Oscar Bravo

Question: After all of the snow melts, wouldn't it go into the ocean and cause the same disruption as before?

Answer: Who says it's going to melt? The point of the movie is that global warming has upset the ocean currents and triggered a new Ice Age. The snow is going to be there for a long time to come yet - say 10,000 years?

Oscar Bravo

At the end of the movie the astronaut reports that he 'has never seen the air so clear.' Perhaps suggesting that the storm has cleared the air. So maybe it does melt. Also, to create 15 feet of snow on top of 1/2 the world, the air moisture would have to come from somewhere, the oceans. And thus bringing back the pre-storm sea levels when melted.

Maybe it will be there for a long time unless we introduce gases in the northern hemisphere re trapping the heat, and melting the snow.

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