Quotes from Clint Eastwood movies and TV shows - page 9 of 10

Barbara Corvin: Would you like me to read the instructions to you again?
Frank Corvin: Let me tell you something, my dear. Those instructions were written by a fellow in Japan when they made this damn thing. They were probably translated by some gringo who was an expatriate American that couldn't get a job in this country. And then the Japanese guy probably translated him just to double check on him. You don't need these instructions. Not at all. Tear them up.

More Space Cowboys quotes

Captain Briggs: Don't you lecture me, you son of a bitch! Do you know who I am? Do you know my record?
Harry Callahan: Yeah... You're a legend in your own mind.

Lt. Donnelly: Harry, these bastards are not a bunch of junkies. In their minds you killed Threlkis, same as if you pulled the trigger. They're not gonna stop, they're gonna keep comin' after you.
Harry Callahan: Good, that way we'll know where they are.

Harry Callahan: Do you know the emergency phone number for San Francisco General? Well, why don't you call them right now and have them send down an ambulance. Tell them there's two sorry-looking assholes here with multiple contusions and various abrasions and broken bones.

More Sudden Impact quotes

Gay Boy: Want some honey?
Wes Block: I don't eat sweets.

Wes Block: Twenty-eight years ago I borrowed 40 dollars from my father, packed up an old, beat up suitcase, took a bus and came here. I was seventeen at the time. While I walked through the French Quarter, I looked out over the Mississippi and swore I'd never leave.
Beryl Thibodeaux: Ever come close?
Wes Block: Only once. When I looked down and saw that the suitcase was missing.

More Tightrope quotes

Gus: What do you say now, jackass? That's known as, trouble with the curve.

Gus: I know I'm as blind as a slab of concrete, but I'm not helpless. I'll put a bullet in my head when that happens.
Mickey: That's comforting.

Gus: You shouldn't be in a place like this.
Mickey: You used to sneak me into places worse than this.

Gus: What are you all staring at? I'm not a pole dancer.

Gus: You don't know anything about scouting.
Johnny: Don't tell them that.

More Trouble with the Curve quotes

Henry Lowenstein: Well, speak of the devil! Alan tells me I'm paying you too much.
Steve Everett: You can rest assured I'm frittering it away on women and booze.
Henry Lowenstein: You're a real dyed-in-the-wool son of a bitch. Anybody ever tell you that?
Steve Everett: Just close friends and family.

More True Crime quotes

Hogan: Sister if you wanna bless em you bless em dry.

Hogan: I don't mind killing em for ya, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna sweat over em.

Col. Beltran: This is better than killing each other, no?
Hogan: I only figured there was going to be one funeral... Catholic.
Col. Beltran: Oh? I didn't know you were Catholic.

Hogan: Did I or did I not hear you call me a bastard?
Sara: Well! I suppose whiskey can make a man hear anything. Oh, Dear Lord, forgive him for the impurity of his thoughts.

Hogan: They split up, damn it, and they're catchin' up. I wouldn't just sit there, move.
Sara: We can't outrun 'em. You can get in here.
Hogan: I may not shoot all of them but I'll get their attention. Wait, then head on out the other way.
Sara: You've been a wonderful friend, Mr Hogan. Go with God.
Hogan: Leave Him out of this, huh? Get movin'.

More Two Mules for Sister Sara quotes

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