
21st Mar 2022

General questions

I remember watching a black and white short film in history class in high school. It featured a man about to be hanged (I recall a closeup of his face with tears rolling down his cheeks, and he had a thick mustache). He managed to escape and lead his captors on a chase, but his escape ended up being either a dream or fantasy, and the act of him dropping or his noose snapping is what brought him back to reality. Anyone know what this was?


Answer: I remember it well. This was the Oscar winning, 1962 short French film titled, "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," directed by Robert Enrico. Set during the Civil War, there is virtually no dialogue. It was televised two times as a special edited episode of "The Twilight Zone." It is not part of the series syndication, though an edited version (dubbed over with awful music) is on YouTube. It was based on a short story by Ambrose Bierce, who served in the Civil War as a Union soldier.


Answer: There was a 1962 French short film called "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" with no dialog where a man being hung escapes when his rope breaks and when he makes it home the film cuts to him hanging from the rope because it was all a fantasy. The "Twilight Zone" then bought the rights to the film and included it as a season 5 episode.


Question: I know that in the book Harry strongly regretted that he almost killed Malfoy. But why didn't he regret it in the film? In the novel he even states that he regrets it but in the movie there is no mention that he feels remorse or regret for almost killing Draco.

Answer: It can only be speculated as to why Harry didn't verbalize his regret in the film. While it's implied that he regretted his actions, was confused, and unable to process how he felt, it was vague and neutral enough that it keeps the audience in doubt about how the two truly feel about each other and what their future interaction will be.


Question: What was the connection between Frederick and Mrs Lippman?

Answer: Presumably you are referring to "Fredrica," who was one of Buffalo Bill's victims, and previously his girlfriend. Both Mrs. Lippman and Fredrica were seamstresses and knew each other from a sewing/fabric store they patronized.


15th Mar 2022

The Karate Kid (2010)

Question: Since this is a movie solely based on Kung Fu (and not karate), why wasn't this film titled "The Kung Fu Kid"? It seems it would also help separate confusion between this film and the 1984 Karate Kid film.

Answer: While there was discussion to name the film "The Kung Fu Kid", it was ultimately decided to keep the original, and more familiar, title since the film is considered a reboot. Not only is the story line the same, there are many elements from the original film seen in the reboot. And, had Ralph Macchio not turned it down, he would have had a cameo. It should be noted that the title in China is "The Kung Fu Dream" (功夫梦).


Answer: There was a comic book titled, "The Kung-Fu Kid," so there were copyright issues.

Titles, names, slogans, and short phrases cannot be copyrighted. In some instances, they can be trademarked.


The original answer does seem suspect without a source, but it should be noted that there was a DC Comics series before the original film called "The Karate Kid" and Columbia Pictures had to get special permission from DC Comics to use the name. All the films even acknowledges the name is used with consent. There definitely could have been a lawsuit if DC Comics didn't want to give permission.


Answer: Even though it's incorrect, "Karate Kid" is the catchier and familiar title, indicating it is a reboot of the popular original series, making it more marketable. It also uses an alliteration that rolls off the tongue easier. "Jurassic Park" is another example of a deliberate misnomer in a movie title. The dinosaurs depicted in that film were from the Late Cretaceous period, millions of years after the Jurassic. "Cretaceous Park" just didn't sound as good.


15th Mar 2022

Trading Places (1983)

Question: What exactly is the dessert that Coleman tosses in the garbage after Louis tells him that he can have it?

Answer: It was Crêpes Suzette.


15th Mar 2022

National Treasure (2004)

Question: Wasn't there an "original" scene (edited out in favor of the existing scene) where everyone is below the church, and Ian is leaving Ben, Abigail, Riley, and Patrick behind to go to Boston, and Ian not only threatens to shoot Riley if he speaks again, but he also does shoot Ben's dad Patrick? I can recall that scene - shot in the upper front shoulder area, and he collapses, etc. I don't recall what happens to Patrick after that, since they find the treasure room after that. Do you recall?

Answer: Perhaps you are confusing it with Indiana Jones' father being shot at the end of Last Crusade?


Answer: I saw it in the theater twice and that scene did not happen.


Answer: I've seen that movie a dozen times. I don't believe that scene exists.

Answer: After reading your question, I had a vague flashback about the scene as you described it, maybe from when I saw the theatrical version. I searched, but I can't find any online reference to it, but I think you are right and the film may have since been re-edited. I hope someone else can verify this.


15th Mar 2022

The Lost Boys (1987)

Question: Why can't David and his friends go into Max's store?

Answer: Spoilers ahead: As I recall, it was part of Max's cover as the head vampire. He did not want David and his cohorts hanging around the shop and looking like they had any connection or association with him. He has to look as if he disapproves of them. Mostly it's a plot device so the audience does not suspect Max is also a vampire.


15th Mar 2022

Titanic (1997)

Answer: Not quite. She and DiCaprio got overwhelmed by a wave of water hitting them while inside the ship. While submerged underwater, Winslet was running out of air as she held her breath when her coat caught on iron bars as she tried to surface. Safety divers were nearby and freed her.


15th Mar 2022

The Abyss (1989)

Question: Is this true that Ed Harris punched James Cameron after nearly drowning when filming one of the scenes?

Answer: It's been reported, but never verified, that Harris did that. Harris was apparently angry that Cameron continued filming while he was nearly drowning. Harris found it so stressful working for Cameron, that he supposedly refuses to speak about the movie.


Question: What is wrong with Frank? He seems to have some mental illness considering his suicidal behavior and his random outbursts with his family and at the hearing at the end of the film.


Answer: He's not mentally ill. He was an arrogant, high-ranking military officer who blinded himself in a stupid accident which ended his career. He is now bitter, lonely, and sad. His outbursts are fueled by his anger, regret and the total loss of his former life and independence. He has become so emotionally despondent that he wants to end his life. I have to add, this is Al Pacino, and his acting tends to be over the top in most of his post "Godfather I and II" movies.


Question: Before Old Arthur leaves the room, why did he get the feeling that him and Richard met before?

Answer: Because they had met before. When Richard went back in time to 1912, Arthur was a five-year-old boy. Old Arthur remembers, or at least recognizes, Richard from that time.


Except that Richard hadn't travelled into the past yet.

Like all time-travel fiction, if he will, then he already did. The portrait he saw in the gallery of Jane Seymour is another example: He brought the smile to her face and IIRC, she changed her pose upon seeing him.


Exactly right. Time-travel films rarely make sense plot-wise. They employ a "suspension of disbelief" where the audience just accepts the premise so the story can be told, regardless of whether or not everything makes sense. As I recall, Jane Seymour's "old character" told Richard to "come back to her," meaning she wanted him to go back in time to when she was young.


Time Travel movies and shows do this sort of thing often. This movie actually keeps to the premise of time travel pretty well.

Answer: He already did, when the elder Elise approached him and said, "Come back to me." When he visited her home and listened to the music box and replied. "That's my favorite song." He found his name in the old hotel register in the storage room. At the end of the movie, when he returned to the future, Elise was holding his pocket watch, which she returned to him when she was old. All that concludes he did time travel, he just hadn't done it yet.

Thanks. Time travel movies sure are confusing.

Question: When they go back in time, you can see Hermione was tended to first in the hospital wing, but why did Hermione need to be tended to?

Answer: It was probably to check that she was all right before tending to Ron. She had been slung around quite a bit by the Whomping Willow before being tossed into the tunnel. She likely had some cuts and scrapes. She is wearing a bandage on her hand.


Should they not have tended to Ron first though? His injury was more severe.

From what I can see through the jumbled, flashing images, it looks like Hermione is in the infirmary before Ron. He is probably being assisted off-screen, then later is transferred to the bed, where we see him with his bandaged leg. Also, as he could not walk, transporting him from the Whomping Willow back to the castle would take longer. Hermione probably went on ahead and was seen first. There may also be a different treatment room he was first taken to.


16th Feb 2022

Overboard (1987)

Question: What is the name of the drummer in the band singing Jim Dandy to the Rescue?

Answer: The Wright Brothers Band was the musical group that appeared in the film. John Wright was the drummer.


5th Mar 2022

Whale Rider (2002)

Answer: No, she doesn't die. Summary from Wikipedia: Paikia climbs onto the back of the largest whale and coaxes it to re-enter the ocean. The whale leads the whale pod back into the sea; Paikia submerges completely underwater before being thrown off the whale's back by the tide. The spectators fear she has drowned. When Paikia is found alive and brought to the hospital, her grandfather, Koro, declares her the new tribal chief. At the end, Paikia and her family are on the beach, watching the completed canoe being launched into the sea for its maiden voyage.


Question: When Balin meets with Dwalin in Bilbo's home, he says "Sharp enough for both of us." before they headbutt each other. What exactly does he mean?

Bunch Son

Answer: They're brothers who greet each other with good-natured verbal barbs. When Balin says, "sharp enough for both of us," he jokingly means he's the smarter of the two and has enough intelligence for both. The head butt is their version of a hug.


Answer: From what I could see, it was never specified what caused their strained relationship. Many sisters just don't get along for a variety of reasons-jealousy, resentment, rivalry, personality clashes, etc. Of course, it serves the plot and is a common movie trope that Cecilia has little family support to help with her situation, adding to the suspense as she tries to escape Adrian on her own.


Answer: Controlling husbands like Adrian severely restrict who their wives can see and talk to, so Adrian most likely interfered with Cecilia maintaining a positive relationship with her sister. Cecilia's sister probably did not know how controlling and manipulative Adrian was, so assumed it was Cecilia who did not want to be close to her. Adrian made it appear as though it was Cecilia's choice, but it was actually the restrictions he placed on Cecilia that caused the strain between the sisters.


Answer: Because an email was sent from Cecilia but really from Adrian (the invisible man) saying that her sister was suffocating her. And that Cecilia didn't want to see her anymore.

And these were the types of stunts Adrian had been doing for years, creating tension and causing spite between the sisters.


18th Feb 2022

Jurassic Park (1993)

Question: Why was Dr. Grant so dismissive of Tim when they first met? I can understand Grant being annoyed with the bratty kid at the dig site but Tim showed a genuine interest in dinosaurs and even mentioned he'd read Grant's book.

Answer: Dr. Grant doesn't like kids. Any kids.


That was an issue between him and Ellie Sattler, who wanted to have a family, while he did not. She eventually married someone else and had kids.


Answer: Grant just has a low opinion of kids in general. He probably thinks Tim is too young to really understand or appreciate the research that Grant has dedicated most of his life to. Also, Tim can come across as a little "too much" at times; he talks really fast and barely gives Grant a chance to get a word in edgewise.

24th Feb 2022

Critters (1986)

Question: Why does Brad take the blame for Charlie for shooting April with the slingshot? If he tells dad that Charlie had done that, he would've told him it was an accident.


Answer: Charlie had become a chronic drunk and the town considered him a crackpot with his claims about alien abductions being foretold through his dental work. Even though it was an accident, he could have been declared incompetent and a danger to himself and others; he possibly could have been involuntarily committed. Brad is protecting him.


13th Feb 2022

The Jackal (1997)

Question: After being shot we see Valentina wrapping her arms around her abdomen. When Jackal approaches her she slowly raises her arms and reveals her wound. Why did she do that?

Answer: Agree with the other answer, but would add this was likely also a directorial decision to show the audience how seriously wounded she is, foreshadowing her eventual demise.


Answer: I believe she knew she was dying and was making a last ditch effort to stop him. It may have been a futile try, but how many dying criminals have done the same thing, getting that last shot at the Hero.

Question: In the book and the movie, why did Sirius wait many years before escaping Azkaban? If I remember the book correctly, he did it by changing into his dog form and walking past the Dementors, who navigate by emotions. I know he had seen Ron holding Scabbers/disguised Peter in the newspaper article, but could he not have turned into his dog form and walked out years ago? Even without knowing where Peter was?

Answer: To add to the other fine answer that I agree with, Sirius' mental state negatively affected his desire and/or ability to escape. He languished in prison as a broken man, knowing that everyone believed him guilty and that no-one would help him if he did escape. Others would have killed him. It was a while before Sirius realised the Dementors couldn't detect his dog form. It also wasn't until he'd lost a significant amount of weight from being half-starved that he could slip through the bars as a dog, though, realistically, it wouldn't have taken 12 years to become that thin.


Answer: And do what? He had no goal, no way of avenging his wrongful imprisonment. He knew the dementors and every auror would be chasing him if he escaped, he had nowhere to go, no plan. Without any leads he would just be recaptured (and killed most likely). Seeing Wormtail in the papers however, gave him a reason to escape.


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