The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Trivia: Around the start of the movie when it shows Saruman, one of the Orcs behind him that is pulling on a piece of rope is actually Paul Homes, a news presenter from New Zealand.

Trivia: The puppet used for physical shots of Treebeard was 14 feet tall.

Trivia: Edoras' filming location was a national park. They could only film there under the condition it was left exactly as they found it. As such a lot of the natural vegetation had to be carefully removed and stored for the 16 months of filming, then replaced.

Trivia: The raw fish Gollum eats was in reality a fish shaped lollipop.

Trivia: Sam's line in Osgiliath "By rights, we shouldn't even be here" is a deliberate acknowledgement of the fact that in the book they never go there.

Trivia: To limit the danger to horses and riders, a horse was fitted with a motion capture suit like that used by Andy Serkis as Gollum and various activities were stored digitally, to be inserted into battle sequences with CGI.

Trivia: To make the inside of the Orcs' mouths black, the actors playing them used a liquorice mouthwash just before filming.

Trivia: During the assault on Isengard, one of the Ents is set on fire. When another Ent tears down the dam and Isengard is flooded, the Ent on fire dunks its head into the wave of water to put itself out. (Extended Edition, Disc 2). (01:31:35 - 01:32:35)

Cubs Fan

Trivia: When Elrond gives Arwen his hard-father talk before sending her away, he asks, "Do I not also have your love?" and she replies, according to the subtitle, "You have my love, father." Actually she said, "Gerich veleth nín, Ada." Adar = "father", but Ada = "papa". One of many nuances lost in translation in the films' subtitles. (01:26:00)

Trivia: Actor Orlando Bloom originally auditioned for the role of Faramir, but was turned down and later asked by director Peter Jackson and co. if he would like the role of Legolas.

Trivia: You may notice that in every shot of the Hobbits, they are always walking or riding from the left side of the shot to the right. This was done deliberately to give the impression that they are journeying towards Mount Doom at all times.

Trivia: During the filming, Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) and Orlando Bloom (Legolas) would rib each other quite a lot. Mortensen would tell Bloom to go brush his long, blond hair and get another manicure, because the Elves are so prissy. Bloom would call Mortensen a dirty human (which is entirely true as he rarely bathed during filming) and say that at least the Elves live forever (which is entirely false and is based on a popular misconception of how long they live).

Super Grover

Trivia: The rain during the battle of Helms Deep is mostly real rain (as opposed to the product of a rain machine, as is normally the case).

Trivia: When an elf soldier falls off the battlements during the Helm's Deep Battle, he yells a Wilhelm scream.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Merry and Pippin were bound when taken by the Uruk-hai, and the bonds weren't cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not bound, even though they weren't cut until later. In the next shot, his hands are bound again. (00:31:15)

More mistakes in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Pippin: They think we have the Ring!
Merry: Shhhh! As soon as they find out we don't we're dead!

More quotes from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Question: When Pippin and Merry are with the orcs (or uruk-hai or whatever they're called) one of the orcs keeps insisting on eating them. What does he mean when he says, "Do they give good sport?" And then he does this weird thing with his tongue to which Merry looks at him oddly. I don't know what he meant by that. (00:29:45)


Chosen answer: "Do they give good sport" is simply a way of asking whether they're being kept alive to provide later entertainment; could they be used in some sort of organised hunt, could they serve as gladiatorial fodder in an arena fight, that sort of thing. The weird thing with the tongue really just seems to be a sort of odd tic, designed to emphasise his rather disgusting nature.


More questions & answers from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

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