Patriots Day

Question: How accurate is the carjacking scene?

Question: Was Dzhokhar really slapped to the ground from off the boat as depicted in the movie? Or was that exaggerated to show the finality of the authorities finally getting him?

Question: How were the brothers able to steal the second car, after their hostage escaped? Or was that their car? They just jumped in and drove away with no apparent time or effort spent.


Answer: The smaller car belonged to them. They go and pick it up again after Dun Meng escapes the Mercedes at the gas station.


Thank you! With hindsight, maybe that's obvious, but I didn't catch it when I watched the movie.


Question: How did they work out Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were the bombers?

Answer: The Tsarnaev brothers were telegraphing their complicity in the bombings by their crimes as they were trying to escape Boston police, such as shooting the campus cop, carjackings, and throwing pipe bombs at the cops during curfew and a dragnet/door-to-door search in the area. Shootouts and throwing bombs at law enforcement officers after a deadly bombing would attract the attention of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.


Question: Why did the Boston marathon bombers do what they did? Why did they target the Boston marathon?

Answer: The brothers were indoctrinated into the terrorist tactic of inflicting as much damage as possible on as large a stage as possible. Since the Boston Marathon was an annual event important not only to Bostonians but to participants from around the world and world news media would be covering it, then it made sense to the Tsarnaev brothers to kill/maim as many people as possible and achieve maximum exposure via the news media. Those two goals were easily met by their attack on the Boston Marathon.


Question: Did the argument on whether or not to make the bombers' photos public really take place?

Answer: In short, no it likely did not. In real life the FBI voluntarily released the photos of the suspects to the press with a message to the public to help identify the suspects. The FBI statement also claimed they were doing this to help protect people wrongly identified as suspects on social media. While it is possible there could have been some back and forth privately regarding the photo release, it is also relatively common for law enforcement to release photos of suspects to the public for the same reasons as were done in the Boston Marathon bombings.


According to history vs. Hollywood there really was a debate on whether or not to release the photos.

Question: Why did the Tsarnaev brothers have Dun Meng go with them when they take his car? Why didn't they just take it and leave Dun Meng behind?

Answer: As an insurance policy to escape. Since they had just confessed to him that they were the marathon bombers, they had no reason to believe that he wouldn't go the police the moment they were out of sight.

Cubs Fan

Question: Were the bombers members of a terrorist organization?

Answer: They were not members of any terrorist group. They taught themselves how to build bombs with internet research and acted alone.


Other mistake: In the Watertown police shootout scene, a resident tosses a sledgehammer to the police to help them in the fight. Right when the resident throws the sledgehammer from their front door, many frames are entirely missing from the movie for some reason, which results in an awkward skip. This is seen in all cuts of the film (Blu-Ray, Digital, etc).

More mistakes in Patriots Day

Police Officer: They got fucking bombs, Sarge. They're shooting at us.
Sergeant Jeffrey Pugliese: Yeah, no shit.

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