
Nicole: [To Dr. Tierney] My friends used to say that he molded me into what he wanted me to become so that no man could ever take his place. (00:19:20)


Nicole: Godammit.
Faye: It's him? You have to call the cops. He can't keep getting away with this.
Nicole: I can't call the cops.
Faye: Why?
Nicole: Do you think they're going to do anything? He's drinking buddies with half of the LAPD.


Nicole: [to Faye] I'm worried he's going to kill me one day and get away with it. (00:06:38)


24th Nov 2020

I Am Number Four (2011)

Number Four: We are the last of our kind. Three of us are gone. Dead. They are hunting us down, one by one, in order. I know I'm next. I am Number Four. (00:10:25)


Curtis: Here. You want to take that one down to the basement, dude? I'm coming with you. Let's go.
Finn: [Hearing the statement Alexis made earlier] "People get really good deals if they find, like, a dead body in the basement". The basement level in Dragons and Warriors is a prison filled with ghosts.
Curtis: Yeah, well, the basement in a real life is just a basement. You can do it.


24th Nov 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Max: Plus, do you even have insurance?
Lucas: I don't know. Do you?
Max: I don't know. I think I only have a deductible.


[Stan, working on his crossword puzzle, initially ignores Jarod.]
Stan: Can I help you?
Jarod: Yeah. I thought you only do cremations here.
Stan: We do.
Jarod: Then. Uh. Why do you got the coffin?
Stan: It's for show.
Jarod: Why offer something if you're not going to sell it?
Stan: I don't offer it.
Jarod: It's a perfectly good coffin. You should sell it.
Jarod: OK.


Jarod: OK... um... 44 down: one subject to oppression, loss, or suffering.
Stan: OK... One subject to oppression, loss, or suffering.
Jarod: Yeah. It's 44 down... one, two, three. Six letters.
[Driver in back of Stan's car starts blowing the horn, nonstop, and starts passing.]
Stan: What are the last two letters?
Jarod: "I" and "M."
Stan: Guess... come on!
[Car is in the left lane, alongside Stan, passing - with horn still blowing.]
Stan: [mumbles] You son of a b... VICTIM!


Jarod: You can't kill this guy, Stanley - he's a nobody.
Stan: OK.


[Stan initially ignores the Wagners while he works on his crossword puzzle.]
Stan: Can I help you?
Mrs. Wagner: Yes. We recently lost someone in the family.
Stan: OK.
Mrs. Wagner: And we're wondering if cremation is all you do here.
Stan: Yes.
Mr. Wagner: We really like the rates that you offered here and we're wondering if there were any alternatives.
Stan: No.
Mr. Wagner: No?
Stan: No.
Mr. Wagner: Great. Well, what's with the, uh, casket?
Stan: It's for show.
Mr. Wagner: Well, being that you're in the business, maybe you can refer us to someone.
Stan: There's brochures by the door.
Mr. Wagner: [Aping Stan] Honey, there's brochures by the door.
(00:10:56 - 00:11:27)


Jarod: I had a weird day at school today.
Stan: What happened?
Jarod: An officer came to lecture us in algebra.
Stan: What about?
Jarod: You know that kid I was telling you about the other day?
Stan: The one you had trouble with?
Jarod: Yeah, the guy who thought I was doing something with his girlfriend. He's gone missing, too.
Stan: So, that's both of them? That's strange... strange. What did you say their names were again?
Jarod: David and Lindsey.
Stan: That's right.
Jarod: They're not sure what happened to him yet, but I think he might be dead.
Stan: Why would you think that?
Jarod: Well, you can only go around being a dickhead for so long before it turns around and bites you in the ass.
Stan: So, do you think it was an accident?
Jarod: No.
Stan: Me neither.
Jarod: I think when a person like that is dealt with it should be applauded, not punished.
Stan: I couldn't agree with you more.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: [To Mom] Haven't you ever dreamed of something more?
Grandma: I had a dream that John Travolta took off his wig and on his scalp was another John Travolta face. Double Travolta. I could never get that image out of my mind. You know what I'm saying?


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Peg: OK, sure. I counterfeited Bills tix. But it was for a bigger cause. Higher education. Higher education is the key to financial freedom.
Cop: Ma'am... your scam is desecrating the sacred ground of our Buffalo Bills.
Peg: No, it's not.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Brother: Hey, shouldn't you put your money in the bank?
Peg: Three percent interest isn't worth 30 percent in taxes.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Young Peg: I became a student of money. While other kids begged for allowances, I studied profit margins. While other kids were scrapbooking pictures of pretty ponies, I was compiling financial advice. I was grooming myself to be the next Warren Buffet. I had a plan; go to an Ivy League school, then to Wall Street, then get so rich, some little girl was gonna say she's grooming herself to be the next me. (00:05:35)


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Young Peg: Buffalo, New York. Epicenter of the rust belt. A city whose favorite meal is discarded chicken parts. A city hopelessly dedicated to a staple of disappointment.
Mom: Hey. Don't rag on my Bills.
Young Peg: A city whose appreciation of unhealthy lifestyles ultimately led to my father's death.


24th Nov 2020

Buffaloed (2019)

Jin: You don't want to rent there. Too stink, shifty landlord.
Peg: Well, then why do you rent there?
Jin: I conned the dingus into giving me a 50-year lease. I pay shit.
Peg: You do good business?
Jin: Most of our walk-ins are Buffalonian assholes looking for a rub and tug. I did not come to the promised land to fondle soft weiners. I came to get rich.


5th Nov 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Max: Fifteen minutes from now or fifteen minutes from later?


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