
20th Apr 2006

Rent (2005)

Corrected entry: During La Vie Boheme, when Mimi says "AZT (azidothymidine) break" and takes a pill (everyone with AIDS is supposed to be taking their AZT) Roger conspicuously does not. Missing this would lead to drastic consequences, including possible death.

Correction: There's nothing that says they have to take it at the exact same time. He could easily have taken his earlier.


Correction: It's not like everyone in the world takes their prescription meds at the exact same time just because it's for the same disease.

5th Apr 2006

V for Vendetta (2005)

Corrected entry: The film seems to confuse England and Britain. Sutler and Prothero refer to England a lot when they're making national broadcasts, implying that England is now a separate country, but organisations still have British in front of them (e.g. British Television Network), implying that the UK is still united.

Correction: This is an utterly unfounded statement. The film never spells out the political situation in the country at the time, so the corrector has no way to state that this is just prejudice on the part of the characters (and indeed displays prejudice of their own by doing so).


31st Mar 2006

King of the Hill (1997)

Plastic White Female - S1-E12

Corrected entry: The cosmetology teacher makes marks on Hank's head to show where Luanne cut his hair wrong. She is still holding the blue marker when she walks away. Hank gets up to comfort Luanne, and you can see that he has no marker in his hands. However, when he points out the bumps on his head, he suddenly has a marker and marks them. When the teacher is shown again, she is still holding the blue marker, so she didn't give it to Hank.

Correction: There couldn't be another marker lying nearby?


21st Mar 2006

V for Vendetta (2005)

Corrected entry: V is supposed to be solely responsible for Evey's entire interrogation process. However, in the scene where Evey is getting her head shaved, it is quite visible under the transparent latex gloves that the hands belonging to the person holding the clippers are not discolored and burnt like V's which were visible earlier in the movie.

Correction: Since the room is brightly lit and she would've seen V's face or mask, it's likely he hired someone to shave her head.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Tiffany has snuck into the house to scare Jill this would be impossible as Tiffany wouldn't have known the address. This is apparent when the cops ask Jill what address she's at and she had to go find it. Jill's dad drove her to the house to baby-sit so she herself didn't know the street name etc, thereby making it impossible for Tiffany to know where Jill was.

Correction: As long as she knew Jill was at Dr. Mandrakis' house, Tiffany could have easily looked up the address in the phone book, or on MapQuest, or asked someone where the house was.


6th Feb 2006

Capote (2005)

Corrected entry: Early in the film, Capote is reading the newspaper and the words "The New York Times" are reversed and on his right. In the very next shot, the words are correct and on his left.

Correction: The initial shot is viewed in a mirror. You can even see the frame of the mirror at the bottom of the shot.


Corrected entry: When Selene is at Tanis' castle, and falls into the werewolf pit, the knife she grabs is visibly white, yet when she throws it, it appears to be black.

Correction: The knife is a metallic silver-grey at all times, it just looks white or black depending on the light or shadows.


Episode 6 - S1-E6

Corrected entry: Arthur and Ford find the ultimate question by taking letters at random from a Scrabble set - spelling 'What do you get if you multiply six by nine' - and the words 'Forty' and 'Two' are already on the board. That is five Ys - and there are only two Ys in a Scrabble set.

Correction: They are playing with Arthur's homemade Scrabble set, not a standard one, so he could add as many of each letter as he wanted.


Corrected entry: Abraham Lincoln was not yet President of the United States in 1850 when California entered into statehood. Why was he present at its statehood ceremony? (02:04:00)

Correction: There's no mention in the film of Lincoln being the president, and as a former statesman and prominent lawyer, it would not be unusual for him to be an honoured guest of the governor on such a momentous occasion.


16th Aug 2005

The Skeleton Key (2005)

Corrected entry: When Caroline runs to help Ben when he falls off the roof, she is only wearing underwear/shorts, but when she runs back from getting the wheelchair she is wearing black trousers.

Correction: She put the trousers on when she was inside.


15th Aug 2005

The Island (2005)

Corrected entry: In the chase scene on the freeway, where Lincoln and Jordan are on the back of the truck, they release a load of train wheels into the cars chasing them. However, we have already seen that trains no longer use wheels.

Correction: The wheels are also rather rusty, so they're probably on their way to be scrapped.


Corrected entry: Sack finds out from his friend the true identity of John and Jeremy, but how's that possible? He gives his friend the names John and Jeremy gave him, not their real names. There's no way his friend could've found out who they were without their real names.

Sara Bari

Correction: All Sack knew was that they weren't really the Ryan brothers; therefore he assumed, correctly, that they crashed the wedding. Considering the brothers seem to re-use some stories, it's conceivable that his friend found out their story was fake, hunted around, and discovered the truth behind it.


27th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: According to the scene, where the Fantastic Four are trying to use the elevator and suddenly, an "exceed maximum weight" message appears on the screen, which forces The Thing, to use the stairs: In the scene, when Johnny Storm shows The Thing the doll that was made, he says he is leaving and goes into the elevator.

Correction: The Thing on his own doesn't exceed the maximum weight, but along with the few hundred pounds of his teammates, he steps over the line.


Corrected entry: After Charlie finds the money and buys the third candy bar, the cashier does not give him any change.

Correction: Actually, we see the cashier put his change on the counter, just at the edge of the shot, but Charlie is too busy looking for the ticket to notice, and forgets his change when he leaves.


12th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: It seems odd that Ben Grimm is able to get the storm machine set up all by himself. It has been made evident, more than once, that he isn't very knowledgeable of scientific matters.


Correction: Since the plans were lying all over the place, there was a good chance Ben could make it work. Whilst he is not incredibly scientific, he isn't stupid (he did after all work for NASA).


Corrected entry: When the DeLorean crashes into the dustbin we get a shot of Marty going to see Dr. Brown get out. The DeLorean seems to have moved a bit backwards down the drive when Dr.Brown gets out.

Correction: The DeLorean had a standard transmission (we see Marty hit the clutch several times in Part 1), so it's likely that the hover-converted model did too, and as such, rolled down the inclined driveway before Doc had a chance to get out.


13th Jul 2005

War of the Worlds (2005)

Corrected entry: When the storm makes all the cars stop Ray tells the mechanic to change the solenoid. Ok, then where did he get one that worked? If the one in the car was zapped all of them would be. He did not have to go get one it was less than 15 minutes between the conversation and them getting the van to crank barely long enough to change it much less walk miles out of the blast zone and get a new one.

Correction: EMPs shut down only electronic devices which are in use. If the aliens' technology is similar to this, then all he had to do was get an unused one; quite easy if you're a mechanic.


10th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: Dr. Doom's fictional kingdom, Latveria, is supposed to be located somewhere in Eastern Europe. In the closing shots, as the ship with Dr.Doom's container sails "LATVERIA" is written on it. Right under that are 3 Russian words that make no sense whatsoever. Basically, it translates as "the head of the toe." Evidently, the screen writers just flipped through a Russian dictionary when writing the scene.

Grigory the Wanderer

Correction: Just because it doesn't make sense in English doesn't mean it's a movie mistake. It could be some sort of meaningful metaphor to Latverians.


12th Jul 2005

Red Dwarf (1988)

Back To Reality - S5-E6

Corrected entry: In the recuperation room when they're all finding out who they are, Kryten tells Lister and Rimmer that they are half-brothers, sharing the same mother. Rimmer's "real" name is given as Billy Doyle. Later in the parking garage, the man Kryten shoots calls Lister Sebastian Doyle. If they have different fathers, why do they have the same last name?

Correction: Doyle is most likely their mother's maiden name, which they decided to adopt for some reason (like she divorced their fathers or something).


13th Jun 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: True. They still have four more mortgages to pay.


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