
Escape from Luna II - S1-E4

Plot hole: White Base and the interior of Luna II withstand without a scratch the explosion of the thermonuclear reactor from the Magellan from just a few meters, while the blast literally vaporizes the Zaku far away from the entrance and threatens to damage the Musai, hundreds of meters away.


28th Dec 2019

A Fine Mess (1986)

Plot hole: The whole premise of the movie makes zero sense. Spence finds out that a certain race is rigged, but he is caught eavesdropping, so the goons are after him. They don't catch him and then the day after they stalk the betting counter looking for him. He then enlists the help of his friend Dennis to distract the goons so he can place the bet. But the villains are completely unaware about Dennis' existence! He could simply walk in and do the bet himself. He even is the guy with the money. No reason at all is given why Dennis does not place the bet himself, cash in, and walk away. Other than the fact that the movie would be done in 20 minutes and with not much of a payoff.


28th Dec 2019

Batman (1966)

The Penguin's a Jinx (2) - S1-E4

Plot hole: Penguin's magnet attracts with amazing force Batman and Robin's utility belts, to the point of pulling them in from the other side of the room; it's however ludicrous to think that no other metal object would be in the apartment and fly at a magnet with that sort of power. (00:14:30)


Plot hole: The gag about Ellen not find the 'seat number' on the bus is fun, but it makes zero sense that it happens on the moving bus, after an establishing shot of the road, even. She didn't board the bus on the fly, luggage was being loaded still. What was she doing, making still her way into the bus minutes later? (00:13:00)


Plot hole: Snow Falls is a minuscule town with no cell phone signal, one cab, a couple buses going in and out all day. A huge snowstorm has been announced, to the point that the Sheriff had to round people up and bring them to the shelters and Jake is housing real refugees from the storm. Later the same night, Jake and Ellie go for a walk in town, which has activity, all stores open, other people taking a nice stroll in the nice foamy fake snow. There shouldn't be a soul in that kind of small town in the middle of the night regardless, but after a storm even? (00:56:10)


Plot hole: With over two years spent teaching at school, nobody (students, coworkers) ever noticed the rubber face and rubber hands of 'professor Soneji' - and he teaches computer science, having to get close to people constantly looking at their screens and interacting with them - as shown in the classroom scene. Nothing is also said about the name being an alias and how he managed to teach to the super-elite school where daughters of senators and the Russian President (what is he doing attending middle school in the US anyway?) with no credential, or fake ones (the degree shown is in Mercusio's name). You'd think the vetting for the staff there would be iron-proof. He has also been wearing a fake gut, and something like that would have easily showed up if he ever got as much as a pat-down, which at a place with security so tight, is certainly a possibility.


Plot hole: Jezzie has files about Dimitri in her computer and is the one who asks Cross to do the stake-out at the embassy. She knows of Soneji's plan to kidnap the Russian kid, but wants it to fail, since she is more than content with the millions of ransom for Megan. This part does not make sense on any level; she can't know on which day Soneji is attempting the kidnapping, and since she and her accomplice know where he is hiding (or else they wouldn't be able to grab Megan from him when he is away), by all means they should have killed him rather than run the huge risk to let him try to kidnap another kid at the well guarded embassy and have him killed or worse, captured, before they can do their scheme replacing him. For their plan to succeed, Soneji needs to be dead, so he won't mess up for his delusions of grandeur.


Plot hole: Devine is in the hideout. It is late evening/night. Nothing in the timeline here makes sense. For starters, the newscast says that "over a week ago" the manhunt for Soneji started. Cross gets on the case the first day, on day 2 they find Mercusio's home, day 3 the failed embassy run and Megan is taken away from Soneji (but nobody knows), day 4 is the jewelry heist, leaving Soneji to be killed the same day or after (the movie messes up on that account but seems to want it to happen the same day, I'd give it another day, making it 5). Moreover, it says that Soneji was killed late in the afternoon the day before; it means that Jezzie waited more than a whole day to go to him, and Devine's comment about the kid being so doped up she didn't realise she is not on the boat makes no sense when it implies she'd have to sleep for 2 days straight instead of one. (01:23:00)


Plot hole: From a logistic and tactical point of view, the whole police/FBI operation revolving around the diamonds does not make any sense. The agents are supposedly spread around and in great numbers, but everyone is simply chasing him, while Cross is speaking freely through the radio and shares the addresses and instructions so they should be -ahead - of him, they know where he is going! Although, during the action, Cross tends to speaks directly with Jezzie all the time, as if all the other dozens of agents did not exist. Jezzie's presence itself is completely illogical, too, since Soneji ordered that nobody would follow Cross or he will kill the girl, and Jezzie is the one agent that he knows (she's been the kid's bodyguard for 2 years!) and is sure to recognize. She should be nowhere near the chase, but nobody objects at all.


Plot hole: There is a massive problem in the timeline of the movie, starting when the 'running game' is set. It is dawn when the kidnapper contacts the family and the police. He says, that he will call back in 9 hours, and even says "4 PM sharp." The events unfold, and Cross is on the metro train during rush hour, firing his gun. But at the press conference that follows, agent Ollie McArthur declines to comment on the "incident on the MTA train this morning." (01:03:05 - 01:10:00)


Plot hole: In her plot convenient computer content, Cross finds the address of the house for lease Jezzie has. The house is located in Lovettsville, Virginia. That means it's over one hour away from the apartment in Washington. If we take at face value what happens in the movie, with Cross breaking into the house once Jezzie has killed Devine, then it's impossible he made it in time to catch her and save Megan. One wonders what took Cross so long anyway to get to the house considering he visited the school that tipped him off about Jezzie when students were still around, and why he does not warn the authorities (which is kinda hilarious since what tips Megan off about Jezzie, is that she came alone, exactly what the hero does!). The timer on the computer screen when Cross finds out is 00:00:00, which is a bit unlikely and not much help. (01:29:00)


Plot hole: Cross says that the best strategy to keep the kid alive is to pamper Soneji, stroke his ego and make him a living legend as he wants to be. What Soneji did though, was guide them to his real identity and name, since Soneji is just a front he used to be employed at Cathedral School, and in the first conversation with Cross he said about the Soneji name "That'll do for now." It's obvious to anyone then that he wants his real name and self to emerge from obscurity and drop the alias, and if Cross really wanted to please the kidnapper, he should have used his real name, Jonathan Mercusio. Despite these clear elements, that name is never used or referenced in the movie again.


The Double Clue - S3-E7

Plot hole: Since the Countess was the only person to be at every dinner when the jewelry thief was in action, it takes a very special kind of idiot to not identify her as the culprit. Japp here did not need at all Poirot's acumen, but simple due diligence cross-checking the guest lists, something there is absolutely no reason he wouldn't do, and yet she is never treated as a special suspect. Also, Japp's job is described as being in jeopardy after the first 3 thefts, a 4th happens, he does not quite solve it (but retrieves at least the necklace), but he's off the hook despite the thief being unidentified, at large and with still the jewelry stolen from the first 3.


The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor - S3-E6

Plot hole: The murderer is in possession of chloroform from the doctor's cabinet, but there's no realistic timeframe when they could have done it, nor any explanation why the doctor notices it completely at random when Poirot visits, just approaching the medicine cabinet, something he routinely opens and looks through during the day.


The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor - S3-E6

Plot hole: The murderer planned everything making it seems accidental. They perfectly managed to fool the coroner and need only to be alone at the mansion to get rid of the murder weapon. So what they do is...they go through great risks to make everyone know someone tried to murder the wife too, making it obvious that there is a killer at large, which only makes the investigation more stringent and most importantly, keeps the police on the premises for surveillance preventing them from disposing of the weapon (like almost everything in this episode's plot it is not a flaw of the original story, but of the dramatization, who added practically every minor character).


The Tragedy at Marsdon Manor - S3-E6

Plot hole: It is revealed towards the end of the episode that the painting Mrs. Maltravers did when the murder took place was not painted that day and that time of the day, because it had the wrong shadows. But we actually saw what was on the canvas when the secretary was leaving to go to the bank, and it was that exact painting in an early state. She also came up with the idea for the murder the night before, making even more unbelievable that she'd just have the alibi painting ready and waiting the morning after. That without mentioning the fact that the murder itself as described is not something that would have required an amount of time needed to make a whole painting, and that she could have finished it later anyway (she gave it to Hastings a day later, after all).


4th Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Down Down Down - S1-E3

Plot hole: Kate in the Batcave says with absolute certainty "Alice doesn't know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Whoever stole the gun, knew that Bruce had to have the suit to test it on." Both statements are leaps in logic with no foundation. Alice knows that Kate is Batwoman, and that Bruce's office is her center of operation (she even shines a bat-signal there!). It would be perfectly logical to assume that she made the connection. The testing bit is simply a non-sequitur; plenty of weapons can be made and tested on armor which fits the specifications, real or inferred, of a particular target, without being in possession of the item as a whole. (00:16:00)


24th Nov 2019

The Dark Half

Plot hole: The main character finds the dead journalist at the beginning of the movie, walks back to town using the main road, and when he gets there not only have the police found the cadaver already, but the barman knows all about it, including the outcome of the questioning of the witness. Stellar police work and mad gossiping skills, all without the police cars passing by the unsuspecting Thad and arresting him.


Plot hole: The kids in Soneji's class use an encrypted GIF algorithm to pass notes to each other and that "drives the teachers crazy", since they are unable to catch cheaters that way. But how do they do that? Easy, they have a message system in place installed on their workstations, that warns them with a big pop-up that they've got "A new message"! It would be easy to sanction and prevent the cheating by simply removing the chat application, no matter if they use it to chat directly or pass Michael Jordan photos as shown in the movie, which they have no business doing during an assignment anyway.


22nd Nov 2019

Ranma ½ (1989)

Sukeban no me ni namida? Rûru muyou no kakutou shintaisou kecchaku - S1-E13

Plot hole: In the anime, Ranma commits an unsanctioned violation of the rules when she throws Kodachi out of the ring (the time when she gets saved from her schoolmates); she in fact grabs Kodachi's arms using legs and feet, and projects her. In the original manga there is no such mistake; Ranma used her feet to spin the club Kodachi was holding, so was not throwing Kodachi directly, but using the tool just as the rules say. (00:15:45)


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