Quotes from Tim Daly movies and TV shows

Styles: If you lose enough in life what you are is a loser.

Styles: Osbourne's the closest thing we have to an in-house investigator.
Hardy: And here you are going out of house... now, how does that make you feel, Jules?
Osbourne: Hostile and uncooperative, sir.
Hardy: Fantastic.

Styles: This kid we have in interrogation requested a Ranger, someone he'd never met. That's you.
Hardy: Well, Jesus, Bill, he could've requested a sailboat, it doesn't mean you have to give it to him.

More Basic quotes

Kara: Oh, my gosh. That was so much fun. I'm going to love being an Earth girl.
Clark Kent: You've certainly got the shopping part down.

Kara: It's so beautiful here. Not like that other city where Grumpy Ass lives.
Clark Kent: Grumpy Ass isn't so bad once you get to know him.

More Superman/Batman: Apocalypse quotes

Lex Luthor: You can't touch me. We're on American soil now. And I am the president.
Superman: Consider yourself impeached.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?

Captain Marvel: It doesn't take the wisdom of Solomon to know you should stay down.
Superman: Tell me something, Captain Marvel. Would Solomon have gone to work for Lex Luthor?

Batman: The kryptonite is near your heart. I don't know if I'll get it before the wound closes.
Superman: Where's The Flash when you need him?
Batman: Do me a favor and lose the sense of humor.
Superman: Do us both a favor and buy one.

More Superman/Batman: Public Enemies quotes

Mxyzpixilated - S2-E8

Mxyzptlk: Your three months are up! And this time you're not gonna cheat me of my fun.
Superman: Oh, it's you again, Mr. Kltpzyxm.
Mxyzptlk: NOT Kltpzyxm! Mxyzptlk! Now,  the first thing I'm gonna do - ah, nuts! [Disappears.].

Mxyzpixilated - S2-E8

Superman: A game has rules. Your stunts are just random idiocy.
Mxyzptlk: Okay, I'll give you a rule. You make me say, spell or otherwise reveal my name backwards, and I'll split until our dimensions come into alignment again in about, oh, three months, say give or take.
Superman: I can't even say your name forward. How am I supposed to say it backward?
Mxyzptlk: No, dope! You don't have to say it backward. You have to get ME to say it.
Superman: Say what?
Mxyzptlk: Kltpzyxm! Gosh, you're thick! Now, for the last time - ah, nuts. [Disappears.].

More Superman: The Animated Series quotes

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