Quotes from Mark Wahlberg movies and TV shows - page 4 of 5

Tommy Saunders: You know, takes a lotta balls to escape like you did. You're a very brave guy, you hear me?

Commissioner Ed Davis: How do you feel?
Tommy Saunders: The knee hurts, the back hurts, the balls hurts, the pain feels like sometimes on the top of the hurt if that's remotely possible.

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Bobby Shatford: Last night was worth it. There's nothin like sleepin' with you... just sleepin'... lyin next to you... all warm and sweet... Me wishin' the mornin' would never come.

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More Shooter quotes

Judge: And how do you plead on the count of aggravated assault of a police officer?
Spenser: Guilty.
Judge: Before I sentence you, is there anything further that you would like to add?
Spenser: Yes. The son of a bitch deserved it.

More Spenser Confidential quotes

Comic: So first, we need a historical event. Who's got an event?
Ted: 9/11!
Comic: Oh oh, okay. Okay, maybe something else. Uh, let's start with a person.
John: Robin Williams!
Comic: Okay, all right. For real, guys, for real. Who's got a person?
Ted: Robin Williams on 9/11!
Comic: Alright, we've heard from these guys, uh, let's maybe give somebody else over here a chance. How about a location? Let's go with a location.
Ted: The offices of Charlie Hebdo!
Comic: Okay seriously, sir, I just need a location.
John: Ferguson, Missouri!
Ted: Germanwings cockpit!
Comic: Okay, I heard Starbucks!
Ted: No you didn't!
John: Nobody said Starbucks.
Comic: Alright, Starbucks! Okay now, who's in the Starbucks?
Ted: Bill Cosby.

Ted: What's your middle name?
Samantha Jackson: Leslie.
Ted: Oh, my god! You're Sam L. Jackson!
John: That's great! I mean, just like Sam L. Jackson.
Samantha Jackson: Who is that?
Ted: You ever seen any movie ever? He's the black guy.

[Semen samples spill all over them.]
John: Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
Ted: We are so sorry!
Female Nurse: Well I guess it's all right - those are the rejected sickle cell samples.
Ted: Did you hear that, Johnny? You're covered in rejected black guy sperm. You look like a Kardashian.

More Ted 2 quotes

Troy Barlow: Hey, I don't know if I can do this. I got a family. If I'm gonna shit in a bag for the rest of my life because I got shot after the war was over, that would be pretty fucking stupid wouldn't it, Major?

Capt. Said: What make you decide to tell me about Crystal, my main man?
Sgt. Troy Barlow: Because we're both fathers.
Capt. Said: I'm not father no more, you remember? My son is dead now. Can you think how would feel inside your heart if I bombed your daughter?
Sgt. Troy Barlow: Worse than death.
Capt. Said: That's right. Worse than death.

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Cade Yeager: Will we see you again?
Optimus Prime: Cade Yeager, I do not know. But when you look up to the stars, think of them as my soul.

Cade Yeager: Are we safer on our own, or are we safer with them?

Joshua: I can't believe I'm putting my life in your hands!
Cade Yeager: You want the alien gun? Take it!
Joshua: No, I don't want the alien gun!

More Transformers: Age of Extinction quotes

Colonel William Lennox: Where are the others? Where are you hiding them?
Cade Yeager: I don't sell out friends.

Cade Yeager: What are you doing?
Desi: Dying!
Cade Yeager: It was a bean bag!
Desi: A bean bag? I felt it go through me.

More Transformers: The Last Knight quotes

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