K.C. Sierra

11th Jan 2005

Titanic (1997)

Question: Since Rose in the "present" scenes is depicted as an old woman, what year did these scenes take place?


Chosen answer: 1996. Old Rose says "It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint." 1912+84=1996.

K.C. Sierra

6th Jan 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Question: Near the end of the Battle of Yavin, one of the X-wing pilots (I think it is Wedge) screams "YEEEEEEESSSSSS." and Luke looks back, to see an explosion on the surface of the Death Star. Why is this explosion so important that it warrants a change of music and a character screaming in joy? It just looks like what Luke had done earlier, when he 'got a little cooked' after shooting at the surface.

Answer: That wasn't Wedge, it was someone else. And he wasn't screaming "Yes," he was screaming in pain. The explosion Luke sees is that pilot's X-wing. With him gone, Luke is the last one who has a decent shot at destroying the Death Star: hence the music change.

K.C. Sierra

6th Jan 2005

Titanic (1997)

Question: What happened to Cal's evil butler, Lovejoy?

Answer: He presumably dies when the ship breaks in half (that's the last time we see him).

K.C. Sierra

Question: In the flashback scene where Jesus stopped a group of men from throwing stones at Mary Magdalene, it reminds me of the "woman caught in adultery" scene from John 8:7 where Jesus told the crowd: "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her" (ESV). Even though most of us are familiar with Jesus' saying, but what made it to compel the woman's accusers not to stone her?


Chosen answer: Although it's never made clear in the Bible, the obvious answer is, each of them knew that they were not without sin. Therefore, no one cast the first stone. Another suggestion is that in the midst of all this, they realized that they were using this woman and were not at all concerned about justice: else they would have brought the man to be stoned as well. And a third explanation is that this never happened: it was an addition to the original gospel of John and does not belong in the Bible. Take your pick.

K.C. Sierra

20th May 2004

Friends (1994)

The One With The Lesbian Wedding - S2-E11

Question: Slightly more wide-ranging a question than just Friends, but it's relevant at the moment. With Massachusetts being in the news for offering same-sex weddings, and apparently being the first state to fully sanction it, was the wedding in this episode (back in the mid '90s) based on any then-current law, or just made up for the purposes of the plot?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Same-sex weddings have been performed for quite some time in the United States. They simply didn't have the sanction of law or the benefits (and costs) that come with it. The ceremonies were purely for the sake of the supporting friends and family of the couple making the commitment.

K.C. Sierra

27th Apr 2004

That Thing You Do (1996)

Question: Does anyone know where I can get a transcript of this movie? Also, does anyone know if the song we hear in the movie is the original?

Answer: I don't know about the script, but the song was definitely an original - and nominated for best original song that year.

K.C. Sierra

24th Apr 2004

Hook (1991)

Question: Does anyone know if the song Maggie sings underneath the stars is a real song? What's it called? Are the lyrics to the whole song written out anywhere? I'm talking about the one that goes "But I know I'm not alone, standing here on my own".

Answer: "When You're Alone," written by John Williams and Leslie Briccuse, was an original song and was nominated for a 1991 Oscar. It lost to Beauty and the Beast. It was also up against "Everything I Do, I do it for you" from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

K.C. Sierra

5th Apr 2004

Scream 2 (1997)

Question: During the film class scene, Mickey states that Stu Macher & Billy Loomis patterned themselves "after two serial killers who have been immortalized on film." Who are these serial killers?

Answer: You're mistaken. Mickey was stating that the person or persons who killed Omar Epps and Jada Pinkett were patterning themselves after Stu and Billy.

K.C. Sierra

Question: What does the appearance of the dove during the Pilate scene mean? Only Jesus saw the dove, does that mean "hope" is coming to him? Is it in the Bible?

Answer: The dove is a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit. It was God reminding Jesus of His presence through the ordeal. The incident is not in the Bible, but the Bible does say that the Holy Spirit appeared as a dove when Jesus was baptized.

K.C. Sierra

26th Dec 2003

Dogma (1999)

Question: After Matt Damon shoots the sinner on the bus he and Ben Affleck get off the bus and Matt Damon starts singing a strange song. What is that song all about?

Answer: In the bus, Ben Affleck teases Matt Damon for thinking that the movie "Krush Groove" was going to leave a greater legacy than "E.T." So after they leave the bus, Matt Damon's starts with this riff from Krush Groove. The words are, "Whose house? Run's house. I said whose house? Run's house." The "Run" is from "Run DMC," stars of Krush Groove.

K.C. Sierra

I was under the impression that Damon sings the song in victory after proving that he could recognize whether the couple in front of them on the bus were actually married to each other. Damon establishes that the man is married, but not to the woman he's making out with on the bus.

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