
Continuity mistake: When Dr. Keener is in the garden with her mother the phone rings. When she answers the call her bangs are pushed to the side in all wide shots, but in all close-ups three neat strands are hanging over her forehead. (00:04:00)


Continuity mistake: When Christine comes to Dr. Keener's door her hair is parted in the middle. The camera shows her from behind when she walks in, and we can see that the front hair is tied back over the parting, also in the next shot when she sits at the table. Then, after she drinks a glass of water, her hair is loose again. (00:08:10)


Continuity mistake: During the tarot session, when Dr. Keener takes her mother back to her room, Christine's hands are in her lap. When Dr. Keener returns Christine is leaning forward with her hands on the table. The camera cuts to Keener, then back to Christine, and she's sitting back again, and we can tell from the way she moves (without seeing it, however) that she takes her left arm again from under the table. (00:15:10)


Continuity mistake: On her first encounter with the homeless woman Rebecca gives her a cigarette. A few seconds later, when the woman asks Rebecca if she is the bank manager, the cigarette is gone from her right hand, then, after a coughing fit, she lights another one of Rebecca's cigarettes. We don't see her dropping the first cigarette, and if she had she would certainly have picked it up or at least said something about it. (00:20:25)


Continuity mistake: In the first scene with the homeless woman her headgear keeps changing between shots, either with or without a long string hanging down from the loose end of the cloth. (00:21:15)


Continuity mistake: When the homeless woman tries to enter the bank the security guard closes the door on her twice. (00:37:25)


Continuity mistake: When Rose wants to bring Albert a flower pot and he doesn't answer the door she sneaks into the garden. When she peeks around the corner a brick column next to her appears and disappears between shots. (00:54:35)


Continuity mistake: When Kathy puts make-up on Carol before the date that won't happen a strand of hair keeps appearing and disappearing over Carol's left ear. (01:24:05)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: After their first meeting Barry is watching Lena while she is walking away. He is holding a coffee mug in his hand with the handle away from the hand. When the camera angle changes as he goes back in he is holding the mug by the handle. (00:05:45)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Barry tries out the harmonium that he has just put on his desk there's a chair standing behind him. When Lance opens the gate the chair is gone. (00:08:30)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Barry meets Lena for the first time there are a few shots through the gate where we see some cables and other junk on the wall across the driveway. When Lance opens the gate a little later everything is gone. (00:03:45 - 00:08:30)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Barry cuts up his credit card you can spot some number sequences (000 and 21 344) which don't match the number he had given to the phone sex operator (5102 1717 8118 6554). (00:32:35)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: After his arrival at Hawaii Barry calls his sister from a phone booth to ask her for Lena's hotel and phone number. From the side we see two men standing next to him, but between shots these two men get replaced by two women. (01:01:35)


12th Dec 2003

Punch-Drunk Love (2002)

Continuity mistake: The scene where Barry and Lena meet at the hotel is shot very artistically. We only see their silhouettes when they fall into each other's arms, and immediately after that the silhouettes of an endless row of people rushing by them in both directions. However, in the shots before we saw each of them running towards the other, and there was absolutely nobody around except them. In addition, some of these other people walk by more than once, like a tall slender lady with flying hair. (01:03:55)


9th Dec 2003

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the hospital scene Bruce's head bandage covers his left ear almost completely, later only half of it. (01:27:00)


9th Dec 2003

Bruce Almighty (2003)

9th Dec 2003

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Continuity mistake: In the few days of Bruce being almighty the moon changes from full (when he pulls it closer) to half (after his second visit to the Omni Present building), and then back to full (when we see Grace praying). (01:16:20 - 01:21:55)


9th Dec 2003

Bruce Almighty (2003)

9th Dec 2003

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce is pushed back by the "drawer of life" his grip on the handle changes between shots (otherwise he would have broken his thumb the way it was pushed through the handle). (00:28:25)


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