Jedd Jong

Trivia: Guillermo Del Toro originally intended for miniature people to man the ramparts of Cathedral Head, but the budget didn't allow for it.

Jedd Jong

Trivia: Filming had to be delayed for two months because Anna Walton, who plays Princess Nuala, was eight months pregnant when filming was scheduled to begin.

Jedd Jong

15th Apr 2010

Die Another Day (2002)

Trivia: Guillermo Del Toro based the Bethmoora royalty on early European monarchy, when white skin was a symbol of purity and signified that they lived in luxury. Del Toro was also intrigued when he read that much of this early European monarchy was haemophiliac, and thus had Prince Nuada and Princess Nuala prone to easy bleeding.

Jedd Jong

7th Apr 2010

Hellboy (2004)

Trivia: The cockroaches that emerge from the manhole cover in the subway system not only homage Guillermo Del Toro's earlier film Mimic, but also reference an incident from the director's childhood where he and his brother encountered a swarm of cockroaches while cleaning the house for five pesos.

Jedd Jong

4th Apr 2010

The Abyss (1989)

Trivia: The crew obtained some of the actual fluid breathing system liquid from Duke University, and in the scene where Hippy's rat is submerged in the fluid, it is really breathing underwater. The rat, named Beany, survived for a year afterwards and died of natural causes.

Jedd Jong

4th Apr 2010

The Abyss (1989)

Trivia: In some scenes, the occupants of the submersibles look like projections on a screen, because they were. Scenes filmed with miniature submersibles had images of the actors projected inside, to give the illusion that they were occupied.

Jedd Jong

4th Apr 2010

The Abyss (1989)

Trivia: The shoot was so torturous that the cast and crew came up with jokish terms such as "life's abyss, and then you dive", "son of abyss" and "The Abuse". There was even a mock movie poster made with the title "The Abuse".

Jedd Jong

1st Apr 2010

The Abyss (1989)

Trivia: The shoot was notoriously rigorous and hard on actors and crew members. Mary Elisabeth Mastrantonio stormed off the set after James Cameron told them to urinate in their wetsuits rather than take a bathroom break, and Ed Harris pulled over and broke down while driving home from the shoot.

Jedd Jong

22nd Mar 2010

Chuck (2007)

Trivia: The fire that burns down the opera house after the chandelier crashes was an actual fire. Joel Schumacher, wanting realism, destroyed the opera house set to film that scene.

Jedd Jong

Trivia: In the stage version, the chandelier crash occurs after "All I Ask of You". However, in the film it is pushed back to after "The Point of No Return". This change was reflected in the Las Vegas version of the stage show.

Jedd Jong

16th Feb 2010

Holes (2003)

16th Feb 2010

Holes (2003)

Trivia: The onions that Stanley and Zero eat towards the end of the film are actually apples with an edible covering.

Jedd Jong

12th Feb 2010

Star Wars (1977)

Trivia: In concept artist Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art, everyone in the Star Wars universe carried lightsabers, even Stormtroopers and Han Solo. It was only later that George Lucas reserved the weapon for the Jedi.

Jedd Jong

Trivia: Ramin Karimloo is the first actor to have played all three of Christine's loves: her father in this film, and both Raoul and the Phantom in the stage version. Karimloo will originate the role of the Phantom in the stage musical sequel, "Love Never Dies".

Jedd Jong

4th Feb 2010

Avatar (2009)

3rd Feb 2010

Evita (1996)

Trivia: Madonna holds the record for the most number of costume changes in a film. The record was previously held by Elizabeth Taylor for the 1963 film Cleopatra (65 costume changes). In Evita, Madonna changed costumes 85 times (which included 39 hats, 45 pairs of shoes and 56 pairs of earrings).

Jedd Jong

3rd Feb 2010

Evita (1996)

Trivia: The director Alan Parker makes a cameo as -who else- the "tormented director" who has to tolerate Eva's bad acting.

Jedd Jong

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