
Question: Why is it necessary for Draco to confirm that the real Harry has been captured by the bounty hunters? Lucius and Bellatrix have each dealt with Harry before.

Answer: Lucius and Bellatrix were unable to confirm Harry's identity because Hermione had jinxed his face to disguise him just before the snatchers captured them. They are fairly certain it is Harry, but as Bellatrix says, if they summon Lord Voldemort, and they are wrong, he will kill them all. Of all the Death Eaters at Malfoy Hall, no one knows Harry better than Draco, having spent more time with him because they were schoolmates. Lucius and Bellatrix have to be absolutely sure that this is Harry Potter.


16th Dec 2015

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: Why is the lawyer visiting the mines at the beginning of the film? He ultimately brings along Dr Malcolm so why go see a 'digger' who is not Grant?


Chosen answer: Hammond was being pressured to have outside consultants evaluate the feasibility of the park's ability to function in both a safe and profitable manner. Hammond relents to the demands but he wants Dr. Alan Grant, whose research he has been supporting for the past three years, to evaluate the park. Hammond believes Grant will endorse the park, especially after Hammond offers to continue funding Grant's dig for another three years. That potentially makes Grant's conclusions biased, and the other investors want more varied opinions, including one about Dr. Grant, which is why the lawyer visits the other paleontologist.


Question: Wouldn't Lockhart be subject to disciplinary action by the Ministry of Magic considering he attempted to run away from Hogwarts whilst a student was missing and in danger, and he should have been there to help with the rest of the staff?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Considering that he was rendered mentally incapacitated by the backfiring spell from Ron's broken wand, he would not be considered competent, at that time, to be charged with any wrongdoing. If you watch the film until after the end credits, it is seen that Lockhart is confined to a mental institution with little of his memory left intact. Most likely his actions were reported to the authorities, and if he ever regained his senses, would likely face some sort of inquiry about what happened at Hogwarts.


Question: When Hermione goes to Gringotts disguised as Bellatrix, the bank manager asks to see her wand. Hermione has Bellatrix's wands from the previous film. Why does she not simply show it?


Chosen answer: Hermione knows this is an unusual request and she and (and Harry) suspect the bank knows that Bellatrix's wand was captured by Harry Potter (at the end of Part 1). Showing the bank manager the real wand would prove that this is not Bellatrix. The bank and Voldemort's minions expected that Harry and the others might go to Gringotts searching for a Horcrux in the Lestrange's vault. They are setting a trap for Harry and his accomplices.


Incidentally, if I remember right, in the book Hermione actually does hand over Bellatrix's wand, not realizing the Gringotts goblins already know the wand is no longer in her possession, forcing Harry to cast a timely Imperius Curse to avoid the entire plan being exposed.

Question: I get that the DADA role is cursed because of Voldemort being denied the role when he applied for it at Hogwarts, but why does Dumbledore not let Snape take the role like he's wanted to every year? I thought Snape was a double agent (he spies on the Death Eaters and Voldemort for Dumbledore, and he pretends to be on Voldemort's side too), so unless Voldemort decides that he wants to get rid of him for being in the role, he's okay to take it on provided he's given it, and yet every year, Dumbledore turns down his application. Is it because Snape's too involved in Voldemort's side of things or some other reason? I hope I explained it well.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: There are several reasons. First, the position is cursed, so there is little reason to give Snape the job when he will not last any longer than all the previous instructors. If Snape did become the DADA instructor, something could happen to him that could result in his being harmed, having to leave Hogwarts, or be otherwise incapacitated in some way; that would render him useless to Dumbledore as a double agent. Also, Dumbledore trusts Snape, but putting him in an environment where he is teaching about dark magic on a daily basis would be too tempting and emotionally compromising to someone who had been so easily seduced by the dark side. He could possibly relapse. It would be like having a recovering alcoholic work as a bartender. Of course, he does eventually become the DADA instructor, and lasted no longer than his predecessors.


In the movies it is never mentioned that DADA role was cursed by Voldemort.

This is true; though it doesn't say it's not either. With trying to fit 7 long books and years worth of pages of HP information in 2 and a half hours; as long as the movie doesn't say it's not cursed, with our knowledge, there is no problem with reporting that it is. Even directors of non-book movies do this all the time; leave background information out that helps explain things they just didn't have time so they explained it behind the scenes.

Question: Why does Barty Crouch Jr. flee when the prisoner says his name? Surely the minister's son could easily claim that the desperate prisoner trying to get out of jail's claim is completely false. And was the man in prison in that scene the Damstrung headmaster, and if yes, is that why he and Moody (Crouch) were so suspicious of each other in the trophy room right after Harry's name was drawn?


Chosen answer: Even though Barty Jr. could claim he was being set up, he would have been interrogated using veritase serum, a potion that forces wizards to tell the truth. Some can circumvent its effect, but Barty was not a talented enough wizard to do this. The prisoner who implicated him in that scene was Igor Karkaroff, who became headmaster of Durmstrang, the wizard school that was participating in the Triwizard Tournament. Karkiroff was a Death Eater who defected to Dumbledore's side. Moody (a disguised Barty Jr.) would never have trusted him under any circumstances. Karkaroff had been previously pursued and captured by the real Mad Eye Moody, and would naturally have a negative reaction to being around him.


Answer: Barty Crouch Jr. appeared to be a fanatical Voldemort supporter, not unlike Bellatrix Lestrange and several other death eaters. They refused to deny their allegiance. This differs from the book, where Barty does protest his innocence, but his father refuses to spare him mercy to set an example.

Answer: He didn't attempt to flee. He tried to kill the prisoner for exposing him and for betraying Voldemort.

14th Dec 2015

Twilight (2008)

Question: Near the end of the movie, at the prom, when Bella and Edward first walk in, Bella spots Jessica and signals something to her with her hand going across her chest. What was Bella signalling to Jessica?


Chosen answer: Earlier, when the girls were shopping for prom dresses in Port Angeles, Jessica commented that the low-cut dress she was trying on made her boobs "look good." She is wearing that same dress at the prom, and Bella is gesturing and then giving a "thumbs up" that Jessica's cleavage does look good. Jessica mouths back, "I know."


26th Nov 2015

The Color Purple (1985)

Question: Shug and Celie found the hiding place in the floor in the bedroom looking for the letters. They found naked pictures, money, and of course the letters from Nettie. There were also some vials of something. What was inside of the vials?


Chosen answer: They appear to be illegal drugs.


Answer: Colognes.

Question: Before Voldemort destroys the shield around Hogwarts, Bellatrix appears to be saying or trying to do something to the army behind him. What is she saying/doing?

Answer: It's not known what she was doing. Any answer would be a guess.


Question: Sirius says that Snape already knew a lot of curses when they started at Hogwarts. How could Snape have been practising outside of school if he was underage?

Answer: It was never said he was actually practising. Like Hermione, he learned much about magic by extensive reading. Snape, unlike Hermione, was born into a wizard family and could also learn much by observing others. Also, J.K. Rowling later explained that wizard children could not always be monitored if they used magic or not, because the adults in the same household would also be casting charms and spells. The "trace" put on under-aged wizards could not specifically identify individuals while they were in their homes.


23rd Nov 2015

Everest (2015)

Question: Sounds a bit weird to me that there would be a direct flight from Christchurch to Kathmandu in the beginning of the movie?

Answer: I did an Internet search, and every flight from Christchurch to Katmandu has at least two stopovers. However, the film takes place about two decades ago and there is no readily available information on flight paths for that time.


16th Nov 2015

Twilight (2008)

Question: When Bella was in her room talking with Edward saying like he wanted to try something, when the kissing got intense someone yelled "stop." Was it Edward or Bella?


Chosen answer: It was Edward. He was commanding himself to stop, knowing that his becoming physically intimate with Bella could kill her, due to his immense strength, or he might not be able to stop himself biting her.


Question: After Fredo gives away that he already knows Johnny, Michael gives the nod to his bodyguard to assassinate Roth. But he earlier told Fredo that he was going to kill Roth before the New Year, so he must have known that Fredo would warn Roth. So why make the attempt?


Chosen answer: Michael knows that Fredo will not warn Roth. Fredo is now running for his life, both terrified and horrified by what he'd done. He wants to hide from Michael's retribution. He had naively believed that there would never be an assassination attempt on Michael's life, and thought what he'd done was relatively minor and would only result in him earning a lot of money.


16th Nov 2015

The Village (2004)

Question: If the elders know the creatures are an invention they created/use and they know what the outside world is like, then why didn't one of the elders go grab the medicine? They literally create this utopia because of violence in their past, yet are willing to let two members possibly die to preserve what secret?

Answer: The elders made a pact with each that none of them would ever return to the modern world, not for any reason.


Answer: For one of the Elders to leave, would cause the younger generations to question the danger of 'those we do not speak of' and possibly embolden them to venture into the woods, and possibly finding the limits of their known world, destroying everything the Elders originally sacrificed everything for. The younger villagers are shown already pushing the boundaries of these creatures, so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe if they witness an Elder going into the woods, that the creatures aren't nearly dangerous as told. This is why the Elders got so angry when August sent Ivy without their consent. Her knowledge of the fabrication risks jeopardizing everything.

Question: At the end when Miranda smiles in her limo after dismissing Andi's wave, what does this mean? Is she secretly proud of Andi for leaving? Is there director's commentary on this? Also, Andi giggles at Miranda's dismissal. Is it because she knows Miranda endorsed her?

Answer: Miranda smiles because she is admitting to herself that she has come to like and respect Andi, who was unlike any assistant she'd ever had before. She did not want to let Andi see that. As she told Andi, she saw a lot of herself in her. Mirianda always is protecting her work image of being a powerful corporate leader, but once she is inside the taxi where Andi cannot see her, she lets her guard down. Andi smiles, as she often does, because she easily shrugs things off, but she can also see through Miranda's tough facade. Andi also appreciates that Miranda did support her.


Question: When Harry and Dumbledore find the locket horcux, why did Dumbledore drink the liquid instead of just dumping it out by using the bowl?

Answer: It was magically charmed so that the only way to empty the liquid from the bowl to retrieve the locket horcrux was by drinking it. Harry tried removing it using the ladle, but it would not remove any liquid at all.


2nd Nov 2015

Twilight (2008)

Question: I never read the book, but have been bothered as to why no one pressed Bella for more answers after "Twilight" because it's obvious in following movies that the scar on her hand is a bite and not some 'fall through a glass window' which was used as an excuse for the rest of her injuries. Can anyone help me?

Answer: There is no exact answer to this. It is one of many glossed over plot details that make no real sense. We are supposed to believe that everyone accepted that the scar was created by her supposedly falling down a flight of stairs and through a window.


29th Oct 2015

Crimson Peak (2015)

Question: What's the deal with the puppy, and did it die in the end?

Answer: It was killed by Lucille in one of the final scenes.

Answer: Just before the doctor was stabbed by Thomas Sharpe, his sister kills the dog she despises just off to the side and behind them-you can hear its final whimper.

Erik M.

Answer: The dog belonged to one of Sir Thomas' former wives. He had abandoned it on the moors, thinking it would die, but it came back to the house.


Question: When Professor Snape first talks to Harry about Occlumency, what is he doing with the leather belt thing on the table? He only points his wand at Harry when he casts a spell; it's unclear why anything in the belt was necessary.

Answer: These were instruments Snape probably intended to use at some point in teaching Harry Occlumency. Their contentious relationship had quickly ended their lessons before Harry learned this skill.


14th Oct 2015

Rizzoli and Isles (2010)

Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.


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