Super Grover

19th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: After losing Quint, Brody is in the flooded cabin as the ship tips. Just before the shark bursts in, there is an exterior shot looking into the cabin through the window with the shards of glass. A crew member wearing a jacket and hat is visible in the reflection of the triangular piece of glass, at the top right of the screen. (01:57:55)

Super Grover

18th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: After hoisting up the damaged cage, when Quint walks over to stand beside Brody in the close-up the reflection of a male crew member's head is visible in the window, behind the ladder, until Brody lets go of the line. The crew's moving shadow is also visible under the cabin window, just after Quint passes it. (01:56:40)

Super Grover

18th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

18th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

15th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: Hooper and Brody grab a couple of poles as the Orca pulls alongside the two floating barrels. When Quint says, "Watch those barrels, boys. Watch them," the crew's vessel is clearly reflected in the cabin's side glass window. (01:42:15)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: After Quint walks on deck and tosses the life vests to Hooper and Brody, Quint asks, "Hooper, what exactly can you do with these things of yours?" Just as Hooper turns around, the clear moving reflection of a boom mic and pole are visible on the glass of the door to the cabin, just behind him. (01:50:15)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: After Quint smashes up the radio, the shark re-appears. In the shot of Quint, as he walks along the side of the boat, the clear reflection of the filming crew's vessel is visible in the nearest window. (01:39:10)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: While Quint tells of his experience with the U.S.S. Indianapolis, in the close-ups of Brody a crew member's arm with a watch is clearly visible moving in the reflection on the window, just behind Brody, particularly when Quint says, "Anyway, we delivered the bomb." (01:32:55)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Visible crew/equipment: Just before the barrel smashes the cabin window, as Quint shouts, "Untie us! He'll pull out the transom!" the reflection of the crew's swaying vessel is visible in the window of the cabin, behind Hooper. (01:44:00)

Super Grover

13th Jul 2005

Jaws (1975)

Jaws mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Aboard the Orca, Brody accidentally causes the cage bars to fall over, and as both air tanks roll forward the multiple head set lights are reflected on the two tanks. (01:13:35)

Super Grover

8th May 2005

Troy (2004)

Visible crew/equipment: Having just killed Boagrius, Achilles walks toward the Thessalian soldiers as his name is being shouted by the Greeks behind him. In this wide shot facing the soldiers, there is a center mark evenly spaced between two precisely positioned diagonal marks on the ground, in front of the soldiers. Achilles first walks toward the right mark to shout the question, two shots later he walks to the left mark to shout again and two shots later Triopas walks to the right mark and holds out his scepter at the center mark. (Visible on VHS.) (00:08:30)

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: After Jack rescues Elizabeth, Norrington shows up on the dock and points his sword directly at Jack. In the first shot facing Norrington, (as the sword points toward the camera, which is Jack's POV), the clear reflections of crew members are visible on the large underside of the crossguard, at the hilt of Norrington's sword, when in fact the only one who should be in the reflection is Jack, or possibly even Murtogg or Mullroy. (00:16:50)

Super Grover

24th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: As the 'Trojan' horse is being pulled into the city of Troy, in the cable-cam shot, just after the camera passes over the last of the riders on horseback, it passes a wood structure on the left, beside the large columns. Inside is a man in a black tee shirt, standing beside another man who holds an HT (handie-talkie - a two-way radio) up to his mouth with his right hand, as he points with his left hand. Then when the cable-cam spins around, they and a white tee shirt guy are visible down below. As a side note, there are some in the crowd that make eye contact with the camera and follow it as it passes (the cable-cam is not the POV of anyone - it sails over people's heads in the opposite direction than the 'Trojan' horse is being brought). Before it nears the wood structure, a woman on the ground below raises both her arms to wave and smile directly at the camera as it passes over. (02:17:10)

Super Grover

18th Feb 2005

Labyrinth (1986)

Visible crew/equipment: After the Goblins sing, "Slime and snails... Thunder or lightning," they all sing, "Jump, magic, jump..." and when the Goblin, with the red scarves at his waist (same one as earlier shot, also visible in later shot), lands back on the ground the wires attached to the back of his shoulders are visible. Then in the next wide shot, the wires attached to the back of the waist on the tall Goblin with the long hair, are visible. (00:25:40)

Super Grover

18th Feb 2005

Labyrinth (1986)

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Jareth kicks the furry little creature way up towards the camera, he sings, "Jump, magic, jump..." To his left, when the little guy 'leaps' high into the air, in front of Jareth's throne, the wires attached to both sides of his shoulders are visible. (00:23:55)

Super Grover

17th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Visible crew/equipment: After the Trojans let loose their arrows on the Myrmidons who have just reached their shores, there is a close-up of a Myrmidon stuntguy as he slams onto the sand, beside the ship. At the start of this shot a crew member (who is stooping) is visible on deck, at the bow of the ship. (Use slo-mo if necessary.) (00:39:50)

Super Grover

17th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Visible crew/equipment: In Sparta, when Paris enters Helen's room he stands behind her, as she sits in front of a stone wall and they are alone. When he puts his hands on her shoulders and then pulls her hair back, the reflections of crew members are visible in the circular medallions of his upper arms' armor, first on his right then on his left (use slo-mo if necessary). As a matter of fact, there are other instances throughout the film that set lights, etc., are reflected on the men's armor. (00:11:55)

Super Grover

17th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Troy mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: As Achilles' ship nears the Trojan shores, Agamemnon snidely asks, "What's the fool doing? He's going to take the beach of Troy with fifty men?" At the start of the next shot, as the camera begins to pan down, on the far right, just beside a person's (who is dressed in blue) head is a metal bullhorn (ie. used to give instructions to cast/crew, and which definitely doesn't belong in this time period). (00:36:35)

Super Grover

17th Feb 2005

Troy (2004)

Visible crew/equipment: While Hector and Achilles duel, there is a wide shot just before Hector breaks Achilles' spear. At the start of this shot, as Achilles begins to thrust the spear towards Hector, an equipment shadow (an upside down V) is visible on the ground behind Hector's feet. (The equipment that casts this shadow is seen on DVD 2, it glides above the camera on a suspended wire.) (01:59:20)

Super Grover

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