
Continuity mistake: When the main German soldier (Paul) is regretting stabbing the French soldier and is attempting to help him, the Frenchman puts his arm on this chest. In the next shot, his arm is off his chest and is lying on the ground.


16th Nov 2011

Quantum Leap (1989)

Jimmy - October 14, 1964 - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the episode Michael Madsen's character attempts to run over Sam with a forklift, causing the boy to fall into the water and almost drown. As the boy is falling into the water, there is a wide shot of the action. In the scene, a box is being pushed over the edge into the harbor. In the close shot following, the box is gone, as are other items nearby.


16th Nov 2011

Quantum Leap (1989)

Jimmy - October 14, 1964 - S2-E8

Revealing mistake: When Sam is helping Frank clean his truck, an old couple passes as they are talking. Watch the shadows on the left side of the frame right before they enter. The shadows pause for a second, and then the couple walks on screen as they are being cued by the director.


10th Nov 2011

Quantum Leap (1989)

10th Nov 2011

Quantum Leap (1989)

27th Jun 2011

Highlander (1986)

Audio problem: The bad guy (Kurgan) stabs a thug and raises him in the air. During this scene the guy stabbed is making noises, including the word "what", however his mouth doesn't match up with what he is mumbling.


Revealing mistake: The movie is set in New York City yet during the fight in the parking garage before Jackie jumps to the adjacent building, high mountains can be seen in the distance in numerous shots.


3rd Feb 2011

Howard the Duck (1986)

1st Jan 2011

Tooth Fairy (2010)

Tooth Fairy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Rock is giving the kid his present (a hockey stick) the paper covering it changes height in the shots. He even takes the paper almost all the way off when in the next shot it is back on.


1st Jan 2011

Breakdown (1997)

Revealing mistake: When Kurt is floating down the river after escaping the vehicle, his shirt looks much bigger than normal, indicating he is wearing a flotation device.


29th Dec 2010

The Simpsons (1989)

26th Dec 2010

Scrooged (1988)

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film before Frank starts singing, watch the guy to his left (screen right) in the plaid shirt. He goes from being next to him to behind him and jumps around a few times in the scene.


Plot hole: How would Arnold know about the cop hitting the bus when he was running away from him during the parade? He was far past him at that point.


Visible crew/equipment: Right before Turboman runs into Booster, the camera is showing his point of view. Its shadow, with wires etc. can be seen on one of the men moving the lift.


Continuity mistake: When the cop salutes Turboman at the parade, the coffee he spilled on his gloves minutes earlier has mysteriously disappeared, as have the marks all over him from the explosion earlier.


5th Dec 2010

Tropic Thunder (2008)

Continuity mistake: Tugg's amount of white makeup on his face changes constantly during and after the scene where the little boy hands him the wooden Oscar.


5th Dec 2010

Bad Santa (2003)

5th Dec 2010

UHF (1989)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the telethon when they are just about to make 75,000 dollars, Al puts the money in the limo guy's window. Look at the sign showing the dollar amount they are at. It shows 75,000 well in advance of them pulling it down (which happens in the next shot). (01:26:25)


13th Nov 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

Toy Story 3 trivia picture

Trivia: One of the costumes Ken tries on for Barbie is the same costume Clark Griswold wore in European Vacation. Ken even dances the same as Clark did in that film. (01:01:50)


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