
Continuity mistake: When the kids burst into the house party there are two shots of them flooding in. In the second shot there are kids already on the stairs partying.


23rd Jan 2017

Grumpy Old Men (1993)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when the IRS man attempts to pry open John's door, he gets one board slightly off. In the overhead shot, the board is completely off and on the ground.


Continuity mistake: During the beginning of the chase sequence, Marty is hanging on to a rope and there is a rear facing shot looking at him. There are two wet tire tracks in the shot. These disappear in the following shots.


1st Jan 2017

Enchanted (2007)

Revealing mistake: In the hotel room, Nathaniel picks up the squirrel by the tail. In the very first shot he goes to grab it and grabs thin air below the prince's knee. In the quick angle change he has the squirrel in his hand. It looks like either the actor or the computer animator didn't quite sync things up.


Factual error: Nick says earthworms are dormant this time of year. In the summer? No way. Basic common sense says otherwise.


Visible crew/equipment: When the neighbors are shooing the cops out, the husband opens the door. As he does the reflection of a crew member in the door glass.


31st Dec 2016

Reign (2013)

Getaway - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Bash takes his shirt off revealing the wound on his right arm. He starts wrapping it again with cloth and the scene cuts to Kenna. It cuts back quickly to Bash and his bandage is fully tied. There is no way he could accomplish this one handed.


28th Dec 2016

Frozen (2013)

28th Dec 2016

Cocoon (1985)

Revealing mistake: Don Ameche's double is the one doing the elaborate dancing on the floor at the bar. You'll notice the double's hair is different and if you slow the scene down, it's clear it isn't the real actor.


28th Dec 2016

Cocoon (1985)

Trivia: Some of the cloud effects were created by dumping colored dyes in tanks of water which were then superimposed into the shot.


28th Dec 2016

Cocoon (1985)

28th Dec 2016

Cocoon (1985)

Revealing mistake: When the Pillsbury alien comes in to the pool house, a bright white light turns on from the far left. It is supposed to be emanating from Pillsbury. The color is also incorrect.


19th Dec 2016

Speed (1994)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene after the bus gets off the on ramp and hits a bunch of cars, there is a rear facing shot. The shadow of the camera that is attached to the bus is visible during most of the shot.


19th Dec 2016

Speed (1994)

Audio problem: When Keanu is pulling onto the freeway in his jeep, he starts honking his horn. The actor isn't pressing the horn in the wide shot. When we see Keanu from the front he is.


19th Dec 2016

The X-Files (1993)

2Shy - S3-E6

Continuity mistake: The drawing image of the killer loads twice on the computer. You can see it start to load in the first shot which is closer. In the very next shot it loads from nothing again.


19th Dec 2016

The X-Files (1993)

2Shy - S3-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When the apartment owner comes over to the killer's apartment, she puts an envelope over near others. Right as she notices the flies, the camera tracks to the left and back. You can see its shadow cast on the wall to the left.


19th Dec 2016

The X-Files (1993)

The List - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: Later in the episode a man bangs on an air conditioner to try and stop it from making noise. In the first scene you can tell air is moving because the streamers are moving. After he bangs on the unit the streamers stop moving. The air conditioner is still on. (00:32:30)


19th Dec 2016

The X-Files (1993)

Sing Me a Song - S7-E7

Visible crew/equipment: Negan and Carl go for a ride in the big truck. Daryl tells Negan not to harm Carl and he flips him off. In this scene, the camera tracks upward and its shadow casts on the truck. Also a film light can be seen reflected in the door jam.


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