
3rd Aug 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Chosen answer: The episode is called "Sweets and Sour Marge" from Season 13, Episode 8.


Answer: I believe you mean Davy Jones as in Davy Jones' Locker. The flying dutchman character frequently uses the reference being that its a common phrase associated with pirates. This site explains some of the origins and meanings of the phrase, Davy Jones' Locker.


6th Jul 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: Its the Season 5 episode "The Last Temptation of Homer". The quote is from the part when Homer is in the bar asking for advice about his attraction to a co-worker and gives the very unusual Jo-Jo Junior name as cover.


6th Jul 2005

General questions

How long do feature films usually run in theaters before they are released on DVD/VHS?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: They typically vary from film to film. It used to be a period of at least 6-7 months before they released them for rental or sale. These days however many are being released quite soon after their release, in some cases even as quick as 2-3 months (The Ray Charles film "Ray" was a recent one). The time it takes all depends on how the studio wants to distribute the film.


29th Jun 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: Its the most asked question of the show and there has never been an definitive answer. Despite clues in certain episode no one has been able to link which state the Springfield in the show is in. Many fans believe Springfield is based on Portland, Oregon where Matt Groening grew up because of certain similarities in the show.


Answer: They are talking backwards, here is what they say: (*both laugh*) Spongebob: To get to the OPPOSITE side! - Patrick: I give up! -Spongebob: Hey, Patrick!


13th Jun 2005

Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Question: I understand why Ocean's group had to botch the heist at the end but why did they have to drag Tess into it if they already had the real egg? This would have removed the interesting twist where Julia Roberts plays Julia Roberts but other than that the second heist attempt seems unnecessary. Am I missing something?

Answer: As evidenced from the first film and the sequel Danny Ocean was meticulous about every part of his heists and these botched attempts would fool Toulour into thinking they were failing to steal the "fake" egg. If the crew didn't make any attempts Toulour would know something was up. This was a large wager they had going between them and Toulour would be very suspicious as to why they weren't trying to steal the egg. Making them very public just enforced the fact that the crew had probably failed.


Answer: When Danny and Rusty are shown visiting Le Marque to talk to him about the Night Fox and the whole elaborate plan, Le Marque says to them that they will have to keep up an elaborate show or the Night Fox will become suspicious. He (The Night Fox) was watching Danny and the others the whole time.Like mentioned above, if they didn't put on a show he would have become suspicious. The Night Fox had them arrested twice and was trying to trip them up at every chance he had. Remember he called Danny and said it was the Front Desk with his wake up call at 5am when it was 11:30 the night before? Then him and Rusty spent the rest of the night drinking wine and watching bad Italian-TV with reruns of Happy Days.

14th Jun 2005

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Question: I heard that the famous scene where Jim Carrey makes "the most annoying sound in the world" was an ad lib. Any truth to this?

Answer: Apparently yes, he ad-libbed that line. There were a few other instances in the film where he supposedly adlibbed including the man on the moon line, and when he eats the condiments after eating the chillis.


13th Jun 2005

Black Hawk Down (2001)

Question: I was talking with a friend and we were trying to figure out why the little birds and black hawks took off from the base and arrived at the city in such a tight and uniform formation. Wouldn't this have been a clear sign from miles away the Americans were up to something?

Answer: While its minor, the militia does pick up that the Americans are up to something and they call each to warn everyone the Americans are heading their way. The best explanation as to why the helicopters and black hawks took off altogether was they wanted to give the militia as little time to organise an offense. The Americans' plan was to have helicopters land many of the troops on the ground to capture the prisoners and to give cover to the troops travelling by armored vehicles. As the film shows the Americans under-estimated the Somalians and their plans from the beginning were very questionable. In the film Tom Sizemore's character goes into detail after the briefing about all the problems including going in the day instead of night.


13th Jun 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Homer's Barbershop Quartet - S5-E1

Question: In the scene where the fans turn against Chief Wiggum in Moe's Cavern, Moe says something to the Be Sharps manager about paying girls to scream. When the manager says "I didn't pay any girls to scream" Moe has a shocked look on his face and then turns off the Cavern's neon light and drives away fast. I've tried very hard but cannot get this joke. Can anyone explain it to me?

Answer: Not as much a joke as it is Moe is so surprised that this small, unknown band is gaining that much support without needing to pay them to do so.


18th May 2005

Titanic (1997)

Question: Where and/or when are we told that Rose has actually died at the end when she returns to the Titanic?

Answer: While its never confirmed she has died, it seems like she died in her sleep after throwing the necklace back into the ocean. After we see her in bed, she is on the Titanic and everyone who died is standing around implying she is now seeing all these people again now that she has died. This could also just be a dream.


18th May 2005

Shrek 2 (2004)

Question: I remember watching this in a cinema while i was in America and at the end when Fiona goes to kiss the prince she headbutts him instead. But when i got it on DVD in the UK she doesn't headbutt him but hits his neck. I guessing they changed this for the violence rating, but my question is: is this only changed on UK DVD or everywhere?

Answer: In the UK, headbutts are frowned upon by the ratings boards. Films such as The Matrix, Wild, Wild West and Fight Club all had to remove headbutts from the UK versions. As for the headbutt in other versions, the UK version is the only reported version to have the headbutt removed. is a great site to compare other versions of DVDs from around the world.


18th May 2005

La Confidential (1997)

Question: Why did Dudley order the killings at the Nite Owl in the first place?

Answer: To get rid of Stensland and take over the drug racket. Dudley knew if he killed Stensland seperately the police would start looking into why they would want to kill a cop. Killing him and everyone at the Nite Owl then making it look like a robbery would just make it look like Stensland was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as we find out later it was set up to look like that and also could easily be placed on the black criminals.


18th May 2005

Titanic (1997)

Question: When Lovejoy says to Jack, 'It's interesting. The young lady slipped so suddenly and you had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.', what exactly is he getting at? That he's figured out Rose attempted suicide, or he's accusing Jack of attempted rape?

Answer: The story Rose and Jack came up with was Rose was looking at the propellers and suddenly slipped and Jack rescued her. Seeing that Jack had his shoes untied and jacket off means he had more time then he lets on, making Lovejoy suspicious of Jack and what really went on.


I don't think Lovejoy suspected rape. Rather, he suspected that Rose was having a consensual romantic encounter with Jack. She defended Jack with her lame explanation about the propellers. Lovejoy senses that she is not very upset, as a possible rape victim would be.

9th May 2005

Fargo (1996)

Question: By the time Jerry gets arrested, his wife and her father are both dead. What will now happen to Jerry's son, now that his dad is in jail, and his mother and grandfather are both dead?

Answer: While there is nothing in the film that explains this, the most likely step taken by the authorities would have been to see whether Jerry and his wife had made out an will and who they would give legal custody of their son if anything happened to them. If there was no will then it's likely the closest family or relatives would be asked to take custody.


He probably still has Lundegaard Grandparent (s) and a grandmother from his mother's side - any of which could and would become his legal guardian (s).


He'll be a rich man. Grandfather said early in the movie that his daughter and her son would bever have to worry about money or words to that effect.

Answer: Early in the film, Jerry's father-in-law makes it a point to mention that his daughter and grandson will never have to worry, financially. It's implied Wade made the necessary arrangements to ensure Jerry's son would be provided for in the event something happened to his parents.

9th May 2005

General questions

There was a movie I remember where a person dressed as a mascot killed someone by running them through an industrial dishwasher. The scene was set in a kitchen. Anyone know the name?


Chosen answer: That sounds like the Jean Claude Van Damme film "Sudden Death". In one scene he is fighting the terroist in the mascot costume in a kitchen. After using many instruments to hurt her she gets caught on the dishwasher line and Van Damme turns the machine on and it kills her.


Question: What political party do Matt and Trey affiliate themselves with, and is it known who they supported in the '04 election?

Answer: When asked about what group they associated themselves with they replied, "I think we're like most people, just down the middle with our personal political affiliation". As for the '04 election I don't believe they supported either publically.


Question: How did the police officers questioning Sarah know about the foster parents' murder so quickly? First answer is the deleted scene of T-1000 searching John's room (extends time passed). But that won't explain how the police discovered the murder and then told the two officers so fast. In the special edition cut, the police talk to Sarah in between T-800 explaining the T-1000 and when John learns the T-800 does what John says. Not a lot of time, because those two guys the T-800 beats up also have to hang around (they pull up in a car before T-800 & John make the phone call). All I could think of was the T-1000 could have reported it. This might make the police look for John and the T-800, making the T-1000's job easier. He also might have anticipated the police talking to Sarah, he just didn't arrive in time to interview her. However, I'm not sure if the machine is that creative. Anyone else want to take a crack at this?

Answer: The best explanation is that the time passed between scenes isn't minute by minute. In the scene between the detectives and Sarah the detective says "Look I've just sat here and told you that you son is missing..", which would suggest that the scene was taking place a little while after John and T-800 made the phone call. Being that the scenes don't make mention of the time between scenes it could have been any length of time after the phone call that they interviewed Sarah. As for how the police found out, neighbours could have heard the commotion from the dog and reported it to the police and upon inspection of the property found the dead parents. This could have happened pretty quickly if a patrol car was in the area.


Answer: Since John is in the foster system and is a known troublemaker with an arrest record, we could assume that he and the foster parents have pretty regular contact with a social worker or probation officer, or someone of that nature. Could be that the social worker stopped by for a check after not hearing from anyone and found the dead foster parents.

Kyle G.

Chosen answer: As Spongebob explained in the certain episodes he has no bones so the force of the flats punches have no effect. To be more technical there is nothing solid that Flats can punch into and hence why it has no effect. Spongebob has never really been injured and there really isn't any incidents I can recall that his "spongeness" ever came into question of being hurt or injured.


Answer: He does have bones in some episodes.


Those episodes and scenes were probably just jokes.

21st Mar 2005

The Simpsons (1989)

Show generally

Question: In the intro to the show, just before Homer's car arrives at the garage, there is a crash pan across several screens-worth of characters. Are these characters significant in any way or are they just random people?


Chosen answer: Actually it looks like many are large characters but I guess it's a quick way to show as many of the characters as possible. If you freeze frame the shots you can see the characters Milhouse, Nelson, Jimbo, Patty and Selma, Grampa Simpson, Dr Hibbert, Flanders and his wife and many more.


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