Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: This has bothered me since the first time I saw Love Never Dies. The dates for Christine's death don't line up, so I'm hoping for some insight as to why. On Christine's grave stone in Phantom, the dates 1854-1917 are given. Making her about 63 when she dies. However, if it's 1880 at the time she sings "think of me" that makes her 16... and then in Love Never Dies, her and Eric are saying how it's been "10 long years." Making her 26. But then she's shot and presumably dies, in 1890 rather than 27 years later in 1917. Even if there's a couple years in between the ending of this movie and the point that Christine last sees the phantom, that is a lot of time to fill up! So... am I missing something? Or is this a big plot hole?

Answer: The movie was produced in (2004) six years before the debut of Love Never Dies. I suggest watching the stage production as that better matches up with the sequel (but still has plot holes). The movie, however, added a few bits, not in the stage production which I presume Webber based Love Never Dies off. However, in my opinion, Webber just lost all common sense in the making of Love Never Dies so it is easier to think of it as it's own entity rather than a sequel to Phantom.

I found this site after recently seeing Love Never Dies, and searching for answers on the plot of that musical. I guess I'm just gonna go with your statement "Webber just lost all common sense in the making of Love Never Dies." The music was great, the sets were classic Lloyd Webber spectacle...but the plot just made no damn sense.

I agree with your question and came across this site to find an answer to this question. I'm confused as well. But it makes sense that Webber forgot the details of Phantom of the Opera and the grave stone. Also, maybe because Love Never Dies is more so an alternate ending for Phantom and Christine versus the accuracy.

Question: What is the song that Violet is always listening to on her Walkman? (We hear the beat 3 or 4 times throughout the movie).

Orlando Rocha

Answer: This is taken from IMDb: His Eyes by Pseudo Echo.

Alan Keddie

His Eyes is the song she was dancing to in her room, but she was listening to a different song earlier on her Walkman.

Question: How exactly did Jason kill Andy? In other words, how did Andy end up the way he did?

Answer: Jason chops Andy in half with his trusty machete (his trademark weapon of choice). However from the way the kill was shot it looks as though Jason whacks Andy in the crotch from above (as Andy was walking on his hands at the time of his murder) so how he ended up in half at the waist is anyone's guess.

Alan Keddie

He wasn't cut in half at the waist. Look very carefully and you'll see that he was cut vertically, then his legs pulled it apart to rest his feet by his head.


Question: What did Mr. Burgundy's license plate say?

Answer: You are referring to Mr. Montgomery. And the license plate on Montgomery's car says "ALI BUY" on it. As in buying an alibi.

Question: Why does this version of Pennywise look so scary as opposed to Tim Curry's version? Tim's version looks harmless enough that children would definitely go up to him but Bill's version would certainly have scared a child even today.

Answer: It's a matter of artistic choice to create a different look and mood from its predecessor. The filmmakers of the new movie made Pennywise more overtly malevolent, whereas the Tim Curry version portrayed the character as benevolent looking to hide an evil interior, and be able to more easily gain children's trust..


Answer: Artistic choice, and (directly or indirectly) being more faithful to the original novel. Pennywise's appearance in this film is almost an exact replica of the book's descriptions, with a 19th century style added to it, and some minor changes.

Question: Why did Frodo decide to go to Mordor alone with Sam, and not bring the others with him?

Answer: Frodo did not want any more of the Fellowship to risk their lives on his behalf. He felt the ring quest was his burden alone. There was no way Sam was going to be left behind, so Frodo gave in and let him go along.


Question: When several soldiers surrender, why was the first one shot? I'm not referring to the end, I'm referring to the opening battle, when several surrendered, and only the first was shot.


Answer: In the D-Day scene at the beginning of the battle, when the Germans surrender after a brief trench battle, one gets shot. I think this is because one soldier was still very tense and shot the German because he didn't see his hands up in the fight or flight response he was having.

Answer: It's no's standard police procedure, and every step is shown in the film. Victor is known to the authorities as a drug dealer, and they match his fingerprints to those found at a murder scene. So they look up his address in their system, and go there.

Answer: He was saying he's paying the cable bill but Stewie said Peter pays the cable bill. Brian's reply is that the cable he's paying for is for a girl. It seems he's kind of embarrassed to say it and so it seems the bills he's paying aren't his but a girl he's dating (although somewhat implied that she's using him).


Into Harmony's Way - S12-E7

Question: Am I missing a joke here? At Mort's pharmacy, Peter says that he has $30,000 in credit card debt. And "five years salary, tax-free" would not put a dent in his problem. How is this possible? He is often the main or only income-earner in the household. I would expect just one year of his salary to be about $30,000, if not more.

Answer: The $30k was part of the song they were singing and Peter may have picked a number based on syllables to fit, not his actual debt. His actual debt maybe much higher as indicated by 5-years not putting a dent in it.


Question: At the end of the movie, Martin stabs Tavington in the stomach, and then in the throat. How does he know Tavington is really dead this time? Earlier in the film, Tavington pretended to be dead twice after Martin's sons shot him.

Answer: Guns were less powerful during Revolutionary times and the wounds were more survivable. Deep and ripping knife stabs to areas like the abdomen and the neck area are more likely to be fatal. Tavington may not die instantly, but he would probably bleed out and/or bleed internally fairly quickly.


Would being stabbed in the stomach, and in the throat have been enough to kill a person as tough as Tavington?

Absolutely. A deep stab to the stomach/intestinal area would be very deadly even today. Being stabbed directly in the throat would kill someone very fast due to a lack of air and inhaling blood into the lungs.


Answer: If you're talking about in the beginning and the relationship they had, when Katniss' father died (her mom's husband), her mom became severely depressed and shut down. 11 year old Katniss had to take it upon herself to basically raise her sister and herself at a time she really needed a mother, especially emotionally. Before she goes to the Hunger Games she tells her mother she has to be there for Prim.


Chosen answer: It is part of the ritual for la Santa Muerte. It is a sign of humility and sacrifice.


Question: Could someone please explain to me what I consider two of the biggest plot holes in this film. Firstly, how was Snake going to get his glider back in the air? If it had jets or thrusters on it, that would make sense, but when it first took off, it was being towed by a plane which means it is just a standard glider (Plissken does admit to Hauk that it will be an issue, but that explains little). Also given that it is a one-seat glider, how was he going to bring back the president on it? In fact, how were Brain, Maggie and the President (in their attempted double-cross) all going to squeeze onboard?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: When Snake is told how he getting in the other guys said he can take off from a free fall.

Chosen answer: You are correct in citing these problems as plot holes. Writer-director John Carpenter is notorious for glaring plot holes in his films over the decades, inasmuch as Carpenter crafts his films for shock effect, rather than continuity. Other examples of Carpenter's plot holes can be found in the original "Halloween" (for instance, how did the killer Michael Myers, who had been confined in a mental institution since he was a child, learn to drive an automobile like a stunt driver his first time behind the wheel?), and in "The Thing" (why is the Thing discovered frozen in ice only about 4 feet below the modern surface while its spaceship is buried ten yards deep in 100,000-year-old ice?), as well as in "Prince of Darkness," "Vampires" and other Carpenter films. One explanation is that Carpenter tends to edit-out slower, extraneous scenes that more fully explain the plot, in order to maintain a fast-paced storyline.

Charles Austin Miller

I would assume he would push free fall and build up enough speed to fly, and then pull up, the WTC was the largest building in NY at the time anyway.

Question: In the shot of Scooby and Shaggy in the Mystery Machine leaving the Wow-O-Toy Factory, where were they headed?

Answer: It's never mentioned where they went afterwards.


Answer: Their affair began in series 1, episode 6 ("Countrycide") and ended in episode 11 ("Combat").


Question: I find the logic in this movie confusing! How can the mom be pregnant with Boss Baby while he's in Baby Corp? How did he get out of the taxi walking and dancing to the door without the parents noticing yet enter the house with him in their arms? Are babies Suzie, the triplets, and Jimbo also from Baby Corp since they talk and act like Boss Baby? If Suzie is from Baby Corp, would she lose her formula after being "accepted" into kindergarten with a picture of a smiley face? If the Boss Baby quits his job to be part of the Templeton family again, wouldn't he have ended up with some other family unintentionally? Finally, if the Boss Baby came back as a regular baby, why wasn't the mom pregnant?

Answer: Tim is shown to have an extremely active imagination, so he probably just imagined the whole Baby Corp and Puppy Co plots as a way of dealing with the arrival of a new (real) baby brother.


Question: Why did they change Shell cottage belonging to Bill and Fleur after they were married as it was in the book to saying in the movie that it belongs to the order? I know that they change certain things in the movies but doesn't it seem a bit pointless to change just a little thing like that?


Answer: Bill Weasley never said Shell Cottage was owned by the Order. He tells Luna Lovegood that Shell Cottage belonged to his aunt but that the Order now uses it as a safe house.


Question: I recently purchased the soundtrack to Rocky IV and one of the songs is called Man Against The World. The small pamphlet that came with the CD stated that this song was originally going to be in the movie but was eventually left out. Had this song been in the movie, what scene would this song have appeared in?

Answer: Presumably it would have been used in the scene where Rocky and company arrive in Russia. Burning Heart (also by Survivor) was chosen to be used in this scene instead.


Question: At the very beginning of the film, young Henry boards the Flying Dutchman to speak to Will. When Will looks behind him, he sees the shadows of several crew member starting to make their way towards him and he suddenly gets frightened that the crew will see Henry. Why would he react this way? Since he's captain of the Flying Dutchman, if his men saw Henry, Will could order them to leave Henry alone.

Answer: He's probably worried that either the crew will attack or at very least frighten Henry. Or he just doesn't want Henry to see how horribly the curse can affect people.

But because Will is ferrying souls to the after life, like Davy Jones should have done for the full time, he was captain of the Dutchman. There is no curse that would make the men look like sea monsters. They only started to look like that because Jones denied his duties after 10 years of service, when Calipso didn't show up. So the crew would look like normal men, so Will being worried that Henry will be frightened by them, can't be the reason he started to panic.

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