
22nd Jun 2020

Breaking Bad (2008)

Granite State - S5-E15

Trivia: When Robert Forster (Ed, or "The Disappearer") stops by the cabin to drop off supplies to Walt, he tells Walt that his (Walt's) house has since become somewhat of a tourist attraction, and a fence has been built around it. Funny thing is, in real life that is exactly what has happened to that house since Breaking Bad. Tourists come to that house and take photos, and the owners have had to put up a fence to keep people off their property. Before the fence was put up, some people went so far as to throw a pizza on the roof, like Walt did in a previous episode.


8th Jun 2020

Boomerang (1992)

Trivia: When they are in the board meeting going over the perfume names, Grace Jones whacks Eddie Murphy in the face with a pad of paper. According to the commentary, this was not scripted. Grace Jones ad-libbed the bit, really hitting Eddie, and his reaction is genuine.


12th Mar 2020

Heat (1995)

Other mistake: When Hanna is tailing McCauley in the helicopter, he is informed that McCauley is headed east on the 105. When Hanna pulls McCauley over, you can see the highway sign saying that they are on the westbound 105.


Trivia: When Seth goes into the motel lobby to get a room, we see a shot of Richie waiting in the car. If you look to the far left of the dashboard, you can see a reflection of Red Apple cigarettes, the brand of cigarettes used in all of Quentin Tarantino's movies.


Trivia: Anthony Daniels once again appears as C-3PO, making him the only actor to be in all Star Wars films. Similarly, C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only characters to appear in all 9 Skywalker saga films. Sadly R2-D2's original actor, Kenny Baker, passed away in 2016.


8th Oct 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

Take a Right - S2-E6

Trivia: Minor spoiler: In season 2, Johnny reunites with his old Cobra Kai buddies. One of them, Tommy, has been ill for some time. They go on one last ride together, and by the morning Tommy has died. Robert Garrison, who plays Tommy, went through something very similar. Robert had been ill for some time, and got together with the actors for one last reunion in this episode. He sadly passed away on 9/27/19, just months after the show aired.


20th Sep 2019

Jackie Brown (1997)

Factual error: Ordell's house is set in Hermosa Beach. In the scenes that you can see out of his living room window, there is the beach, and a bike path approximately halfway between the house and the ocean. The bike path in the movie is a good distance from the house, but in actuality the Hermosa Beach bike path is right in front of the houses. There is also a rock formation seen outside of the window, which is not in Hermosa Beach either.


18th Sep 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

12th Sep 2019

Cobra Kai (2018)

Counterbalance - S1-E5

Trivia: When Daniel goes to talk to Mr. Miyagi at the cemetery, we see that Miyagi was born in June and died in November. Pat Morita, who played Mr. Miyagi, was also born in June, and died in November.


9th Aug 2019

Puss in Boots (2011)

8th Jun 2019

Aladdin (2019)

Trivia: After they escape the Cave of Wonders, we come to Aladdin, Genie, Abu and Carpet in the desert. While Aladdin and Genie are talking, Carpet is building a sandcastle. When Carpet is finished, the sand castle is the castle from the Disney opening logo. Carpet even does the arc over the castle, with sand.


31st May 2019

Dreamgirls (2006)

Audio problem: When they are playing "Patience" for Curtis, he is holding a drink in his hand. After he shuts the music off, when he moves the hand holding the drink, you can hear ice clinking in the glass. However, you can plainly see that there is no ice in his drink. This happens a couple times in the scene.


8th May 2019

Logan (2017)

Logan trivia picture

Trivia: Spoiler! At the end of the movie, when the children bury Logan, one of them can be seen holding a Wolverine toy. It is a toy of Wolverine in the yellow suit, which is how he appeared in the comic books.


Trivia: Apocalypse's followers are referred to as The Four Horsemen in the comic, and there is also a brief mention of it in the movie (when Charles and Alex go to see Moira). The song playing when apocalypse goes to recruit Angel is "The Four Horsemen", by Metallica.


Trivia: At the end of the movie, when Erik and Charles are saying their goodbyes, Erik asks Charles "Does it ever keep you up at night, the feeling one day they will come for you and your children", to which Charles replies "Yes it does, and I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes looking for trouble at my school." They have the same conversation, almost word-for-word, at the end of the original X-Men.


15th Mar 2019

Made (2001)

Trivia: Ricky and Bobby go to a place with a sign that says "Luna Restaurant 112" to meet Sean Combs' character. 112 is the name of an R&B group, who got their start by signing with Sean Combs' Bad Boy label.


7th Feb 2019

Heroes (2006)

Season 1 generally

Trivia: All of Season 1 is shot in Los Angeles, and surrounding areas. When you see skylines of popular cities like Las Vegas and New York, they are digitally added in post-production. Even the shot of Hiro when he first teleports to Times Square was done in Los Angeles using a green screen.


6th Feb 2019

Heroes (2006)

Collision - S1-E4

Trivia: After Hiro and Ando are in Vegas using Hiro's abilities to "cheat" at gambling, they are riding an escalator dressed in identical suits. This is an homage to Rain Man, when Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman are in Vegas, also using a special ability to gain the upper hand in gambling, and are also in identical suits on the escalator.


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