Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the scene with the prom, Zeke has on his sneakers (red and white), but when the rehearsal is finished, he has dress shoes on.

Correction: Watch the entire scene again. At first, he and the other boys are wearing their regular shoes, then when they come out of their dressing cubicles they are all wearing dress black shoes. The scene continues with the formal dance number, when Zeke wears the pink sash, and he wears informal shoes that are red/white at the sides, but black at the front. There is no error in continuity.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In the basketball game at the beginning when Rocketman joins the game, he is wearing white pants and a white jacket. He takes the jacket off to reveal the red vest but doesn't take the pants off. In the next shot he is wearing red shorts.

Correction: Jimmie (aka Rocket Man) is wearing athletic pants with breakaway snaps down the sides. When Coach Bolton calls for him, he takes off his white jacket as he walks toward the camera. Next shot, he appears from off-screen at the right just as he pulls his pants off, which he then tosses. Have a closer look, because a row of silver snaps are visible on the pants as he tosses them - the zippered jacket doesn't have snaps.

Super Grover

9th Mar 2005

American Pie 2 (2001)

Corrected entry: When Jim glues himself to himself, his shorts have been removed and he is wearing just his boxers. However, when he is on the roof of the beach house he is wearing his shorts. How could he have put the shorts on with one hand glued to his body, and the other to the videotape? (01:02:35 - 01:04:35)

Correction: To see if this can be done I asked for a volunteer and a teenager gave it a go. He immobilized one hand and held a videotape in the other hand. It was rather funny to watch him go about it, but he was successful in the end. So the upshot is that it can actually be done.

Super Grover

8th Jun 2008

Clueless (1995)

Corrected entry: After coming home from the party, in the very next scene after the red hair clip suddenly appears in Cher's hair (as mentioned in another mistake), it changes to a silver clip and the red one is now on the other side of her head.

Correction: Neither of the red clips "change" to a silver clip. She puts a silver clip on her right side - above the red clip (which is directly over her ear), and she places a silver clip on her left side (directly over her ear) - right below the red clip.

Super Grover

27th Aug 2001

Clueless (1995)

Corrected entry: At the end of the Valley party, Cher and her friends are walking to the car. When she gets in she is holding a snowman that is glowing, but you can clearly see that the cord is not plugged in.

Correction: Have another look. First, before Summer and Tai get in the car we see the long cord that runs up the stairs, towards the house. Second, when they are in the car with Frosty the Snowman, the cord hangs over the car door, and when Tai waves the cord moves - it is white above and black below.

Super Grover

1st Feb 2009

Jurassic Park (1993)

Corrected entry: In the helicopter scene at the beginning of the movie, Malcolm is talking to Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler and he is deliberately chewing gum as he talks. In the next shot, Malcolm suddenly isn't chewing gum. He then unwraps a piece of gum and places it into his mouth.

Correction: It is possible to "suddenly" stop chewing gum. Take your pick: the gum is still in his mouth and he simply stops chewing (that IS possible) as he takes another one for whatever reason (to draw attention, for more flavor), or perhaps he swallows the gum (people do that) and then simply takes another piece. There is no valid mistake here.

Super Grover

Maddie Checks In - S1-E3

Corrected entry: In the episode "Maddie Checks In," when Zack and Cody's mom sing the song, right before Cody comes in, Maddie has an orange dress on and not the pink one she wore before. But in the next shot she has on the pink one again.

Correction: Have another look at that opening shot of the lounge. As the camera pans from Carey, past the table where Maddie sits with Jason and his parents, Maddie's dress is indeed pink.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Stacy sneaks out of the house, and again when Brad is washing his car, a large 2-car garage can be seen in the background beside the driveway. But when Stacy is waiting outside the house for Mike, the garage isn't there. (00:20:55 - 01:05:10)

Correction: The home's front facing exterior wall, with the front door and two sets of windows, is at a perfect 90° angle to its left with the garage door wall. When Stacy sneaks out and when Brad washes the car, the camera is facing both walls at an angle. However, when Stacy is at the curb, the camera is facing the front of the house head on, so the wall with the garage door is still there, but it is obscured. Look past the tall shrubs and metal garbage bins. Also notice how much closer the front facing exterior wall of the garage (with a window and decorative shutters) is to the curb, than the wall with the front door.

Super Grover

26th Jul 2008

Hannah Montana (2006)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In "Lilly Do You Want To Know A Secret?", in the scene where Miley and her dad are talking, Miley says she wants to walk on the beach. She puts on 1 shoe and then talks to her dad, but in the next scene both of her shoes on.

logan crews

Correction: First, she never "puts on" any shoe before she speaks to Robbie Ray, second, "both of her shoes" are NOT on, and third, this all occurs within the same scene. Miley walks in, sits down on the step, removes her right blue sneaker and we see she is wearing ankle high white socks. Then it cuts to close-ups as she and Robbie Ray speak while sitting on the step, and when they finally stand up she is only wearing the white socks - not shoes - when she walks out the back door.

Super Grover

Correction: Yes, the mirror is cracked at its *lower right* when young bellhop Moseby walks into the suite. When Irene's ghost gets annoyed at young Moseby's pizza comment, she cracks the mirror at the *upper left*, and then both cracks are visible. The original lower crack occured back in 1942, when Irene threw her her silver hairbrush at the mirror, which caused a glass shard to kill her.

Super Grover

A Prom Story - S1-E8

Corrected entry: When the mime leans on Mr. Moseby, Moseby goes away and the mime is leaning on nothing - but you can see a string that he's hanging on. (00:03:20)

Correction: There is no string, no wire, no anything.

Super Grover

Correction: When Zack is holding the drink, the hotel waitress brings out a tray of desserts and it cuts to a shot as she serves one of the other boys, during which we do not see Zack. Then, when it cuts back to a shot of the twins, Zack's drink is gone. There is enough time between those shots for Zack to have simply put his drink down.

Super Grover

8th May 2005

The Incredibles (2004)

Corrected entry: In the hangar near the end the family finds an RV with all of the guards inside. Mr. Incredible stops and tells his family to wait at the rear corner of the RV. He then enters and beats up the guards; while doing so, the outside shot of the RV shows no family and no place for all of them to hide (look under the RV to check the other side). Then he opens the door and they're at the corner again.


Correction: Actually, there is a place where it would be impossible for viewers to see Elastigirl and the two kids. The RV has two huge back tires on its left, so if they were hiding directly behind the RV its two back left tires would easily block us from seeing them. There is no error here.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: In Gringott's, after visiting Harry's vault, as they stand in front of vault 713, a cart passes by on the tracks. In order to do this, it almost certainly would have had to jump the cart Harry and Hagrid had been using.

Correction: The fact that you're speaking of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, which is run by Goblins who have many enchantments in place, is in itself evidence that there really is nothing extraordinary about an enchanted cart travelling within the bank's underground passages, on its interlinked series of tracks.

Super Grover

18th Jan 2009

The Wrestler (2008)

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie Randy's van is missing the passenger side view mirror, but later in the movie it reappears.

Correction: The fact that you have stated that the side-view mirror appears "later in the movie" invalidates this mistake, because Randy could very well have had that mirror fixed/reattached, at some point off-screen. It would be a legitimate mistake if the mirror would suddenly appear between shots, with no time to have fixed it.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie Beckett is walking down the stairs of the ship while it's being blown to bits by the cannons from the 2 pirate ships. There's a close up slo-mo shot of the railing being destroyed as he walks down. The railing is consistently being blown up RIGHT behind his hands. The shot cuts away to a view from in-front of him and there's a good 3 feet between his hand and where the railing is broken.

Nick Bylsma

Correction: That's right, there is a slow motion SIDE shot of the upper part of the stair railing being blown up *right* behind Beckett's hand, and then it cuts to a slow motion FRONT shot and the upper part of the stair railing is getting blown up once again. ALL of the action is seen from multiple angles and in dramatic slow motion. This is a deliberate and common filmmaking technique to show a single action or sequence repeatedly from several different angles, by 'turning back time' very slightly in some cases, to show the action from a different perspective. The railing being blown up is one of those cases. Another example is in 'LotR: The Two Towers' when Legolas surfs the stairs.

Super Grover

16th Jan 2009

Snatch (2000)

Corrected entry: Several times during the film, Cousin Avi refers to Frankie Four Fingers as "Bubbe" which is a Yiddish term of endearment for "Grandma" and would be inappropriate when addressing a man.

Correction: Of course it's not supposed to be used to address a man, that is the whole point. It's sarcastic humor.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: When Theoden forbids Merry to go to war with the Rohirrim, Merry is with his white pony. In the wider shot of Merry watching Theoden ride off, his pony suddenly disappears. (01:50:10)

Correction: When Theoden rides away from Merry, in the next shot as Merry turns to look at Theoden, note that the pony is several feet behind the Hobbit, as it turns away to its right. It then cuts to a shot of Theoden, Eomer and others riding off. It isn't until the third shot that we see Merry standing towards the right of the screen without the pony. There is enough time between the first and third shots for the pony to simply walk away from the commotion of all the riders.

Super Grover

21st Oct 2005

The Goonies (1985)

Corrected entry: In the shot where Data busts through the screen door, you can see his cap fall off as he crashes into Mikey. In the following shot, as the others begin to recover from the pile-up, Data's cap can be seen on his head again. (00:09:00)

Correction: We don't even see Data in the following shot. It isn't until three shots later that we actually see Data, and by this time he's wearing the baseball cap - plenty of time for him to put it back on his head.

Super Grover

16th Dec 2001

The Goonies (1985)

Corrected entry: At the end of the film when the Goonies reunite with their families, Rosalita goes over to Mikey and takes off his hat and cop jacket that he was wearing and puts a blanket on him instead. In the very next shot, Mikey is still wearing the hat.

Correction: Mikey isn't even in the next shot, so we really can't see if he wears the hat or not.

Super Grover

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