Cubs Fan

24th Oct 2011

Dune (1984)

Trivia: During principal photography, it got so hot in the Mexican desert that seven extras fainted, with one ending up in the hospital.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Mick Jagger, the lead vocalist of the Rolling Stones, originally owned the rights to adapt the novel into a movie. He would have played Alex, with the other Stones playing his "droogs".

Cubs Fan

6th Oct 2011

Wall Street (1987)

Trivia: Bud Fox's name was originally Joe Fox, but it was changed after it was discovered Joe Fox was a real stockbroker, who wouldn't give permission for his name to be used.

Cubs Fan

6th Oct 2011

Burn Notice (2007)

6th Oct 2011

The Office (2005)

2nd Sep 2011

Burn Notice (2007)

25th Aug 2011

The Omen (2006)

Trivia: Instead of being released over the weekend, the film was released on a Tuesday; for publicity purposes, it was released on 06/06/06.

Cubs Fan

23rd Aug 2011

Star Wars (1977)

23rd Aug 2011

The Omen (1976)

Trivia: Richard Donner was originally wary of sending the script to Gregory Peck. Combined with the original ending, in which Robert kills Damien, and the fact that Peck's son had recently committed suicide, Donner thought offering the film to him was distasteful. But to Donner's surprise, Peck agreed relatively quickly to do the film.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: Dale Cooper's role was originally larger than it appeared in the final film. Kyle MacLachlan had originally declined to appear, for fear of being typecast. To compensate, his role was downgraded to a minor cameo, and a new character was created to fill the role of lead investigator.

Cubs Fan

29th Jul 2011

Twin Peaks (1990)

Trivia: Laura Palmer's murder was supposed to remain unsolved, but ABC demanded that the murderer be revealed. Many people believed that that moment was when the series jumped the shark.

Cubs Fan

Trivia: This was the only film Francois Truffaut acted in without also directing.

Cubs Fan

26th Jul 2011

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Trivia: When Captain America is approaching Red Skull's lair in the Alps, one of the German sentries lets out a Wilhelm scream when he gets knocked off his motorcycle. (01:32:30)

Cubs Fan

Trivia: The show originally premiered as "Navy: NCIS", and ran with that title for the first season. Beginning with season 2, the title was shortened to just "NCIS", after the producers convinced CBS (the network had insisted on the longer title) that "Navy: NCIS" was redundant, since the "N" in "NCIS" stands for "Naval".

Cubs Fan

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