Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: The tune is FSU's "Massacre War Chant." There's a history of how it all came about (which the Atlanta Braves adopted), but that's the music that usually accompanies the "Tomahawk Chop." It's also known as just "War Chant", but I think "War Chant" is a slightly altered version.


Answer: They're imitating a Native American chant in the style of the Atlanta Braves, from whom they also take the chop.

Question: During jury selection, Kevin decides to have one of the jury dismissed, I believe, because of the shoes the jury member wore. What exactly do the guy's shoes have to do with anything?

Answer: The shoes showed him this man polishes them every day, also his clothes are custom made. That all means the look he has of a black thug is deceiving, instead he's a cautious, proud person they can't use in the jury. Just to add, Kevin knows all this because the devil (his father, spoiler alert) is giving him the talent to do it, not a logical explanation can be given why he dismisses these people.


Question: What caused Helen and Madeline to break into pieces as they fell down the steps of the church?

Answer: They were warned earlier in the film that they needed to take care of their bodies. But obviously, they put them through a lot of abuse. They didn't take care of themselves, needing to be patched up frequently and whatnot. As a result, at this point, their bodies are like living mannequins more than human bodies. They simply break apart with force, such as falling down the stairs.


Answer: Their bodies had become physically corrupted and fragile from the extreme anti-aging potion, and any stress caused catastrophic damage.


Question: When the clones arrived at Geonosis, why didn't Palpatine just execute Order 66 there?


Answer: Palpatine had a clear, detailed plan mapped out. First he was to become Chancellor by sympathetic vote after the invasion of Naboo. Then he would instigate the Civil War with the Seperatists in order to install himself as a lifelong Emperor while using Order 66 to wipe out the Jedi. Finally he would completely dissolve the Senate, leaving no-one left to challenge him. He needs the Jedi to fight in his proxy war with the Seperatists to dwindle their numbers and give the illusion that the clones are fighting for the Republic, when in reality they are fighting for him. When Palpatine finally does execute Order 66, it is after the war has left both sides crippled, with the Jedi at the weakest they've been in ages.


Answer: He might not have had such a plan in place at that time. He also wanted Anakin to eventually become his new apprentice, so he wouldn't want to risk him being killed by ordering the Clone Army to execute all the Jedi.


Oh he did have a plan, but I agree the biggest reason was that Anakin was still a Jedi and he couldn't execute the order until he had turned Anakin to the dark side.


He had a long-term plan to wipe out the Jedi, yes, but at this point I don't think he had any plan to kill them all from a logistical standpoint, especially given that he had just barely received the Clone Army.


The Sith ordered the clone army to be made and they were made specifically with order 66 in them, and Palpatine knew it from his former master (who manipulated Jedi Sifo-Dyas to place the order). It was always the plan to kill the Jedi. He just had to wait.


Question: Considering how big the Basilisk is, how is it able to travel through the pipes in Hogwarts since so many of them are small?

Answer: It was traveling through the pipes that it could fit into.


So how was it able to get into the girls restroom and kill Moaning Myrtle many years ago? All of those pipes in the restroom aren't large enough.

The girls' bathroom is the entrance to the chamber of secrets. She was in there when Tom Riddle opened it and let the snake out.


Answer: Perhaps the basilisk is a magical creature and can change size at any given time to fit into those tiny pipes.

Yes like the Occamy in fantastic beasts and where to find them.

Answer: The tunnel that leads into the Chamber of Secrets is really big. The basilisk could have made its way up into it.

Yes but the general pipes in the castle are not that size. The entrance tunnel was that big for a reason.


Question: Why would Harry say Voldemort killed Cedric? Obviously it was Wormtail.


Answer: Wormtail was acting on Voldemort's order. Voldemort ordered Pettrigrew (Wormtail) to, "kill the spare," meaning Cedric.


With Voldemort's wand even.


Answer: Peter Pettigrew was believed to be dead by the entire wizarding world. The only witnesses are Lupin (a werewolf), Sirius, who is still on the run, Harry, Ron and Hermione. No one believed him about Voldemort returning, as they thought he was only seeking attention. Its safe to assume everyone would also think the same about Pettigrew being alive.

Answer: This may be addressed in "Spider-Man: Far From Home" but without any sort of onscreen confirmation thus far, all we can do is speculate. Perhaps Peter was mistaken about how Aunt May would feel about him being Spider-Man, or he could have simply told her he would stop being Spider-Man but lied about it.


Question: Why didn't they just cast Avada Kedavra on the Horcruxes and then disapparate before the ministry could find them as I think they can detect the unforgivable curses being used?


Answer: The avada kedavra curse did not work on the horcruxes while there was more than one in existence. That was why baby Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him using that curse, and why Voldemort could not be killed until all the other horcruxes were destroyed. The horcruxes could only be destroyed by a few methods, such as with basilisk venom or fiendfyre. The horcrux inside Harry was later killed by Voldemort using avada kedavra, but that seems to be because the other horcruxes had already been destroyed. Voldemort never knew that Harry carried a horcrux inside him.


Actually Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him because of the love of his mother and her sacrifice. Voldemort's killing curse rebounded upon that love spell and caused a piece of his soul (already shattered from killing Harry's parents) to transfer to Harry. The reason Voldemort's killing curse worked to kill the horcrux inside Harry was because Harry was simply killed by the killing curse along with the horcrux and then the resurrection stone resurrected Harry, but not the horcrux.


That's true, his mother's love protected him. However, at the end, Harry wasn't dead-he was in-between life and death and he had the choice to either go back to the living world or "move on." He chose to return. The resurrection stone did not play a part in reviving him. There is still much confusion and debate over exactly when and how the horcrux inside Harry was destroyed.


He had the resurrection stone in his hand when he confronted Voldemort in the forest, that's why he had a choice, because of the stone. After resurrecting the stone was left behind.


That is incorrect. Harry is holding the Resurrection Stone while he is speaking to the spirits of his mother, father, Lupin, and Sirius. Just before he leaves them, he drops the stone, and it is seen falling from his hand to the ground in the forest "before" he goes to meet Voldemort. (In the book, the stone is left in the forest so that no-one will be able to use it.) The stone did not play any part in Harry being revived. You can watch the clip on YouTube.


Hm, yeah all right. But then he didn't actually use it, only to talk to deceased loved ones, which bothers me and when I'm bothered the ground quakes. I always thought its power worked on till the moment he got killed and then resurrected him.


The Resurrection Stone was only to bring back someone else from the dead, not one's own self. It had to be used by a living person who called for a dead person to return to the earth, though as Hermione read from the book (when the Trio was at the Lovegood house), the dead person was never really resurrected to a full living being again and did not understand the world they were brought back to.


Question: When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are on the train to Hogwarts, the trolley of food comes by and Ron asks for two items but then changes his mind and only gets one. Was there something specific that made him not want the second item?

Answer: Ron realised he didn't have enough money to pay for both. The Weasley family was poor, and Ron often had to do with much less than his peers. This sometimes caused friction between him and Harry, whose parents had left him a small fortune.


Reunion - S3-E11

Question: The burial vault which Matt and Karen hide in has the name "Edmond Cleary Cass" on the front of it, shown pretty. Does that name have any significance to the show or Marvel?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: After some research, I can say that no, Cass is not a character of Marvel, nor is he present in the Netflix show. As far as I can tell, it's either a real person, or a random name chosen for the coffin, most likely the former. In another season of Daredevil, the show utilized a real cemetery displaying real names in the tombstones.

Answer: I did a little research too. Interestingly enough I found a Friar named "Edmund Cass" who as far as I could tell is still alive and well. I wonder if that was just a coincidence.

Jiu-Jitsu, Bubble Wrap, and Yoo-Hoo - S1-E17

Question: Why does the girl who keeps going after Sheldon go after him at all? She looks at him like she just hates his guts and would love to kill him, but why? I know that bullies go after the weaker people but she seems to act like Sheldon ruined her life or something.


Answer: Some people just have a dislike for someone that can't be explained. Could be as simple as the way he's dressed.

Question: What was that big ball of flames that broke the jet in half?

Answer: Watching the scene it is the rest of the missile finally exploding causing the jet to split in half.


Answer: So that didn't feel he was being watched and judged by her.


Question: Why are Dan and Eddie in wool sweaters on a tropical beach when the women are in bikinis at the end of the movie?

Answer: Character choice. I've seen people doing exactly that if they are not happy with their body image.


Question: I kinda don't understand the ending. Does Anne no longer blame Eddie for losing her job and ending their relationship? Did both Eddie and Anne get their jobs back or do they move on? What has become of The Life Foundation? Has founder Carlton Drake been exposed for the evil person he is for killing homeless people and Dora Skirth?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Since Eddie is seen talking with Ann, she seems to have forgiven him. Ann decides to become a public defender and Eddie was given his old job back but, he chose not to take it. Instead, he decides to go back to journalism. As for the Life Foundation, it's only speculation but, with the photos that Eddie took, it's possible that it shut down and Drake's plans and the people he murdered were exposed to the public.

Question: Why would the company need a biological weapon and how would they use the alien as such?

Answer: The company might have some use for the creatures for themselves, but more likely saw the aliens as a commodity, a biological weapon to be sold for profit.


Answer: The company is huge and diverse. Presumably it has a weapons division. An alien creature might give their researchers something to investigate that was unknown to rival businesses.

Answer: The company is in the business of colonizing planets.Now if a rival company were doing the same thing the company could plant an alien on the planet to wreak havoc and make it inhospitable, therefore making their own planets more desirable and ultimately more profitable.A ruthless tactic but the company is ruthless.

I like this answer the best.


Thanks Lionhead.

Answer: The nefarious "militarization" of newly-discovered properties (both earthly and otherworldly) is a common and predictable sci-fi and space-fantasy subplot that is so overused that it has become cliché. Usually, the specific military application is never actually revealed. It's really recycled social commentary, implying that humanity is so materialistic and ruthless that WE are the real "monsters," with no regard for Life (human or otherwise) in the natural world. This creates a dual threat within the movie, with the hero and/or heroine providing the only moral compass between a sensational alien confrontation and an even more terrifying human menace.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: When does Michael use the rewind button? I've seen at least 1 scene but I heard there were 2 scenes that he used the rewind button.

Answer: He also used it to see what the first kiss song was. The Cranberries.

Answer: He used it first to go back when he saw himself being "made", his birth, and 1976 when he was a child. Later in the film, he used it again (with the help of Morty) to see the last known time he saw his father alive (upon learning he died while in the future).

Question: In the second Terminator movie, the Terminator says that he can't self-terminate. When the Terminator is trying to defeat T-X, he manages to destroy himself and her in the process. If the Terminator couldn't self-terminate in the second movie, how come the new one could?

Answer: The difference there would be suicide vs sacrifice. In T2, basically what he meant is he could not commit suicide as it was against his programming. They had beat the T-1000 and had won, but it was too dangerous for Terminator to stick around and knew he had to be destroyed. But he could not purposely do it to himself as it was an act of suicide. However in T3, it was a sacrificial move. The goal of his actions was not to destroy himself, it was to take out the TX and prevent her from reaching John. He had to do this by any means necessary and made a sacrifice play by shoving his core into her mouth and blowing them both up. It wasn't suicide this way, it wasn't self termination. He was taking her out but caused himself to be collateral damage.

Quantom X

Also, after watching that scene again, I'm adding this little tidbit. The Terminator didn't actually die from the thing he did to the TX in that move. If you notice towards the end after the nuclear bombs go off, the fall out ash is falling down around its head and its eyes are still on, slowly fading away. It was badly damaged by its move, but the bombs in the end finished him off.

Quantom X

Answer: For me, T2 was a lot about machines being able to learn so in T3 when he managed to shut himself down it was because he had learned compassion and not to be just a machine following orders as well as understanding how vital it was that John survived.


Answer: If you listen in the second film, I don't remember if it was cut out of the theatrical film and put back in the extended version or not, John and Terminator are in the desert looking at the guns Terminator says "I have to stay functional until the missions is complete." Once the T1000 is dead Terminator had no other reason to function and thus sacrificed himself. In this film he knows the fuel cell would destroy the TX once that happened his mission was completed and no longer had any real reason to function anyone.

That can't be the case, because by the end of T2 his mission was complete, and he still couldn't self terminate.

Answer: He's old and going senile, and is also quite sick and experiencing seizures. It would seem all the inane things he's droning on about (including Mrs. Muffet and the Spiders, and reciting a Taco Bell commerical) are just a result of that - he falls into delirious states where he acts completely insane before he gets his medicine, which calms him back down.


My impression, and I may be wrong, was that he was hearing random thoughts from people in the area and repeating them.

Question: Between this and Fallen Kingdom, why did the filmmakers suddenly decide to have Blue be a caring character? The Raptors have always been known as blood-thirsty carnivores that'll tear you apart-even when they're not hungry, and yet Blue is almost the opposite. Why her of all Raptors/dinosaurs and why was that decision made? And movie-wise, why were the scientists suddenly keen on doing that for her as well? What's there to gain from it?

Answer: Blue and the other raptors in Jurassic World were trained to respond to human commands, particularly to Owen. The reason the raptors "turn" on Owen is because the I-Rex has raptor DNA in it and became the alpha of the raptors. But then the raptors turn their loyalty back to Owen at the end of the Jurassic World. In Fallen Kingdom, the scientists try to use the fact that Blue follows command to breed a new dinosaur capable of being used as a weapon (by using Blue's DNA/blood).


Answer: Owen raised Blue since birth, and she imprinted on him as her "mother." Blue retained her bond to him though she instinctively responded to the Indominus rex as the new alpha. In Fallen Kingdom, there were videos showing the young Blue's strong attachment and obedience to Owen. That does not mean Blue was tame and wouldn't hurt humans and Owen always maintained the raptors were not safe. Of course, this is a move, and the raptors are written to behave in a way that serves the plot, regardless of logic.


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