Answered general questions about movies, TV and more

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I was wondering if anyone knew the title of this horror or thriller movie that is about a bunch of people that end up in a hotel/ motel? I can't quite remember every detail but I do recall the following: There was a couple driving through a forest maybe? It was raining, somehow they end up in a weird residence. It is raining really hard so they run in and are greeted by a old lady and given a room. Eventually a couple more people (couples) end up staying there, they check in by signing a check in book. At dinner there is a very creepy butler. And bear with me because this is where the memories get kind of mixed up: One couple had lost their little girl (she passed away a couple of years ago? Months maybe. Not sure) but they see her around that hotel. I think she tries to help them. They get locked in that house, when they peek out they see that there is some creature outside. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the devil? Because there is a room with the satanic star. That is all that I remember! I'm sorry it was so long but I am having such a hard time finding this movie.

Answer: Sounds like "House" (2008).

Looking for a movie where the Dad is away (I think at war), and the Mum gets sick and dies. 3 boys are put in different homes and Dad comes home and is looking for them. He finds 2 of them and at last finds no. 3, who is crippled from abuse. I think the title has the word "home" in it.

Answer: Sounds like "After the promise" starring Mark Harmon, made in 1987.

I can remember a film with two detectives searching for a killer, one is an older man with a daughter who is a student nurse, she lives in a shared house with other nurses. The other detective is younger, and very good looking, he begins a relationship with the daughter. It turns out that the younger detective is the killer. I remember him breaking into the shared house, killing several young women, wearing nothing but some very small underpants! And then chasing the other detective's daughter down the street, again, wearing nothing but underpants. I think its an 80s film, or possibly early 90s?

Answer: 10 to Midnight, starring Charles Bronson. At the end of the movie, the psychotic killer told him that he would only spend a few years in jail, because he was sick. He then said "I'll be back." Charles Bronson said "No you won't" and shot him.


This has been driving me crazy for a while. I saw this movie as a kid and have been trying to find it ever since. I believe it's from the 80s or 90s. In the movie a little boy (maybe girl) finds some sort of egg and it grows up to be a friendly giant monster who the main character is best friends with. I can't remember much, and I know I'm not giving you much to go on, but I'm pretty sure the beast dies at the end. And it's not The Water Horse, its a pretty old movie. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Chosen answer: Sounds like The Legend of Galgameth to me.

There was a movie about a small boy and a girl who had evil powers. What really made them terrifying is that they had black fingernails and whenever they touched somebody, that person would be burned alive. This is not Children of the Damned or the sequel, and it is not Children of the Corn.

Answer: This is a 1980 Troma horror movie called "The Children" or "The Children of Ravensback".


I am trying to figure out the title of a movie about two friends in prison... I know one was an African American but not sure of the other. The movie starts out with them in the prison yard and then starts showing flashbacks of how they got there. The movie switches back and forth between scenes of them in their youth and then of them older and their trials of dealing with prison life.


Chosen answer: Sounds like "Life" (1999), starring Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence.


I saw a trailer a few years ago for a movie that looked interesting but I've forgotten the title. All I remember is that it was vaguely steampunky and/or futuristic and a sniper seemed to play an important part (who maybe wore a mask/goggles?). Fairly sure it was live action - sorry it's so vague, but maybe it'll ring a bell for someone.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Probably "Franklyn" from 2008 - Ryan Philippe plays Preest, a masked detective with a steampunk-style sniper rifle.


15 years ago I watched a movie. It was funny and little bit of a survival movie. I don't know the name but some scenes I remember. A man and woman go for a journey somewhere in a private airplane. Their airplane got stuck in the trees. When the fuelling of the plane was finished then the man used his wine as the fuel. When the man was hungry, he stole an ostrich's egg and the ostrich ran toward him. A Mongoose bit the wheel of the airplane and punctured it.

Answer: Definitely "The Gods Must Be Crazy II" (1980).


There is a movie about a boy who is a part of his school's swim team. He eventually discovers that he's a merman. To make things problematic, he is stalked by a man who, during a swim competition, notices fins start to appear on the kid's legs.

Answer: You're thinking of the 1999 Disney movie "The Thirteenth Year." A teen-aged boy learns his mother is a mermaid.


I'm trying to figure out the title of a movie. It starts out with this guy who spots a naked woman in the woods. The man later decides to kidnap this woman and ties her up in his basement or woodshed. He also tries to conceal the fact from his family that he did this. His son, later, tries to fool around with her for a bit by breaking into the basement which his dad has locked, but doesn't fool around that much. It's a fairly recent movie but nobody knows what I'm talking about.

Answer: The name of the movie is "The Woman," which was made in 2011.

What is the movie where two little girls become friends one who is rich and one poor. They say they are going to meet in the woods at dark but the dad of the poor girl beats her so badly she can't go. He beats her because he asked her Grandma if she remembered where something was. Canning stuff maybe. The little girl told him, and he beats her because he thinks she's psychic, and he says something about God and that's why he has to beat her. I think that the mean poor girl's dad finds the rich girl in the woods and does something to her, but I can't remember. Please help!

Answer: This sounds like "Carolina Moon," a Nora Roberts novel made into a Lifetime movie.

I'm trying to find out the name of a television movie I watched in the late 70's early 80's about a couple with two daughters, one a teenager, the other preteen. The eldest daughter gets involved with an older guy that's a bad influence (drugs and alcohol, maybe) and she runs away with him. Years later the younger daughter follows in her sister's footsteps.

Answer: Might be "Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring" with Sally Field.

I'm dying to remember a movie I saw on TV in the early 80's. It may have been a few years old at the time or a TV movie. I thought the star was Robert Hays, but IMDb doesn't show it. The protagonist had a girlfriend with him (I think). He went to a castle or huge house for some reason, he winds up working on a crack in an external wall (might be the only reason he is there) by bolting metal plates across the cracked stones. There is a butler and the owner (a man around 50ish) There is a crazy woman who tries to kill them. She is either the owner's wife (I think) or sister who is kept hidden away most of the time. In the end, the butler is killed by the woman and the protagonist and his girlfriend escape the castle as it caves in while the woman and the owner fight.


Chosen answer: It's "The Fall of the House of Usher," and is loosely (very loosely) based on an Edgar Allen Poe story. Charlene Tilton is also in it, and it's from 1979.

I have been trying to search for a movie, TV show episode or TV movie with this plot: I remember that there were kidnapped girls kept in some kind of basement, tied up and gagged, hanging from the ceiling. The kidnapper would put a wedding dress on the girl he was going to kill. One of the girls manages to escape by pretending to be the kidnapper son's dead mother and she sets him on fire. It is not: The Cellar Door, Bereavement, The Hamiltons. Could be a TV episode. Please help!

Answer: This was an episode of Law & Order SVU. Not sure what year though.

What's the name of this movie? It has to be from the 80s/early 90s. Hair/clothing was current with the time. I remember it being about a dad who gets re-married to a woman who is only marrying him for his money but he has no clue. The wedding is outdoor like in a park area. Once she ties the knot she starts secretly changing everything and she does not like the dad's kid (can't remember if it was boy/girl) I think she secretly makes the kid miserable. She redecorates the house and particularly the kid's bedroom in a way that the kid hates tremendously. I think she redecorates using an excessive amount of the color red. In the end, I think the dad/new wife split and possibly the kid spends the night on a park bench.

Answer: Sounds to me like it might be Problem Child 2.

There was a movie I watched sometime in the early to mid 90s. It was about a woman whose friends were being killed one at a time. In the end of the movie she confronts the killer who is another woman. According to the killer, when she was just a child, she had a birthday party at her house but everyone ignored her and paid more attention to the other woman. Angry about this, she was going to burn the woman's hair to get even. Unfortunately, she held the candle behind her and it caused her own hair to catch on fire and also disfigured her at the same time.

Answer: It could be the 1981 horror film Happy Birthday to me...although I don't recall the candle scene you mentioned.

Gavin Jackson

Several years ago I watched a movie about a guy that finds an old war plane loaded with medals and whisky that was under water. Does this ring a bell with anyone? I would like to watch it again. I think of it every time I see the movie Memphis Belle.

Daniel Holloway

Chosen answer: This film is 1981's Treasure of the Yankee Zephyr (also titled Race for the Yankee Zephyr) It was filmed in New Zealand and starred Ken Wahl and Donald Pleasence.

Gavin Jackson

There was an animated movie in the 80's or 90's about a small girl being chased by werewolves. If I remember, they want to turn her into a werewolf as well. She is helped by a talking toad and with his help she manages to escape.

Answer: This sounds like "The Talking Parcel", a 1978 animated TV film made by Cosgrove Hall based on a book by Gerald Durrell.


I vaguely remember a movie from when I was younger (I'm 30 now) about a blonde girl who is maybe babysitting a younger girl. She takes her out with her at night to party - they go to the beach, the blonde meets up with a guy and the younger girl feels so special because she has been with this cool chick hanging out all night. Sorry I don't remember more - I feel like it MIGHT have had "night" in the title. Thanks in advance!


Chosen answer: Sounds like the 1992 movie "That Night" with Juliette Lewis. The setting of the movie is in the 1960's and I found it on YouTube.

I am looking for a made for television movie that came out years ago. The movie is about a family with 2 young sons. The father favors the youngest son and is cold to the other. One day both boys went for a boat ride. The youngest boy accidentally falls off the boat and starts to drown. The older son tries to save him but he hesitates at first. The young boy drowns. The older son is under suspicion and might go to court. The father blames his older son for what happened. I believe that the mother separates from the father and supports her son and the father doesn't support him. That's the plot does anyone know the name? Thanks.

Answer: This is "Family Sins", a CBS TV movie from 1987.


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