
28th Aug 2023

Identical Love (2021)

Continuity mistake: The glass of Charlotte's orange-coloured drink fluctuates between about three-fourths to two-thirds full, including suddenly changing when she merely starts to bend over to pick up a utensil. After Charlotte drinks some, reducing the level to two-thirds, it goes back up and down. Wider views tend to be at the three-fourths level. (00:21:35 - 00:23:02)


26th Aug 2023

Breakout (2023)

Continuity mistake: After Tweed gets shot, his head leans against the front passenger side window. There is only a quick glimpse inside after Vincent gets out of the car and leaves the driver's door open, but Tweed is not visible in the passenger seat. (00:02:50 - 00:03:43)


26th Aug 2023

Young Ones (2014)

Continuity mistake: Sam stretches his arm across the table to set a drink about an arm's length away from Ernest, but the side view shows the drink in front of Ernest. Sam's chair is also closer and angled toward him. (00:29:08)


26th Aug 2023

Breakout (2023)

Continuity mistake: Vincent has a diagonal "V" or wishbone-shaped tattoo (possibly a scar) on the right of his neck when he gets to prison, but it becomes a vertical line of letters (possibly chain links) seconds later. (00:05:39)


25th Aug 2023

Young Ones (2014)

Continuity mistake: The appearance/structure of the ground-level components of the well changes several times. In the first view, the unit is mostly gray and rusty with one vertical white pipe. When Ernest is pumping, half of the horizontal pipe is also white and clean. In the rear view, the vertical pipe is brown and rusty. Some mud spurts out of the spigot, but the spigot is clean, dry, and white in the front view. (00:05:10)


25th Aug 2023

Alien Invasion (2023)

Continuity mistake: It is about 10:17 on the wall clock when the surprise birthday party guests shout "Happy Birthday." By the time the fourth guest hugs Lyra, the clock jumps to 10:55 (38 minutes within the 22 seconds of hugging). (00:02:13 - 00:02:35)


Continuity mistake: The time on the mantle clock behind the man carrying a shovel (as a weapon) changes several times, jumping forward or backward (e.g. 6:50 to 7:18 and 7:18 to 6:43). The clock behind Adam is sometimes coordinated with the other clock (@ 7:48), but other times is not (e.g. 7:52 vs. 7:18 or 6:43). (00:21:08 - 00:22:17)


Continuity mistake: Before going outside with Alex to meet the crowd, the knot in Henry's tie has one diagonal white (or light-coloured) stripe showing, which is near the centre. When Henry opens the door, there are two stripes showing on the knot - one near the top and the other near the bottom of his shirt's collar. (01:45:40 - 01:46:35)


21st Aug 2023

Of an Age (2022)

Continuity mistake: Kol shouts, "Stop the car!" Adam slams on the brakes from a cruising speed, yet miraculously, the car is bumper-to-bumper with a parked red SUV. When Kol gets back into Adam's car, the red SUV should be visible. However, outside of the windshield, there is a white blur. A car drives close by on a perpendicular road that wasn't there before Adam stopped. (00:15:48 - 00:16:20)


Continuity mistake: The woman in the store tries to pay with cash ($20 bill), passes the yellow Photo Centre booth on her right and is almost at the front exit. However, she is barely past the Photo Centre when the officers take a few steps into the store and confront her. In the rear view of her, she is almost at the front exit again. (00:07:29)


Continuity mistake: When Robert gets into the front passenger seat of the truck, the 90° bend in the road is a couple truck lengths away. The truck pulls out and can be heard driving away. When the truck is shown making the bend, it is a few times the distance away than it was. (00:05:18)


19th Aug 2023

Gold (2022)

Continuity mistake: The perimeter of the small fires surrounding Virgil is bigger compared to the aerial view when the dogs attack him. Also, sticks comprising some of the fires are different, appearing to have never been aflame. (01:26:04 - 01:28:12)


19th Aug 2023

Gold (2022)

Continuity mistake: Virgil is speared on the left side of his body by a dead tree limb, but after he crawls to the gold and turns onto his back, the spear is on his right side. He eventually pulls it out of his left side. (01:16:28 - 01:17:38)


Continuity mistake: Back and forth, there are 3 slices of pizza together when the camera is on Frank, but only 2 slices separated when directed towards Oliver and Mitch. (00:47:36)


Continuity mistake: There is only a small amount of hair above Eva's headband when she is in the store, but suddenly there is a much larger amount when she turns around to the checkout. (00:03:00)


19th Aug 2023

Legacy Peak (2022)

Continuity mistake: After Jason tells Ben he is sorry for yelling at him, Ben turns his head and lays it down to go to sleep. But next, his head is up and facing Jason as though he has not turned away. Ben turns and puts his head down a second time. (00:41:33)


18th Aug 2023

Clerks III (2022)

Continuity mistake: In the wide view of "Quick Stop Groceries," there is a yellow pole directly in front of and almost touching the far right side of the van's front bumper, but the pole isn't there in the rear view of the van. (00:01:43)


18th Aug 2023

Legacy Peak (2022)

Continuity mistake: There isn't a white notepad on top of the smaller green present (with the gold present missing), but there is when Ben pulls Jason's notepad out of the storage compartment. Even though Ben is facing Sam and has Jason's notepad in his hands, the white notepad behind him is angled differently at least twice. (00:17:15 - 00:17:37)


18th Aug 2023

Legacy Peak (2022)

Continuity mistake: Ben places a flashlight on top of the smaller gold Christmas present (which recently re-appears), but the flashlight and gold present disappear when his arms/upper body come back out of the storage compartment. The large green present is angled away from the others but touches the larger gold present. When the top gold present goes missing, the green present is parallel to and touches the larger gold present. (00:16:29)


18th Aug 2023

Legacy Peak (2022)

Continuity mistake: The wrapped Christmas presents set near the airplane's tail are stacked differently in the before and after views of Ben's arms in the storage compartment. The gold package that is on top is missing and the larger green package on the ground is angled away from the others. Later, the green package is aligned with and touching the lower gold package. (00:16:39)


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