Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I don't understand that when Cheng keeps picking on Dre, he's telling Dre to stay away from him and his friends. Can someone please explain that?


Answer: It is a common bullying tactic, telling someone to "stay away" from you knowing they cannot. Kids who go to the same school or live in the same neighborhood are bound to run into each other. It just gives the bully an excuse to antagonize the victim whenever they do run into each other because the victim isn't following orders to "stay away."


Answer: He dislikes how close he was getting with Meiying (Cheng's crush) and does whatever he can to scare him off so Dre doesn't talk to her anymore.

Chosen answer: Earlier in the film, it's mentioned that he had some money buried in a special spot in his yard, but that it had been dug up. When he saw the shovel at the end (which indicates that something was buried that he should did up), he realised that the new money stash had been buried in the same spot as his old stash. They basically gave him the clue, and he put two-and-two together on his own.


Question: Is it really possible to shoot a door open like the pirates do in the movie when they reach the bridge?

Answer: Probably not. The Mythbusters tested the myth of shooting open a locked door, and in most cases, it took immense and multiple fire power to blow open a lock.


Answer: No, Civil War barely has any deleted scenes, and not one between Cap and Hawkeye.


Question: After the blonde lady jumps into the hole to escape the cube when it turns 6:06:59, this is where I start to get confused. Right after she jumps into the opening, the camera zooms out to show the whole maze itself, which was moving in a wave-like motion...why was it doing that? Was that how the cubes moved? All it showed was the whole maze moving, opening and closing on itself in a shape-shifting, wave-like motion. How did the rooms move like that? That seems a little impossible to construct. And plus the background was just black, like the maze was built in space or something. And lastly, how did she end up lying in water at the end?

Answer: The place she is in is not our universe as we know it. As referenced in the movie, it may have been the 4th dimension, where everything exists at the same time. That wave-like movement of the maze might have been a representation of that. That's why when people opened the doors in the hypercube some things happened instantaneously. The hypercube didn't move, it was there already. Pretty difficult to explain without already being familiar with the concept of upper dimensions. That 'water' may have been the portal to that 4th dimension.

Answer: She may have said goodbye to Adam but it just wasn't shown.

Question: After Tom Ripley kills Freddy with the statue, how is it possible to have carried him out with Freddy being much heavier than Ripley and also without that nosy landlady seeing it?

Anthony Lemons

Answer: I'm thinking that with all the adrenaline pumping through Tom's veins after having committed the murder would be more than enough to take care of the strength issue. As for the nosy landlady - she was probably asleep. Or otherwise occupied.

Alan Keddie

Question: Did the guy and the girl at the end of the film end up living? I don't think they brought it up in the other films.

Answer: We are led to believe that they did in fact survive. The guy most definitely did. He is in the support group in Saw: The Final Chapter. (He has a bandage / cast on his destroyed arm).

Alan Keddie

Question: What kind of snake did Jesus step on at the very beginning of the movie?

Answer: There is no gospel that recounts Jesus stepping on a snake, so the snake scene is only a dramatic fabrication for the movie. Presumably, the snake in the film represents temptation, perhaps even the same snake that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. As for its species, the snake appears to be a non-venomous constrictor that is not native to the Middle East, possibly a Garden Tree Boa from South America or a Southeast Asian python.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: It is not a boa as it has heat sensing pits. It is either a ball python or reticulated python, I think.

Answer: But the snake was albino and wasn't beefy like a constrictor.

Answer: It's a 1969 Pontiac Custom S.


Answer: According to Internet sources, it's a 1968 Pontiac Firebird.


Question: How did Stane's guards round up the ten rings? They didn't appear to have any weapons when they arrived, and the ten rings appeared to outnumber them.

Answer: Given that Stane was carrying (and used) the small, easily-concealed paralysis device, it may be assumed that his entourage were carrying (and using) the devices, also. They simply paralyzed the 10 Rings guards.

Charles Austin Miller

The Ten Rings members were shown kneeling with their hands on their heads, though. They wouldn't be able to do that if they had been paralyzed.


That doesn't negate the probability that Stane's entourage used the paralysis device on a few guards to demonstrate the effect, whereupon the other toady guards simply surrendered.

Charles Austin Miller

Makes sense.


Answer: He may have had another group of guards lying in wait and then surprise the Ten Rings members from behind after a certain amount of time had passed.


Answer: I watched the clip on YouTube, stopping and enlarging the image to scan it, but I did not see Cho sitting among the other students at Cedric's memorial scene. She may have been sitting in an area in the back or off to the side where the faces were less visible or else she was too distraught to attend the ceremony.


Question: When Barb is putting Alice to bed, just as Barb turns off the light you can see something on Jill's bed. Is it just a reflection? What of?


Answer: It's not any problem and trouble in the film. Maybe it's just a reflection of light in the bed.

Question: Why does the play start with The Van Daans already at the Annex when it's clear that they arrive a week later in the diary?

Answer: Movies do not always exactly follow the books they are adapted from. Oftentimes scenes and/or characters are changed, deleted, or streamlined, often because there is a limited amount of time in a movie to tell the story. In this case, it just simplified the plot by having the Van Daans already at the Annex, eliminating the need for two separate arrivals and instead focusing on the Frank family's reactions to their situation.


Question: How in the world did Jake escape from prison so easily? Why didn't the guard who came to release him for lunch call in backup when he saw Jake hanging, and why weren't there any other guards around that could stop the escape attempt? How did no police see Francis pouring gasoline right outside the police station? How in the world did no police see Jake escaping between his cell and the front door? When Jake was getting into the Jeep, about 4 prison guards came out putting on their jackets, but where were they during the escape?

Answer: The reason the escape unfolded this way is because it is a movie, and movies often use plot devices that have little resemblance to reality. This is called "suspension of disbelief." That means the audience accepts a certain premise that they know is unrealistic in order to allow the story to unfold. For example, in a Sci-Fi movie, we know that spaceships are unable travel to different solar systems in a mere matter of days (i.e. Star Trek). If Jake was unable to escape from prison as easily as he did, that would be the end of the movie.


Question: I was just wondering why the Death Eaters were so eager for the Dark Lord to return, but the moment he's resurrected (which happens in this film and in the book), they are suddenly really afraid of him. I mean they go on and on about how they can't wait for him to return but the moment he does, it's almost like they wish he hadn't e.g. the scene in this film in the graveyard where Voldemort calls out Lucius Malfoy or the scene at the start of "The Deathly Hallows part 1" where they're all having a meeting at Malfoy Manor and Voldemort is walking and talking amongst them and they're all fearful of him.

Answer: Voldemort works on fear and hate. His minions are full of that. They hate muggles and wish they could dominate them, to crush their world. Voldemort promised them that, so they follow him, to reach that goal since he is a powerful dark wizard with followers and the ambition to go as far as he can. But Voldemort likes people being afraid of him, even his minions, so he is harsh on them, punishes any tiny mistake severely, does cruel things to them. So they fear him, are very submissive in his presence because of his cruelty and magic prowess. but he does lead them to their ultimate goal.


Question: Why does Boris not just chop Frankie's entire arm off the case instead of wrapping it in newspaper and taking the bloody stump with him?

Answer: It saves time, and it's a little twisted. Would you chase after a guy who you just saw cut off a dead guy's hand to get a briefcase, then just decided to take the hand with him?

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: He had to stay, to ensure the fleet would make the jump to light-speed. Finn knew the ship's layout and Rose was needed to disable the tracker. Poe stayed to convince Holdo that it was safe to use light-speed again.

Answer: There was no reason all three had to go. Poe was more useful staying behind and helping with the resistance.


Question: Do we know the human casualties by the end of the war?

Answer: No such numbers are ever discussed in the novel or in the subsequent radio and movie treatments. What we may surmise, however, is that the human casualties were comparatively minor. Once the Martians were exposed to earthly microbes, they were wiped out pretty quickly.

Charles Austin Miller

Voiceover by Morgan Freeman at the end of the movie: by the toll of a billion lives.

Morgan Freeman says "By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet's infinite organisms." He is saying that Mankind evolved with microorganisms for countless generations on Earth, making Mankind immune to most of those microorganisms. Perhaps a billion humans or more died of bacterial and viral plagues throughout human history; but, as a species, we gained immunity. Freeman's quote has nothing to do with the number of Martians that died because they had no immunity.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The ending dialog states a death of 1 billion.

The billion deaths spoken of don't refer to those that died in the alien attack but the billion deaths from the microorganisms that killed the aliens. "By a billion deaths man earned his immunity."


I feel that he meant that the organisms that killed the aliens killed a billion humans first before we got our immunity from them.

They are saying that.


You are correct that he means humans, over tens of thousands of years, naturally gained immunity to many disease-causing organisms after billions of other people had died from them. The aliens had no immunity whatsoever and is why they died.


Question: In the Seamstress battle, the Seamstress had 2's upper body attached to her tail so she can hypnotize the stitchpunks. Using her blade, 7 was attempting to fight her, but if she threw her weapon at 2, and chopped his body off the Seamstress' tail, was 7 possibly battling 2 as well?

Answer: Well yes and no, two was now a part of The Seamstress' body. 7 had to cut 2's body off The Seamstress so that The Seamstress had one less weapon (so that 7 herself could not be hypnotized).


Answer: No, because 2 was already dead and 7 never had a disliking for 2.

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