Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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There was a film I used to see in school in the early 80's with a "Back to the Future" element. It was about a teen aged girl who had differences with her mother. One day she woke up (on the subway?), and she had travelled back in time to where she meets her teen mother. Slowly, she comes to realize that her mom is not all that different from her. There was a desk with a secret compartment her mom hid things in, which the girl uses to confirm her experience wasn't just a dream. And I recall the time travel episode ended with an air raid siren going off. Anyone know the title?

JC Fernandez

Chosen answer: "ABC Afterschool Specials" My Mother Was Never a Kid (1981).

Does anyone remember a movie from the 60's that had a couple haunted by a ghost who owned a boat. It was sort of a black comedy. I kept thinking it was The Ghost and Mrs Muir, but it is not. I really only remember the last scene where the new husband and wife are in the bed, on the boat, and the ghost comes in and haunts them. Thanks for any help.

Answer: The Spirit is Willing.

Does anyone remember the name of this Christian scare film aimed at teens? I saw in in 1990. A bunch of teen drivers are killed in a car wreck. Heaven is like a hotel. The desk clerk asks for their reservations. Only the Christian teen has reservations, the rest are hurled down a firey elevator. It ends with a computer screen listing dozens of 'not confirmed' reservations, as 'Jesus Loves Me' plays. Anyone?

Answer: The film is call Without Reservation and is under the title Mars Hill Trilogy. Can be found on Netflix or a christian movies seller.

Maybe about 10 years ago, I saw a football movie and can only remember the opening scene: On a rainy night, during a game, a touchdown is made by a player in black. Once he makes the touchdown, he pulls a revolver out of his pants and shoots himself in the head. I remember the movie revolving around the drug use, etc. of professional sports players, but can't for the life of me remember the title. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Answer: The Last Boyscout. Released in 1991 and starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. Billy Blanks played the suicidal athlete.


This is a movie I once saw part of. A man who is a writer/author has some kind of female housekeeper or maid, with dark hair and an accent (maybe she was Hispanic, not sure). At one point, she reads the novel/piece of writing he is working on, and I believe she thinks he wrote the romantic scene based on his attraction to her. She approaches him one night and says lines from the scene in his book while kissing him. I remember one thing she said was "Her chest squashed again him" or something. Later on, I think she finds out that he is suspicious of her for some reason, and she is angry when she learns this.

Answer: I think the movie you're looking for is "Her Alibi," starring Tom Selleck and Paulina Porizkova and released in 1989.


Does anyone know what happens to all the food used on cooking shows on the Food Network? Thanks.

Answer: I went to an Emeril Live taping and everyone in the audience got to eat the food. However, it was cooked off camera because back stage people were constantly substituting food that had been cooked longer for what he was making. The stuff that he was messing around with was trashed.


In the mid-70s, prior to 1978, I saw a TV movie about a teenage girl struggling with drug addiction. I think she had typical hair style for the time, dark, parted in the middle, and long. After rehab(?), she goes back home, but her parents' attention is grossly misdirected and eventually drive her back to drugs. She had a younger sister. In the end, they find her dead in her room, but I can't remember if her death was caused by suicide or accidental OD, but I think it was suicide. I thought it had the name Alice in the title, and I thought it might have been called "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden" but from looking it up, I think I am wrong. Does anyone know the name of this movie?

Answer: "Go Ask Alice", from 1973.


I remember an incredibly corny sci-fi show that aired in the late 90s / early 00s. I remember that it involved aliens trying to do various nefarious things on Earth by controlling a few large corporations, and there was a "good" alien who teamed up with a woman, and lived in a houseboat (at least, I remember a houseboat). The main thing that sticks in my head from this show is that the bad aliens had a robot that worked for them, who was a complete ripoff of the liquid metal robot from Terminator 2.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: Codename: Eternity.

I watched a film in the 90's, which I'm guessing was made in the 80's or 90's. If I remember correctly, the film was about an inter-racial relationship (set in the past), with a white guy and black woman who fall in love in a community somewhere in America's south, and their relationship seems to be accepted there. They move to Washington, to a black neighbourhood, and have one or more kids, but their relationship doesn't seem to be accepted in Washington. I remember enjoying this film, but I haven't a clue what it is.

Answer: Mr. and Mrs. Loving with Timothy Hutton - 1996.

I can't remember the title of this movie. Maybe someone can help me out. All I remember is a guy on a camel, I believe on the desert, when this other guy appears who looks like he's from a silent film. He says, in subtitles, "You should come to Hollywood. Too bad you don't know how to speak in subtitles."

Answer: This sounds like the Mel Brooks' 1976 comedy, "Silent Movie." There's no dialogue, only subtitles, except for one word spoken at the very end.


Does anybody out there know what Hollywood puts in the hair of an actor playing a vampire to make the hair so slick and shiny? I have asked at least 3 costume shops and could not get an answer.


Chosen answer: For movie production, it could be anything from simple pomade, to hair gel, to school glue. There's no "standard" method. Glue would be the easiest to style with, it would hold the hair in place the best, and make the hair quite shiny. It takes two or three vigorous and lathery scrubs to get it all out when you're done, but it will wash out.


I can't remember the name of a TV show that was on in the late 90's to early 2000 years. It was about a young guy whose girlfriend/wife left him, and he is raising his baby son and has a roommate. I think they also had a red-haired female friend (or maybe she was another roommate). I remember there was one episode where they worried the son might be mentally slower, since he didn't breastfeed.

Answer: The show you are talking about is "Lay around, Don't frown." This was cancelled after just 1 season. The red haired women's name is Susan. The name of the main character is David Jenkins, or a.k.a. "Sloppy Joe" because he was always dirty.

This movie was similar to Carrie. It was about a nerdish girl who was teased a lot in school and she ended up having telekinetic powers. I remember two scenes: 1) When she was chasing a girl in the locker room, the girl hid in a locker. The telekinetic girl stood in front of the locker, then sang "whoop bop ba loop ba whoop bam boop" (song Tutti Frutti) and as soon as she said the last word the locker caved in on the girl. 2) The telekinetic girl was on a toy horse in her room talking to her mom and I think the horse stuck his tongue out. If you have any clue what I am talking about can you help please?

Answer: The movie is titled, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2. The movie came out in 1987.


I once saw a movie but I don't know the name for it and would like to find out. It was a color film from the mid 1960's to the early 1970's judging from the film content. It appears to have been filmed in Africa. The plot line revolves around two African native brothers around the ages of 6 and 3. I think they were accidentally separated from their family. These boys end up traveling the countryside of Africa ending up in little 'mini adventures' along the way, hitching rides along the way, even ending up riding along with some sore of military convoy. The father is trying to track them down, and seems to just miss every place he looks. The father runs from point to point barefooted searching for the boys. There is very little verbal dialog throughout the film.

Answer: This very much sounds like The Gods Must Be Crazy II .


I remember watching a TV show (miniseries?) in the late ninties about a guy, his daughter, and their golden retriever, who end up in Fairy Tale Land. They eventually meet up with the big bad wolf, who is really just a guy with a tail, who isn't that bad a guy, who is hitting on the daughter. That's about all I remember. Thanks for helping me out! I really hope someone can answer this question.

I'm looking for the name of an older movie I saw part of. There were two children, a boy and a girl, who had a male lion that they were taking somewhere. I remember a scene where they were trying to get the lion to cross a stream of water. The boy said that the lion is a cat, and cats don't like water.

Answer: You could be talking about Disney's "Napoleon and Samantha". A 1972 theatrical release about a boy (Johnny Whitaker) and a girl (Jodie Foster) and a pet lion. Goto:


Does anyone know the name of the movie about a young boy who had AIDS (he was a newspaper boy), and the community he lived in was outraged when they find out and they all began pulling their kids out of school? It was a big court case and all.

Answer: I believe you're referring to the made for TV movie based on the life of Ryan White, aptly named, 'The Ryan White Story'.

Super Grover

I am trying to get the name of movie I saw a trailer for this year. Two Americans (I think) go to China or Japan. One of the girls keeps seeing like a orb or ghost figure on computer screens and is shown a room in some office that has pictures covering the wall and each picture has this same orb or ghost figure. It has to be a movie from 2007 or 2008.


Chosen answer: Sounds like "Shutter".


There is a movie made in the late 70's, maybe early 80's, it's based on a book and Brooke Shields's was supposed to be in it, but they chose someone else. The movie has to do with a little girl who is in a car accident with family and just before it happens her siblings played a joke by tying her shoe laces together so she'd trip and fall. But when get into the car accident she was the only one who wasn't able to get out of the car, because her laces were caught so she died. Her spirit returns to haunt her family and possess her younger sister to get revenge for her death. Does anyone know the name of this film?

Answer: The name of the film is, "Don't Go to Sleep", from 1982, and it has the distinct honor of being one of the creepiest made-for-TV movies ever filmed.

Super Grover

I'm trying to find a movie I watched in the 90s about a girl who used to hide out in a horses stable when her father was drunk, when she grew up she acted like a horse when she was nervous or frightened. A horse-hand helps her to get over this. Does anyone know what the name of this movie is?

Answer: I believe the movie may be called 'The Girl Who Came Late' Miranda Otto and Martin Kemp star. It's set in Australia.

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