Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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I saw an episode and I don't know of what. But I do know that Jessica Simpson played a babysitter to a little girl. And the little girl had a big collection of barbie dolls. We come to find out the little girl was so unhappy that she wanted all of her former babysitters to stay and when they tried to leave. She turned them into the dolls. Does anyone know what I was watching and what the name of the episode was?

Answer: It's an episode of the latest incarnation of "The Twilight Zone," aired on UPN in April, 2003. The episode title was "The Collection."

Jean G

I saw a movie at school in the 1980's in which the main character is a bank robber. There is a cop or fed on his trail for years. This man finally turns his life around and settles down in a small town. But, the cop shows up on the same day a child gets trapped in an airtight bank vault, that will be unopenable for days. If he saves her the cop will know who he is, but he cracks it open and saves the girl anyway. What is the name of this movie?

Lori Kaminsky

Chosen answer: That sounds like "No Deposit, No Return" with Don Knotts and Darren McGavin. McGavin plays a former safe cracker who has been off the grid for a few years. He and Knotts get caught up in a fake kidnapping (actually devised by the "kidnapped" girl). The kids end up trapped in their Grandfather's safe and McGavin has to get them out in front of the policeman that has been on his tail for years.I personally love the movie.


I saw a movie, possibly in the 50's, where a group of men think they have crash landed on a planet and have to survive. They struggle through this desert like area and finally at the end of the movie, they cross one more hill and on the other side see telephone wires. They had never left earth. I cannot recall the name of the movie.

Answer: That's an episode of the original "Twilight Zone," first aired in January 1960. It's called "I Shot an Arrow Into the Air."

Jean G

I am looking for either an episode or a movie- possibly of the show "Jem" that was on in the 1980's. I saw this in the 1980's. In it the main girl who had a secret identity was worried because her boyfriend liked both her and her alter ego. She got advice from someone who told her to become a third identity to test him. She did, and he fell for her too. She was upset until her friend then said that this actually meant that he really loved her because he must love her soul, because he loved her in any form. I remember that she wasn't wearing a disguise but transformed in some way between herself, her second identity and then her third identity. Does anyone know what this is?

Lori Kaminsky

Chosen answer: This is from the TV show Jem and the Holograms. She transformed with the use of a holographic computer named Sinergy. Sinergy is also the one who suggested to Jem to create the third identity.

Does anyone know the name of a really cheesy dinosaur movie involving real lizards as dinosaurs? I'm pretty sure the movie took place on the moon, or at least somewhere you'd need a spaceship to get to. There were also woolly mammoths that were just someone's old hair clippings piled up. Thanks.

Answer: It might be King Dinosaur. There are only so many movies that used real lizards because it was deemed cruel to the animals. This was one of several films that borrowed stock footage from One Million B.C. If you look up One Million B.C. then you will find others.

Looking for the title of a cheesy 1950s sci-fi flick involving space fungi that were killing people. The fungi came back on a spaceship to the moon and were killing people at a moon base. The film is not: "The Green Slime" (1968) or "Space Master X-7" (1958) or the 1963 Outer Limits episode "Specimen Unknown," but was similar. The 1950s film featured a classic Chesley Bonestell conical rocket with 2 sets of fins and the fungi looked like loofahs covered with silver paint. (That's probably what they were, actually.) It was not done in color - only B&W. The film title was a 3-D set of words with an organic look, as though the words were made out of fungus. Any ideas?

Jean G

Chosen answer: Mutiny In Outer Space:

I am looking for the name of a film probably made in the 40s or 50s.The final scene shows a blonde haired woman looking up at a house on fire in which a dark haired woman is trapped. It's not "Rebecca" or "Jane Eyre".

Answer: This sounds like it may be 'Great Expectations,' filmed in '46, but it has been a while since I saw that movie so I cannot be certain.

In one of Pixar's first computer animated short films, "Red's Dream", A jazz score composed by David Slusser constantly plays at the background. What is the name of that score?

Answer: Jumpin' Jubilee.

I would like to know the name of a movie. It's a foreign film from about the mid nineties. The plot was basically that a series of murders was going down in an apartment block and that a man was a suspect. The lead female was attracted to this man (I think she was a therapist) and didn't believe him to be the killer. Towards the end she provides a solid alibi for him in that he was upstairs typing all night. The ending of the movie finds our heroine finding a tape in his apartment - a tape of him typing. She realises he is the killer and a fight ensues. Please help.

Answer: Its not a foreign movie - it's "Sliver" starring Sharon Stone.

In the 50's my sister and I saw a black and white Western. Standard formula - good guys, bad guys, Indians, railroad, miners etc. There was a scene in the movie where a grizzled type character gave a group of Indians who were high on "fire water" sticks of dynamite in place of cigars and then snuck away. You hear a loud boom in the background making you think the Indians tried to smoke the "cigars". We cannot remember the name of this movie or who the actors in it were. Can someone please help?

Answer: Name of the movie was Canadian Pacific with Randolph Scott.

I remember watching a movie in the 90s - it started with some kind of party and basically this guy has written a novel about pirates or something like that. And somehow him and his friends end up inside his novel and they are captured by pirates. I remember the pirates were fighting against some sort of Spanish troops/Spanish empire. It was all set in a jungle. And I think somehow the guys help the pirates and then escape and find a chest in a tunnel. It seems really weird but it's a great movie and I really wanna know what it's called. I have a feeling it is based on a novel. The movie's name was the same name as the novel in the film. It was one word and I think it was in Latin. I think the word ended in "icus".

Answer: Could be Magic Island made in 1995 ft. Andrew Divoff and Zachery Ty Bryan.

I am looking for a name of a movie. I don't really remember anything about the movie; I believe it was made for TV, and it aired on Nickelodeon. I remember them advertising the movie with "Now we are making movies too." It would have aired sometime in the 90s.


Chosen answer: The original Nickelodeon movie was Harriet the Spy in 1996. Michelle Trachtenberg and Rosie O'Donnell were in it.

I am looking for the title of a made for TV movie from the mid to late 90's. It was about a security force in a post apocalyptic Earth.They go out from their secure city into the wild areas and rescue humans from mutants. One member of the force is a half human-half mutant. All humans wear this jewel which designates who they can mate with (red to red, green to green, etc.).

Answer: Island City.

When I was little I watched a movie on TV. I think it was a TV movie but I'm not completely sure. In it there was a boy who lived with his mom but they lived below the poverty level. The boy had trouble with the cops but always got off because he was a minor, so there was a cop that would always bother the kid about turning 14. At some point in the movie the kid and the mom are arguing in the kitchen and the mom turns around to yell at him and cuts him in the stomach with a butcher knife by accident. She takes him to the hospital and signs forms to have the kid sent away. Through the whole movie the kid goes to his closet for comfort. In the end, the night of his 14th birthday he lights the curtains on fire in the living room while the mom is asleep and goes to his closet while the who apartment or house catches on fire. I don't know the name of the movie and I would like to know if anyone out there does know it. Thanks.

Answer: Little Criminals (1995).

I saw this short film back in the 70's about a little girl (around 8 or possibly 11) who is living with a senile grandmother. The grandmother dies, leaving the child alone. When her body begins to stink people notice but the girl wants to conceal the death and says nothing. I remember an African-American postal carrier arrives and inquires about the stench. The girl says, "It's my perfume, do you like it?" and he responds, "It's interesting." The last scene I remember the girl sitting on the porch and playing the thumb piano. Can anyone tell me the name of this short film?

Answer: I think that movie may have been called "My Mother's House" or "Our Mother's House. I too have seen the movie, but I was also young at the time.

Does anyone remember a movie from TV where a boy befriends an old man who builds a tower out of bits of junk and cement I think? The city wants to tear it down because everyone else thinks it's a hazard. They are afraid it will topple over in the next storm, so they bring the crane to pull it down. But the junk tower withstands the crane, and so they get to keep it up. I think it may have been 10 to 20 years ago that I saw it on American TV.

Answer: The movie is 'Daniel and the Towers'. It was a Wonderworks presentation.

I saw a horror movie when I was a kid in the 1980's. I remember a scene in the movie where a guy is confronted by ghosts/zombies or some kind of monster everywhere he turns. I believe this happens near the end of the movie. I believe the movie was made either in the late 70's or early 80's, I was very young when I saw it. I remember one of the monsters was a female with a greenish looking face and reddish colored hair. Can anyone help me find the title of this movie?

Answer: Lair of the white worm, or lair of the sacred worm, that flick was crazy.

Answer: There was a horror comedy called Return of the Living Dead (1985). People were trapped in a Morgue, surrounded by zombies outside. Every time someone would arrive to help, they were surrounded by zombies. One of the zombies was a pale white nude girl with red hair.

I saw a movie when I was a kid in the early to mid 70s.The story was about a couple who were having a pool or something built in their backyard.The people building it discovered an old box or suitcase that held an old miniature horse or other small toy animal that came to life and started to attack them.Can anyone help out with the name of it.

Answer: It's an episode from the TV series "Ghost Story" (aka "Circle of Fear") called "Dark Vengeance.

Can anyone identify this movie? Probably made in the late 40s, a romantic comedy. A woman tries to elude a wealthy bachelor so she boards a train for a vacation in the mountains. He finds out and diverts her train car to Palm Beach (?) (a warm place). The scene I remember is her striding across the lobby of the train station. She is wearing a plaid wool jacket/winter clothes and the bystanders are staring at her. It is not Palm Beach Story. Thanks.

Answer: That sounds like "My Life with Caroline" with Ronald Coleman. IMDB summary: "Caroline and Anthony Mason have been married for five years. Due to his successful business, Anthony spends a lot of time away from Caroline. Even though Caroline loves Anthony, she is 'in love' with another man every two or three years. It is at these times that Anthony arrives to save the marriage." The part about the plaid jacket sounds familiar. She was about to run away with a man, but her husband (Coleman) diverts her somehow. She's a lot younger than he is.

Woman counting cards and getting kicked out of casinos had a friend pick her up and take her to the main man that recognizes her talent. Dressing as a man with mustache and plaid suit, she hires other artists to help her break the casinos that ended up killing her friend and had kicked her out of their casinos. Title?

Answer: The title is "Stacey's Knights" - Kevin Costner is the guy that gets killed.

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