. Once someone is trained how to re-tread tires, for example, he should be able to repeatedly do the same thing everyday for years and be "productive." A variation of re-treading tires was learning how to make "birdhouses and ashtrays" - non-essential products in society that some people still might want to buy.


More recently, the trend has been to "mainstream" such students - keep them in classes with their peers.


Question: How come that Miles and Gwen meet each other before the accident at the alchemax? Theoretically Gwen shouldn't be there since Spider-Man hasn't been "put" in the collider yet.

Answer: She explains that she arrived in his dimension a week ago: "I was blown into last week, literally". Clearly dimension-jumping can affect time too.

Question: What are the girls doing when they throw Grace's son onto the kitchen floor? Why are they harassing him, and why is their grandmother enjoying it so much?

Answer: They are blowing a 'raspberry' on his bare belly, just good-natured teasing of a younger sibling.

Brian Katcher

Question: What does it mean when a black, lined piece of paper is found that has white printing it? The paper appears to be old and the printing says "I love you" This paper just appeared one evening but was not there before.

Answer: I don't remember this scene from the movie and I just watched it. Are you sure you have the right movie?

Show generally

Question: Have the comics ever given any information as to why Jennifer is able to retain her own consciousness when she turns into She-Hulk but Bruce loses his and becomes a destructive force when he becomes the Hulk?

Answer: In the comics, similar to the show, Jen gets her powers after Bruce gives her a blood transfusion. Because just some of her blood is gamma-irradiated, she has a milder version of Bruce's power. In the original Savage She-Hulk comics, she gains the ability to control her transformations after Dr. Morbius cures her of a deadly blood disease. In other versions, she's able to learn to control her powers and retains her personality as She-Hulk because she has a milder version of her cousin's powers. However, in the comics, overwhelming anger and fear cause her to lose control of her powers, and she's more like Hulk; loss of personality and intelligence and more monstrous. Exposure to gamma radiation will also cause her to lose control of her powers.


Question: Did I miss something in the film? It seems that the artificial blood's effect is slowly losing its ability, implying Morbius will have to drink human blood. But he'd rather die than turn into a murderous monster. So why doesn't he just drink donated human blood? He doesn't have to murder anyone for that. Did he try drinking animal blood, such as pig's blood? Or is he suggesting when he drinks human blood, that makes him murderous? And drinking artificial blood keeps him from wanting to kill?


Answer: He still had a compassionate side, the donated blood was for people who had blood diseases. The reason he did all this in the first place. As for animal blood, that's only for undead vampires, he was a living vampire, who needed specific fresh blood to combat his disease. Plus, vampires drinking animal blood was made up in movies and TV shows.

Question: In part 1, when Mr. Myagi was explaining the crane technique, he said that if it was done right, there was no defense. But in part 2, when Daniel was fighting Chozen, he used the crane technique, and Chosen was able to counter it. How was he able to do that if there was no defense? And also, why didn't Chozen know about the drum technique if his uncle and Mr. Myagi had the same teacher?

Answer: Chozen was trained in the same style as Daniel, so he recognized the stance. He faked Daniel out making him throw the kick to empty air and then had enough time to grab his leg. In the tournament from the first film, Johnny walked right into the kick since he didn't know what was coming.

Answer: Chozen was born and raised to know karate, Daniel was still a student with more to learn. Myagi had been living in the United Staes since the 1940s, new moves and techniques change constantly, especially after 40 years away from home.

Question: Where did Dre and his class go to on their class trip?

Answer: The forbidden city.

Answer: As a threat that he would tear him apart unless he goes back in the box.


Question: Whenever Tim goes back in time, his clothes change to whatever he was wearing at the time, but he always appears in the same spot that he left from. Both times he goes back to the NYE party he appears in the upstairs wardrobe. So what happened to the version of him that was already walking around at the party? Did that version of him just vanish?

Answer: This is one of the (many) time travel plot holes in the film, and unfortunately your question doesn't really have a definitive, or satisfying, answer. Richard Curtis has said he was less concerned with making an airtight time travel film than with the human story at its core, so he let things like this slide without explanation. However, since we don't see any "second" Tims around when he goes back in time, and no-one else seems to think of him as an "extra" Tim, we can safely assume that, yes, he replaces himself in the timeline when he travels back. (Of course, this doesn't explain what happens when he then returns FROM the past).

Question: How was Alonzo going to square his $1M debt to the Russians when his take from Roger's robbery/arrest was only $250,000? I believe that they split the $1M from Roger 4 ways.


Answer: They seized $4M and Alonzo's cut was $1M.


I believe you are mistaken. The box held $4M originally. Alonzo hands out a bundle of cash that he says is $250,000. And the dialog is Alonzo: there's over $4M dollars in here! You lucky prick! First day on the job you hit a three million dollar seizure" Jake: " Wait, you said Four..." Alonzo: "Aha, taxation without representation, brotha. Nothing's free in this world. Buy your wife a mini van, put the kids through college"

Answer: From Wikipedia plot summary: Four million dollars was taken from Roger's house. That would make Alonzo's share $1 million.


Please see other reply. If you actually watch the movie, that isn't correct.

Question: Why didn't Dumbledore apprehend Grindelwald at the end? He saw the blood pact was broken, and he had loads of backup, instead he just walks off and lets him escape.

Answer: Dumbledore, as a Hogwarts professor, did not have any legal authority to apprehend Grindelwald or anyone else. That was up to the magical authorities. Also, this was meant to be a four-part (and possibly five-part) movie series that continued the story leading up to Dumbledore and Grindelwald's final duel. The third movie underperformed financially, so the further sequels were cancelled, leaving the storyline incomplete.


But in the Crimes of Grindelwald, Travers - Head of Magical Law Enforcement for the Ministry personally asks Dumbledore to fight Grindelwald. Then immediately after in the film loads of people attack Grindelwald including Kama who doesn't work for any magical authority?

Kama and the others made their own decision to do that, whether or not they had the authority. Dumbledore obviously felt it wasn't his responsibility to apprehend Grindelwald or lacked the will, particularly considering their mutual history.


Question: What are the potential problems that Watney talks about in his video log?

Answer: The harsh environment of Mars. The batteries had limited power. The food could only last a few months not years, same thing with the living quarters and equipment.

Question: Why does Kaiser Soze ask Keaton if he's ready before he shoots him on the boat?

Answer: He was asking if he was ready to die. Keaton knew there was no way out, his partners were dead, and he was injured. There was nothing left for him.

Question: When was the Wilhelm scream in this movie?

Answer: The Wilhelm scream is used for slug.

Answer: It's a made up song for the show. It's a synth version of what the kids sang in Mr. Frond's video at the beginning of the episode. "Let's Swap Eyes."


Question: What makes Ethan really trust Luther to hold on to the NOC list? I mean he's a disavowed agent, right?

Answer: When Ethan was at Langley making a copy of the NOC list. Listen carefully and you'll hear Luther say "Holy mother of God. The NOC List." He had no idea that's what they were there to get. He knew how sacred that was. Job had made a deal to get the list and sell it. If Luther was in on it, he would not have been so shocked by it. Later, Ethan says if Luther knew what they were going to do, he never would have agreed to be a part of it. Probably because if they got caught the punishment would be severe and Luther was not a bad person. He would not willingly risk lives just for a few dollars.

Answer: Beautiful Love by Victor Young.


Answer: No.

Answer: She was in the show 90210, so I'm guessing it's a reference to something she did in the show?

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