
20th Dec 2020

Unhinged (2020)

Other mistake: As soon as Tom chops his way through the front door to commit the murders, a "flight of stairs" can be seen. These steps are obviously a prop because they are linear and vertical (are flat and go straight up to the ceiling) and the people inside (ex-wife and new boyfriend) emerge from behind the "staircase" with little space to the wall parallel to the steps. (00:03:07)


6th Dec 2020

Countdown (2019)

Other mistake: Jordan was violently thrown through the glass window on a door yet only suffered relatively minor cuts to her face plus her jacket did not have any snags, tears/rips, or evidence of being thrown through a glass window. (01:16:32)


6th Dec 2020

Countdown (2019)

Other mistake: Quinn took her sister to the emergency room to get her puncture wound to the abdomen treated, and they did not have to wait one second, register and provide proof of insurance, etc. Even if Quinn had been employed there as a nurse, emergency rooms have procedures to follow. (01:07:19)


4th Dec 2020

The Silencing (2020)

Other mistake: Rayburn pulled an arrow out of his chest - and without much blood gushing out. The rather small amount of blood on the towel and Rayburn's ability to go about business as though he had not been injured is unrealistic and absurd. (00:27:00)


Other mistake: Exterior views of Buffalo Bill's house showed the house was not very big and his yard space was limited. The amount of rooms, their sizes, and hall space purportedly in the basement were too excessive to believably be under that house. (00:49:20)


28th Nov 2020

The Wretched (2019)

Other mistake: The way the girl managed to remove Ben's underwear when they were standing in the swimming pool was unrealistic (too fast and without Ben moving enough). (00:31:28)


Other mistake: Glen/Charlie poured gasoline all over the vehicle he killed Sandra in - including its soft convertible top - but the flames stayed around the car's perimeter. (00:50:54 - 00:51:26)


Other mistake: Jude would not be able to write that neatly - especially that fast - while holding a floppy notebook in the air. The right half of the notebook was sagging while he wrote three perfectly lined rows ("I told you not to make him mad."). (00:46:03)


17th Nov 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Other mistake: At the playground across from the school (Friday morning), Lily demands that the Good Boys give back the Molly pills. After Thor informs the other Good Boys that Molly is a "sex drug", Lucas screams to the girls, "You had us bring f-ing drugs to a playground? There are children here." Actually, Max was the one who told the girls to meet at that location. Max may not have been aware of the drugs, but he - more so than the girls - was responsible for picking the location. It is also noteworthy that Max and Hannah were neighbors. They could have easily agreed to make the drone-for-purse swap early that morning before going to school. Without Lucas, Thor, and Lily present, there would not be Lucas' concern that the girls might "trick or overpower" them. Max would have the drone back in place before his mother or sister noticed it was missing, he would not have to keep it safe all during the school day until he got home, and Lily would have her phone, driver's license, etc.


17th Nov 2020

Good Boys (2019)

Other mistake: When Max finally kisses Brixlee, a green screen is understandably used to show kids watching in the background. However, it is a giveaway - Taylor's eyes, in particular, aren't quite focused on Max and Brixlee... or anything else there.


Other mistake: After Bobby finds his father dead in bed, police officers bring him to the Glover's house, and he starts living with them full-time. Days later, when Jonathan and Bobby come out of school and are walking toward the parking lot, Jonathan sees the VW beetle and says, "You took your dad's car!" Jonathan should already know what Bobby did because they live together. (00:21:29 - 00:23:12)


Other mistake: There is no explanation or even hint as to how Jarod was able to get Rick's bowling ball out of his locked car trunk, or how Jarod even knew that Rick was at the bowling alley. (01:00:34)


Other mistake: Jarod is the newcomer to a school in Florida. David Valentine is an established jock at the school who bullies Jarod, but he drives a truck with California plates. (00:42:58)


Other mistake: In the bathroom scene where bullies were beating up Jarod, David Valentine "finished" by making the hardest direct blow to Jarod's left cheek near his eye. Afterwards, there was no visible injury to Jarod's left cheek; the injury was on Jarod's right cheek. (00:34:54)


Other mistake: The object thrown (beer can?) at Jarod from the passing truck did not hit him above the neck at the bottom of his head (where his injury supposedly was). The object was thrown with an arc to give the appearance of hitting Jarod on the head, but landed closer to his left shoulder blade. (00:32:28)


7th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Other mistake: The scene after Mr. Lamb puts Joe in the sheriff's car has background snow (in June). There's a little snow visible when Mr. Lamb and Joe are going into the house and, once inside, out the window. A little later, much more snow can be seen out the window, similar to the opening scene when it was February. (00:52:40 - 00:53:27)


7th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Other mistake: Joe and Alice were somehow able to get the sheriff down from his inverse suspension, but - given the height of the ceiling and depth of the hole - the sheriff's feet (where they would be tied for the inverted suspension) would be out of reach. Moreover, surely a knife or cutting instrument of some kind would have been needed to cut the rope (assuming a rope was used) - did Joe happen to have something in his backpack? What was shown to the viewer was Joe and Alice using their hands on the sheriff's waist to lightly sway him two or three times in an attempt to get him down. The viewer next saw the sheriff when all but his feet had landed on the ground. For the sheriff to fall unharmed - head first - is far-fetched.


6th Nov 2020

Super 8 (2011)

Other mistake: After the train wreck, Alice would not be able to see the fake blood standing so far away in the dark and with Joe's body blocking her view... or with all the still-falling ashes floating in the air to boot. (00:20:28)


Other mistake: The pie crust Mrs. Glover is rolling out is almost ready to be put into the pie pan when Bobby comes into the kitchen. Although not shown on camera, the motions of Mrs. Glover's shoulders and upper arms indicate that she continues rolling the pie crusts for some time, exerting a lot of pressure. Then she tells Bobby that pie crusts "should be handled as little as possible." (00:25:16 - 00:27:03)


Other mistake: One joint, already partially smoked by Bobby and Jonathan when Mrs. Glover enters the room, gets passed around a few times and lasts for an unusually long period of time. When it is already too small (barely big enough to be held), more hits are taken but the joint doesn't really get smaller. (00:12:42 - 00:17:03)


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