
Trivia: Almost every episode of this series contains scenes where ghosts can be seen hiding in plain sight.


28th Apr 2020

Spider-Man (2002)

Trivia: When Marvel was going through bankruptcy in the late 90's, they gave Sony the opportunity to purchase the film rights to their entire catalogue of available characters for $25 million. Sony declined, thinking no-one cared about Marvel's other characters, and settled on just purchasing the rights to Spider-Man and his supporting characters for $10 million.


13th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

13th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

The Forever War - S1-E11

Trivia: The warrior that the scientists of Karrades create after exiling Adam Warlock into the time anomaly is the Magus, who in the comics is Adam Warlock's evil doppelganger.


13th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

The Forever War - S1-E11

Trivia: When the Kree ships are firing on Adam Warlock, one of the sounds is the same sound effect used when Gambit throws kinetically charged cards in the 90's X-Men cartoon.


13th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

The Forever War - S1-E11

Trivia: The title of this episode is a reference to the Marvel crossover event "Infinity War," of which guest protagonist Adam Warlock was a major character.


11th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

11th Apr 2020

Game of Thrones (2011)

Winter Is Coming - S1-E1

Trivia: The dead stag that the Starks discover was not a prop. Apparently it had been dead for two days, and the smell was revolting to the actors.


10th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

10th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

Learning Curve: Part 2 - S1-E6

Trivia: When Gamora is welcoming Lord Glenn aboard her ship, the character standing behind her with the gold body and purple hood is the Living Tribunal, who is one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel Comics.


10th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

10th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

10th Apr 2020

Silver Surfer (1998)

Learning Curve: Part 1 - S1-E5

Trivia: Two of the characters seen in Nebula's crew are the Marvel superheroes Nova (Richard Rider, not to be confused with the Frankie Raye Nova, who also appears in this series) and Jack of Hearts.


9th Apr 2020

X-Men (1992)

Trivia: Much like in the comics, the Savage Land is a rainforest hidden within Antarctica. In April of 2020, it was reported that scientists discovered evidence of a rainforest that existed in Western Antarctica 90 million years ago.


8th Apr 2020

Spider-Man (1994)

Trivia: The final five episodes of this series are somewhat of a precursor to both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The Secret Wars episodes featured a large crossover with characters from other established Marvel TV shows from the same time period, including X-Men, Iron Man, and Fantastic 4. The two-part series finale featured Spider-Man teaming up with several Spider-Men from different realities in order to stop a catastrophe that could affect all realities.


6th Apr 2020

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Trivia: During scenes in the Icebox, you can see a pale-skinned mutant with long platinum-blonde hair and an omega tattoo on his forehead. This is Omega Red, one of Wolverine's enemies from the comics, and who once also battled Cable.


The Return of the Beast: Part 1 - S1-E1

Trivia: When we see the flashback of the accident that caused Bruce Banner to become the Hulk, at first we see the Hulk colored gray and then slowly turn green. This is a reference to the comics, in which the Hulk was gray in his original appearance.


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