
29th Jul 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

26th Jul 2021

Rocky III (1982)

Visible crew/equipment: During the second fight, there's a brief shot looking at the opposite side of the ring. A large motion picture camera and its operator are blatantly visible in the crowd.


Visible crew/equipment: After school gets out, the seniors chase the freshmen in a truck. We see a shot looking at the scared freshmen in the back window. The camera's shadow is visible the entire shot.


14th Jul 2021

Firestarter (1984)

Other mistake: Vicky is murdered and her corpse pops out of the closet. She slowly opens her eyes despite being dead.


28th Jun 2021

Citizen Kane (1941)

Other mistake: In the extremely low angle shot where Leland is drunk talking to Kane, a black visible object is stuck to the frame of the camera, bottom left. As Kane walks out of the shot, the camera pans up and it is gone.


28th Jun 2021

Citizen Kane (1941)

Audio problem: When Kane is talking to Mr. Carter about what the Inquirer should be printing, we see a shot of Kane talking from behind. His mouth movements are slightly off from the audio.


28th Jun 2021

Citizen Kane (1941)

Visible crew/equipment: When Mr. Thompson goes to the Thatcher library, he walks through a door and the camera follows him. Just before the shot ends, the camera casts a shadow on the left wall.


Revealing mistake: During one of the chase scenes, an SUV hits a rock barrier and flips over landing on its top. The car spins around, and we see that it is empty. The driver then climbs out as if he was just in the vehicle.


23rd Jun 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

23rd Jun 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

21st Jun 2021

Batman (1989)

Audio problem: Bruce watches Commissioner Gordon on tape at his party. In the first part, the audio is laid wrong and their mouths don't match.


10th Jun 2021

Sudden Impact (1983)

Visible crew/equipment: On the carousel at the end, the camera is going around with the bad guys and the main female protagonist. Several times you can see its shadow and that of crew members as the light is behind the camera.


10th Jun 2021

Sudden Impact (1983)

Visible crew/equipment: A woman enters an art gallery and the camera tracks along with her, ending when she stops. To the right is a plate of glass. The heads of two crew members are painfully obvious in the reflection. Their reflections disappear when the camera backs up. Its likely the camera operator and an assistant.


7th Jun 2021

Unhinged (2020)

Revealing mistake: During the mall chase scene, a cop car flips upside down and is sliding. At one point, the wires pulling it are briefly visible.


29th May 2021

The Goonies (1985)

Other mistake: When Mikey is telling the story of One-Eyed Willy, something stuck to the lens of the camera is visible on his head. This is visible on the television airings but may or may not have been fixed for home media.


Continuity mistake: The sun is coming up behind McClane at the end. Particularly noticeable in the shot where McClane is shooting at Simon. The previous and following shots show a black sky.


24th May 2021

Quantum Leap (1989)

Another Mother - September 30, 1981 - S2-E13

Trivia: One of the girls mentions wanting to watch "Magnum", as in Magnum P.I. which she ends up doing. Sam replies that the show will be on for 8 more seasons. The episode takes place in 1981, and Magnum P.I. would end its run in 1988. Quantum Leap and Magnum P.I. share a creator, Donald Bellisario.


Continuity mistake: The damage to the sedan during the shootout on the road changes. The windshield goes from being normal to full of cracks.


Continuity mistake: Deniro starts taking off his jacket at the dance competition and it's halfway off his left shoulder. In the next shot his jacket is back on.


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