
18th Sep 2003

Maverick (1994)

Continuity mistake: In the opening 'flashforward' scene, when Maverick is hung, the rope is thrown over a big branch and tied to the trunk. When the plot arrives at this point again the rope has been thrown over a small branch, which breaks off when the horse walks off and Maverick falls down. Furthermore, since his foot is stuck in the stirrup the horse drags him across the ground with the branch in tow, which should not be possible since the rope should still be tied to the trunk. (00:02:35 - 01:13:50)


18th Sep 2003

Maverick (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Maverick rides into the village on donkeyback he overtakes a wagon pulled by two oxen. A bit further down the road the same wagon is coming from the right (it is the same as the oxen show the same patterns). (00:05:00)


18th Sep 2003

Maverick (1994)

Continuity mistake: When we see Maverick for the first time in the hanging scene he is sitting on a horse with a rope around his neck, which is completely covered by his collar. When the camera angle changes the knot is much higher and the rope is fully visible, although the horse hasn't moved yet. (00:01:35)


18th Sep 2003

Maverick (1994)

Continuity mistake: When Annabelle tells Maverick that she is short of $4000 to enter the big game he goes and extorts money from the Russian Duke. When he hands it over to her he holds a small bundle of bills, but when the camera angle changes the money is fanned out. Plus, when you pause the DVD you can count only eight $100 bills. (01:18:45)


18th Sep 2003

Maverick (1994)

Continuity mistake: Maverick brings the runaway carriage to a screeching halt at a rather straight, even edge of a canyon. In a wide shot from above the carriage is standing on rocky ledge. (00:40:30)


15th Sep 2003

Good bye, Lenin! (2003)

Continuity mistake: At the datscha the mother tells her kids how she lied to them about their father after he had left. She is rested on a reclining chair with a brown pillow. A second brown pillow appears and disappears in alternating shots. (01:29:40)


15th Sep 2003

Good bye, Lenin! (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Alex throws the useless GDR money from the rooftop Lara is sitting on the rim, wearing a red t-shirt. When Alex walks over to her and she gets up she's wearing the light-blue jacket she was sitting on. (01:07:35)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: Whale commits suicide by drowning himself in the pool. When Clayton pulls him out the color of Whale's suit changes from black to brownish, and vice versa when Clayton throws him back in. Varying degrees of wetness should not be the reason as he should be drenched too while he is lying at the poolside. (01:33:40)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: Before Clayton poses for Whale for the last time he drops the towel around his waist. When they start to fight and Clayton tries to re-dress the towel is already half back in place. (01:24:55)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Whale paints Clayton while a thunderstorm is raging outside a pen in Whale's hand appears and disappears a number of times. (01:19:30)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: The bar where Clayton hangs out has separate windows with small panes from outside, but glass bricks without any partition from inside. (00:31:35)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: When Whale and Clayton smoke cigars after lunch you can tell from the ashes at the tip that Clayton's has burned for at least five minutes the very moment after it was lit, while Whale doesn't get his cigar burning properly throughout the scene (which would be a real shame for an obvious cigar aficionado). (00:49:05)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: While Clayton is having lunch with Whale his water glass is either full or two-thirds full depending on the camera angle. (00:47:45)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: Before Whale has lunch with Clayton he is sitting at a counter opening some letters. There is a glass ashtray on the counter that is about a meter away from the letter pile in all wide shots, but right next it in all close-ups. (00:46:05)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: While Clayton sits with Hanna in the kitchen before he has lunch with Whale the clock on the wall switches back and forth between 2:30 and 2:35. (00:43:15)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: When Whale paints Clayton's portrait for the first time he hangs his shirt on a coat stand behind him. The way the shirt hangs changes between straight and crumpled several times throughout the scene. (00:29:20)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: When Whale collapses and Kay takes him to the atelier you see Hanna come running with all his medicine tucked in her apron. When she arrives he is already rested on his bed, not possible the way he was dragging his feet. (00:15:45)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: During the interview at the poolside, when Whale makes Kay take off his pants, he is holding his cigar either to his mouth or to the side in alternating shots that follow each other too quickly. (00:14:05)


14th Sep 2003

Gods and Monsters (1998)

Continuity mistake: During the interview at the poolside Whale reaches for a box with cigars. In the next shot his empty hands are resting in his lap, and when the camera angle changes again the already opened box is back in his hands. (00:12:10)


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