Quotes from Ian McKellen movies and TV shows

More Apt Pupil quotes

Cogsworth: You know she will never love him.
Lumière: A broken clock is right two times a day, mon ami. But this is not one of those times.

Belle: [To a hairbrush] What's your name?
Cogsworth: That is a hairbrush.

Lumière: Cogsworth, look! A beautiful girl!
Cogsworth: Yes, I can see it's a girl; I've lost my hands, not my eyes.
Lumière: What if she is the one? The one who will break the spell?

Belle: [To a hairbrush] What's your name?
Cogsworth: That is a hairbrush.

More Beauty and the Beast quotes

Robert Langdon: This is the original icon for male. It's a rudimentary phallus.
Sophie Neveu: Quite to the point.
Sir Leigh Teabing: Yes, indeed.
Robert Langdon: This is know as the blade. It represents aggression and manhood. It's a symbol still used today in modern military uniforms.
Sir Leigh Teabing: Yes, the more penises you have, the higher your rank. Boys will be boys.

Sir Leigh Teabing: As long as there has been... one true God, there has been killing in his name.

More The Da Vinci Code quotes

James Whale: My life is a game of strip poker. Want to play?

James Whale: And we're quite informal around here - no need to worry about a bathing suit.

James Whale: Am I right in assuming, Mr. Kay, that it's not me that you're interested in, but only my horror pictures?
Edmund Kay: No, but it's the horror movies you'll be remembered for.
James Whale: I'm not dead yet, Mr. Kay.

James Whale: Who is this new yardman?
Hannah: Mr. Bugen... something B... I don't know. He came cheap.

James Whale: Making movies is the most wonderful thing in the world. Working with friends - entertaining people - yes, I suppose I miss it.

James Whale: There was a time when this place was full of pricks. Big, hard, arrogant pricks.
Clayton Boone: Enough already. Isn't it bad enough that you tell me you're a fucking homo? You have to rub it in my face?

Clayton Boone: Well, um, w-what were some of your movies?
James Whale: Oh, this and that. The only ones that you may have heard of are the Frankenstein movies.
Clayton Boone: Frankenstein? And, um, uh, Bride of Frankenstein? And the Son of? And the other ones too?
James Whale: Uh, no, I-I just directed the first two. The others were done by hacks.

More Gods and Monsters quotes

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