
25th Jul 2012

The Village (2004)

Question: Was Edward Walker married? Is that why he wasn't allowing himself to touch Alice Hunt? I noticed that there is a Tabitha Walker in the credits, but it doesn't seem clear in the movie.

Answer: Yes, he is married. He is thought to secretly be in love with Alice Hunt, but he is faithful to his wife, Tabitha, and that is why he never allows himself to touch Alice in even the the most platonic manner.


Are we sure Tabitha isn't his sister? She sure doesn't ever act like Ivy and Kitty's mother. She looks a hell of a lot like Edward Walker, and seems upset like a daughter, not a daughter-in-law, when they reminisce about the slain father. Also, this would make the whole Walker/Alice Hunt relationship much purer, much more hopeful (themes of the film), as it isn't going behind anyone's back. I wonder if there's a deleted scene that made it clear Tabitha's relationship to Mr. Walker?

Answer: Ivy refers to her parents which indicates that Mr. Walker has a Mrs. Walker which is Tabitha Walker. She is his wife and not his sister. She is referred to as his wife in one of the elder meetings early in the movie too.

Question: If Edward's bite has venom in it, why didn't Bella start changing immediately after being bitten on her stomach repeatedly to get the baby out?


Chosen answer: Vampires may have the ability to control when they inject their venom.


Chosen answer: The drug is supposed to prevent a person from turning into a werewolf during a full moon. However, one batch is bad, and it causes immediate transformation.


Question: I don't remember if this is explained in the book, but when it is discovered that Umbridge has the locket, assuming she wore it while she had it, wouldn't she be possessed by its powers like Ron was when he wore it? And did she know it was a piece of Voldemort's soul?

Answer: This was never answered in the book, but in The Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter, it is speculated that Umbridge may have been unaffected because her own evil nature was more aligned to the dark locket. Also, the locket being somewhat sentient may have sensed that she posed no threat to it, whereas Harry, Ron, and Hermione's sole intent was to destroy it.


28th May 2012

Titanic (1997)

Question: Bit of a stupid question, but was just wondering. When Mr Andrews is talking to Rose, Cal and Ruth during the tour of the ship, Rose says that there are not enough boats for everyone on board, and Mr Andrews explains that he wanted more boats or something, and he was told that they would make the deck too cluttered so he was overruled, and the ship got the boats it does. But as Mr Andrews designed/ constructed the ship, surely it's up to him how many lifeboats there are etc, so why did he back down?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: It certainly was not up to him. Andrews was only the designer and an employee of the company, White Star Line. Whatever he may have wanted or recommended, the company had the power and the legal right to overrule him in favor of what they felt made the ship more profitable. They did not want their high-paying clientele's ocean view obstructed by too many lifeboats. Safety regulations were far more lax at this time, though many new ones were enacted following the tragedy, including more lifeboats.


Answer: Regulations at the time required ships over 10,000 tons to have 16 lifeboats on board, Titanic which was 40,000 tons had 20 so four more than required. In the 2 1/2 hours it took Titanic to sink they managed to get 18 of 20 boats off safely, collapsibles A and B were floated off and one was even capsized. It's quite possible that if Titanic had more lifeboats more lives would've been lost due to having to work around the extra boats they possibly would've got less boats away.

18th Mar 2012

The Beach (2000)

Chosen answer: A "bog roll" is another term for toilet tissue. The soft just refers to its texture.


28th Apr 2012

Battleship (2012)

Question: Next to the fact this is a terrible movie, can anyone tell me about what the plot was? I mean, seriously. What did the aliens came to do and why did the Americans attack them?


Chosen answer: The film, loosely based on the popular Milton Bradley board game, has relatively little plot. When Earth discovers there is a similar planet in the solar system, they transmit a signal to it, searching for intelligent life. Aliens on the newly discovered planet detect the signal and send five ships to Earth. One ship collides with a satellite and crashes, while the others land near Hawaii and erect an impenetrable shield around the islands. The lead character, Alex, is a general slacker whose brother, a U.S. Naval officer, had forced Alex to join the Navy after he got into some legal trouble. From within the aliens' shield, Alex is able to lead a resistance against the alien invasion, eventually destroying them after discovering their physical weakness.


25th Apr 2012

The Three Stooges (2012)

Question: I don't remember if it was mentioned in the movie, but are the three stooges brothers or friends?


Chosen answer: The original Three Stooges was comprised of two brothers, Moe Howard and Curly Howard, and also Larry Fine, who was unrelated. After Curley suffered a debilitating stroke in the 1950s, his brother, Shemp Howard, took over as the third Stooge. In this movie they're just friends.


Answer: In the film, they grow up as friends, but it is a bit misleading, considering they were all babies put on the doorstep together. That WOULD make one confused as to the answer to that question.

18th Mar 2012

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Why didn't Koslova try to fight while the Jackal is talking to her?

Answer: Because she's dying, in shock, losing blood, and in pain.


Answer: She's in too much pain to fight. He also just helped her to slow her bleeding, after that she seems to weirdly trust him.

21st Mar 2012

Alien (1979)

Chosen answer: Because Ripley would warn the other crew members about the Special Order, namely that the company's mission was to collect the alien (to use as a biological weapon) and that the crew was expendable. The company assigned Ash to carry out the plan, and being a robot, his only intent is to follow their orders.


Question: I think I have figured out the answer to this question, however, I would like further verification. After Jack sends Will onto the Flying Dutchman and Will is captured, Jack is watching through his telescope and Davy Jones sees him then suddenly they are right in front of each other. Did Davy Jones and his crew transport onto the Black Pearl and leave Will and the other prisoners on the Flying Dutchman?

Answer: That is correct. Davy Jones and his men have a supernatural ability to transport themselves from one location to another. That is how Bootstrap Bill first arrived to deliver the Black Spot to Jack Sparrow.


18th Mar 2012

The Jackal (1997)

Question: When The Jackal ambushes Whiterspoon and Koslova, why he doesn't kill her first?

Answer: He shoots her last so she will live long enough to deliver his message to Declan.


18th Mar 2012

Twilight (2008)

Question: I have seen the film Twilight four times now and I still don't understand why Edward doesn't just turn Bella, it is obvious that they are in love with each other (which I don't blame her) but he is still reluctant, I was just wondering why this was, because if Edward truly loved Bella he would turn her and they could truly like a very happy eternal life together.

Answer: Because Edward (and the other Cullens) are deeply moral and caring. They would never have chosen to become vampires and know the hardships that life incurs. Edward wants Bella to live her life and fully experience being human. He fears she will be cursed and lose her soul if she is turned. You do not wish that on someone you love. It would also inflict severe emotional pain on Bella's parents, who'd be losing their only child.


Answer: Edward can't read Bella's mind because she has a "mind shield." It blocks out any mental or psychic power. In the last Twilight movie, Volturi can use use their minds to bring pain to others. Bella can use that shield to block it. She learns how to protect others and herself.

18th Mar 2012

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: Probably. He is sadistic and seems to enjoy watching her suffer.


18th Mar 2012

The Godfather (1972)

Question: When Clemenza is explaining to Michael how to shoot Sollozzo and McCluskey why does he keep on telling Michael to 'drop the gun' when he's finished. Why can't he bring the gun home?

Answer: For one thing, Michael isn't going home. The plan is for him to immediately be taken to a ship headed for Sicily. Secondly, the last thing a murderer wants is to be caught with the gun he just killed someone with. Clemenza tells Michael the gun is "cold," meaning it cannot be traced to any owner. The handle and trigger had also been wrapped in a special tape to prevent leaving fingerprints. Even if police had detained Michael, they could not tie the gun to him, and the Corleone family could buy off any witnesses.


Question: Edmond was imprisoned for 13 years, yet he was gone for 16 and was only on the ship for 3 months. What happened to the rest of the time?


Answer: When Mercedes confronts Edmund, in his bedroom, she asks, "Where have you been?" He responds, "For 13 years prison, then everywhere else.

Chosen answer: Edmond traveled during the intervening years, creating a new life and identity for himself with the treasure that he found. That is how he became the Count of Monte Cristo. Edmond could not exact his revenge without this power and influence behind him.


Question: Why doesn't Gaston go off with one of the three blond women who fancy him instead of chasing after Belle, who he can see is not interested in his advances?

Answer: Either he only wants what he can't have (Belle) or the women who fancy him are not the type he would consider suitable as his wife and the mother of his children.


The 2017 live-action movie (with Emma Watson) has an interesting description of this. Gaston talks about how Belle is the only woman who doesn't want to impress him. He finds this attractive. He knows that he could have most other women any time he wanted, but Belle is different.

Answer: Gaston wants to marry a girl as beautiful as he is so he doesn't want anyone else but Belle.

18th Mar 2012

Jurassic Park III (2001)

Question: Dr. Grant asks Eric how he got T-Rex urine. Eric replies, "You don't want to know". How did Eric get the T-Rex urine anyway?


Answer: A video I watched speculated that Eric was making his way through the jungle and came across the Rex. It is thought that he hid and while he was hiding the Rex peed. While he was hiding he noticed that some Compies close by fled at the smell so he decided to test if they were scared of it. When he knew for sure he bottled it up.

Chosen answer: It's never explained how he got it. Any explanation the filmmakers might give would probably be implausible.


Chosen answer: To protect them from Voldemort. She knows that if he discovers anyone is helping Harry hunt the horcruxes, the Dark Lord will murder their families in retaliation. In the book, Hermione also sent them to Australia under a new identity, and Harry broke off his relationship with Ginny to protect her.


13th Mar 2012

Licence to Kill (1989)

Question: After Sanchez has killed Krest, he goes to Bond and pays him for his information. Bond then says to him something like "only one man? No one would go after you alone." Did this mean that Bond was trying to get Sanchez to kill all his own men? Seems a bit ambitious to me.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's more likely that Bond is trying to instill fear and paranoia into Sanchez, getting him to suspect that everyone is trying to kill him so that he trusts no one.


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