
1st Mar 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

1st Mar 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

1st Mar 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

1st Mar 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

1st Mar 2016

General questions

This is from an early to mid-1970's movie. A woman in a sheer dress is walking along a beach with a green-colored man with green curly hair on a leash. She stops, removes her necklace that has a large diamond on it and gives it to the green man, who then walks out to a rock outcropping and looks at the sun through the diamond. Anybody have an idea as to what was the name of this film?


28th Feb 2016

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Revealing mistake: Blank firing adaptors are visible on the bow machine guns of Oddball's Shermans as they shoot up the rail yard. (01:00:05)


28th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

28th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

28th Feb 2016

Poltergeist (1982)

Trivia: Since it is known the film crew moved the table and chairs and replaced them with a stacked set in one take, the tell-tale result of the quick switch can be seen in the disturbance of the leaves of the plants in the kitchen before Jobeth Williams turns to see the table chairs.


28th Feb 2016

Stalingrad (1993)

27th Feb 2016

Angie Tribeca (2016)

Tribeca's Day Off - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: After destroying the piƱata then getting on her knees to find contraband diamonds among the spilled candy, Angie does not have the striking stick in her hands. The next camera shot the pole is in her hands as she prepares to attack the cake.


23rd Feb 2016

The X-Files (1993)

18th Feb 2016

Stalingrad (1993)

Trivia: The scene where the Soviet tank fires its main cannon, cutting a German soldier in half, was inspired by an actual incident in William Craig's book about the battle of Stalingrad, "Enemy at the Gates."


11th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

11th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

11th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

11th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

11th Feb 2016

The Middle (2009)

6th Feb 2016

Logan's Run (1977)

Capture - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: Irene raises the rifle scope to her eye and chambers a round to shoot Jessica, but the next camera angle shows her raising and loading the rifle again, only at a lower angle.


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