Super Grover

14th Jun 2008

The Doors (1991)

Corrected entry: During the infamous March 1, 1969 Miami gig, the movie depicts the band stopping play right as Jim begins his rant. In reality, the band played on during Jim's rant.

Correction: This film is not intended to be a historical documentary. Artistic license (aka dramatic license) is an accepted practice, whereby a film that's based on real events and real people, some of the events have been changed or left out for dramatic purposes.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Dumbledore introduces the Durmstrang students, he says, "Please welcome our friends from the north", but Bulgaria is south from UK.


Correction: Dumbledore's statement is correct. Viktor Krum grew up in Bulgaria and was chosen to be the Seeker for the Bulgarian national Quidditch team, while attending Durmstrang Institute. The exact location of Durmstrang Institute is unknown. As written in the book it is "a castle in northern Europe, far enough north that days are very short in winter."

Super Grover

28th Jan 2003

The Transporter (2002)

Corrected entry: When Martin launches his car onto a car transport truck a wheel comes off his car, only to be back in perfect condition shortly afterward.

Correction: At no point does a wheel come off the BMW during this sequence.

Super Grover

25th Nov 2005

The Transporter (2002)

Corrected entry: After Frank has escaped from the jail with the inspector, he gets on the boat. While in the jail (and even before that) Frank has been wearing a blue shirt with khaki pants. Once on the boat, we see Frank change his shirt, but he does not change his pants which are now black instead of khaki.

Correction: Yes, we see Frank pull the boat away from the busy marina wearing the blue polo and khaki pants. At the start of the next shot, however, the boat is already in open water. So there has been more than an ample time lapse for Frank to have already changed into the dark pants, offscreen, and then onscreen continues to change his shirt as well.

Super Grover

18th Aug 2007

Scooby-Doo (2002)

Corrected entry: When Fred is saying that there is no such thing as monsters, and the monster comes in through the glass, when Fred jumps you can see that he looks straight at the camera when he lands. (00:39:40)

Correction: When an actor happens to glance in the direction of the camera, it is to be presumed that he/she is merely looking toward the imaginary 'fourth wall', as if the camera is not there. As long as the actor does not 'break the fourth wall', this is acceptable.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Troy and Gabriella are singing "Right Here, Right Now" at the treehouse, there is one airplane hanging from the ceiling, but in the next shot there are two airplanes hanging up.


Correction: When Troy and Gabriella first stand up, directly behind them we see one model airplane dangling from the ceiling in front of the dartboard and sleeping bags. As the treehouse/camera begins to turn when Troy removes his sweatshirt, we see the second model airplane dangling to the left of the dartboard, right beside the fishing net floats. In the shot looking up as the ceiling opens, we can see the rolled up sleeping bag at the screen's bottom left corner, as the two airplanes are dangling behind Gabriella. There's no sudden appearance of a model airplane.

Super Grover

Correction: Yes, Cody's red sweatshirt is on backwards when he and Maddie leave the bathroom, and in the next shot it is on properly, when they're both seen crawling in the vent. This cannot be considered a valid mistake because there is plenty of time between those two shots offscreen, as they walk to the vent's opening and begin to crawl through it, for Cody to pull his arms out of the sleeves and simply turn his sweatshirt around, without ever taking it off.

Super Grover

10th Apr 2009

Sydney White (2007)

Corrected entry: In the scene when Sydney first meets Dinky, Dinky asks her what she's wearing for the rush party. Dinky says she's narrowed her choices down to five, yet the dress she actually is shown wearing is not one of the five dress that was shown.


Correction: Yes, Dinky said that she narrowed her dress choices down to five, but it most certainly does not mean she couldn't have changed her mind a dozen times over and then decided upon a sixth, seventh, or umpteenth choice, by the time she finally made her final decision for the sorority rush. No error here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: The two employees from Shoppers Express take Santa home. When Santa gets off, there is a shot showing the inside of the car. The woman's legs and knees can be seen. From the shot inside the car, however, her black coat completely covers both knees.


Correction: In the exterior shot, Jack Duff is standing next to the car and its open door, as we are able to see Alberta's legs inside the car. The interior shot shows Jack already sitting in the car, beside Alberta. There is enough time for her to simply cover her legs between these two shots. There is no error here.

Super Grover

2nd Apr 2009

Day of the Dead (1985)

Corrected entry: During the zombie feast at the end, there is a zombie munching away and what appears to be the remains of Steele and there is an internal organ swinging right beside her head. Watch closely, because while she's eating, she's looking directly into the camera.


Correction: When a character, even a flesh-eating zombie, happens to glance at the camera lens it is treated as if the camera is not there - so the character is really only looking at that 'empty' area, which coincidentally is that of the camera's position. This is referred to as the imaginary 'fourth wall'. Unless the character does something to break character, when he/she looks at the direction of the camera's lens, there is no valid mistake.

Super Grover

30th Mar 2009

Knowing (2009)

Corrected entry: During John's lecture at the beginning, "INTEGRATE!" (double underlined) on the chalkboard is misspelled "INTERGRATE!"

Correction: This is not a valid 'factual mistake'. One English professor I had was renowned for his dreadful spelling. Even the most literate have off days...

Super Grover

12th Jul 2008

Gettysburg (1993)

Corrected entry: Colonel Vincent tells Colonel Chamberlain that the 20th Maine Inf. is the extreme left of the Union line, but in reality there was another regiment, the 19 Michigan, which was to their left. They were moved before the action began, but left behind about 60 skirmishers.

Correction: The filmmakers do not claim this film to be a historical documentary, and as such, they are not obligated to be factually accurate. It is a standard accepted movie convention to alter, add or disregard historical facts. This is called artistic license.

Super Grover

12th Jul 2008

Gettysburg (1993)

Corrected entry: Colonel Chamberlain didn't order the bayonet charge. It was his second in command, Spear. Chamberlain just followed along.

Correction: This film is not intended to be a historical documentary. Although the film is based on real events and real people, some of the characters and events have been altered for dramatic purposes. This is called artistic license.

Super Grover

27th Aug 2001

Ever After (1998)

Corrected entry: Towards the end when the stepsister and stepmother find out about Danielle becoming the princess, the King asks if anyone will vouch for the stepmother. When Danielle comes onstage to vouch for her, she is wearing no eye makeup, however, later in that same scene, she is. (01:52:40)

Correction: When Danielle walks into the throne room (not "onstage"), her eye make-up is consistent if by "later in that same scene" you're referring to the following shots, as she stands beside her stepmother. Just note that when she is looking straight ahead her golden colored eyeshadow is not as visible on her eyelids, as it is when she is glancing downward at her stepmother. If, however, when you say "later in that same scene" you're referring to when Leonardo da Vinci presents the painting, that is not the same scene - it is later in the day. Either way, there is no mistake.

Super Grover

2nd Nov 2008

Made of Honor (2008)

Corrected entry: When Tom and his friend Felix are walking down the street in NY, (while Tom tells him that he is going to be the made-of-honor) and they see a pink dress in the window, you can see in the reflection that Tom is wearing a short-sleeved shirt, even though in the rest of the shots, he is wearing a long-sleeved one. (00:32:20)

Correction: Actually, when he is seen in the reflection - as if he is wearing the cute little pink dress in the window, he is topless - there is no "short-sleeved shirt" seen. He is wearing a long sleeved, button-down dark shirt and the pink dress has cap sleeves and a scoop collar. So in order to give the viewers an insight into their disturbingly funny illusion, it is merely artistic license to deliberately show his bare arms AND bare neck AS IF he really is wearing it, which he of course is not. Not a mistake.

Super Grover

8th Sep 2006

The Village (2004)

Corrected entry: As Ivy and Mrs. Clack sit on the hillside talking about the sister, the first view of the greenhouse shows the candle-jars with no flames. The next view, 14 seconds later, shows at least four of them lit, with the same people sitting up against the greenhouse wall.


Correction: Being that there are fourteen seconds between the two non-consecutive shots of the same view invalidates this supposed mistake. The candles could have easily been lit during that time by one or more individuals. The fact that there are the "same people sitting up against the greenhouse wall" in the two shots is inconsequential.

Super Grover

8th Mar 2009

Wild Hogs (2007)

Corrected entry: At the beginning, right after the Dudley's laptop starts looking up alternative sex on the internet, and we see a brief shot of a reaction from two women and two little girls nearby, you can see the little girl on the left briefly look right at the camera.

Correction: When an actor happens to glance "briefly" in the direction of the camera, it is as if he/she is merely looking toward the imaginary 'fourth wall'.

Super Grover

10th Mar 2006

Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Corrected entry: When everybody is leaving the living room because Mr Bingley is going to propose to Jane, there are flowers and paint brushes on the little table standing against the wall. After the proposal they are gone. (01:40:10 - 01:41:20)

Correction: Yes, the little flowers and paintbrushes in a cup are on 'a' table. They are actually on a second tabletop to the left of the table that is up against the wall, beside the doorway.

Super Grover

28th Feb 2008

Valley Girl (1983)

Corrected entry: When Randy's talking to Julie from the pay phone in the bar his right sleeve is rolled up to his elbow. It changes to a long sleeve when he's knocking on the wall. (00:50:15)

Correction: His left sleeve is 'rolled up' to his elbow, but his unbuttoned right sleeve is actually only just pushed up and loose, towards his elbow. So the right sleeve simply slipped down his arm - it doesn't even reach his wrist, and you can note that the 'long sleeve' is still unbuttoned.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the musical scene during graduation, when Gabriella is introduced there is a shot of her mom in the audience, but if we look at the text sent by Troy to Rocketman it appears that Troy drove all the way, therefore Gabriella's mom should still be in Stanford.

Correction: Yes, Troy drove through the night as the text message stated, and we actually see Mrs. Montez before the show even starts, when the audience is being seated - she is perfectly visible in quite a few shots. Go back to the moment at Stanford U., when Troy helps Gabriella realize that she was the catalyst to some nice changes at East High. Gabriella then decides to go back to Albuquerque and do the show. Though we don't see it onscreen, it is obvious that Gabriella tells her mom that she and Troy are going to drive back to Albuquerque in his truck and they have two days until the show. Knowing Mrs. Montez, she did not want to miss her daughter's last performance so she did one of two things. Either she drove her van, which makes much better time than Troy's clunky, over-heating prone truck or more likely, she simply took a flight back to Albuquerque the day of the performance. It is unnecessary to see everything onscreen.

Super Grover

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