
Factual error: Flynn gives the size of the chamber in the Mayan temple as "300 quahuitls by 20 quahuitls." But the quahuitl was an Aztec unit of measurement, and was not used by the Maya. (01:06:00)


Factual error: Flynn says that the chamber in the Mayan temple is 300 quahuitls long. A quahuitl is approximately 2.5 meters, so 300 quahuitls would be 750 meters, or nearly half a mile. The chamber he and the others are in is large, but not that large.


15th Dec 2004

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Show generally

Factual error: When Sami called the psychic hotline in 2004, the caller ID identified her as "Samantha J. Brady," presumably for her supposed middle name Jean. But Sami's middle name is actually Gene, the masculine version of the name, because she was named after Eugene Bradford.


Factual error: The reporter on one of the broadcasts says that the storm has "winds gusting over 155 miles per hour, which would make it a Category 5 hurricane." But that is inaccurate. A Category 5 storm must have sustained winds over 155, not just gusts.


Factual error: When the pilots are over the Gulf of Mexico right before the oil rig is destroyed, one of them reports that the surface pressure is 93 millibars. That's the wrong order of magnitude for a surface pressure reading. Standard atmospheric pressure is 1000 millibars, or 1 bar. During the very worst hurricanes, surface pressure can drop slightly below 900 millibars. So the pressure reading here probably should have been 930 millibars, not 93.


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Factual error: On 10/1/04, Lexie told Brady that John and Bo had been "declared dead by the government". But in terms of Salem time, the plane crash had occurred on the previous day. For starters, any salvage operation lasts for several days, and they certainly wouldn't have been declared dead while that was still in progress. In any event, it takes three years before a declaration of death can be obtained, and that has to be done by the next of kin, who in this case weren't even informed of their loved ones' deaths until after the declarations had already been made.


21st Jun 2004

Zenon: Zee Three (2004)

Factual error: Selena, the Goddess of the Moon, sets the next "earthset" as Zenon's deadline. One shot shows the Earth slowly sinking towards the lunar horizon while Zenon and Dasha watch. However, the moon takes exactly as long to rotate on its own axis as it does to orbit the Earth. As a result, the Earth does not rise and set as seen from any one location on the moon. It only rises and sets as you move across the surface of the moon.


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Factual error: The weeks of 4/26/04 and 5/3/04, Marlena willingly went under the influence of sodium pentathol so that she could remember the killings and confess to them. But sodium pentathol does not restore repressed memories. It can be used to cause someone to speak against their will, but only about things of which they are cognizant.


Looking For Love in All The Wrong Cages - S2-E9

Factual error: The zoologist tells Gavin that he is handling a deadly coral snake. The snake is red, with black and yellow stripes, which is indeed the coloring of the coral snake. However, the yellow bands are inside pairs of black, and only the black touches the red. "Red touch black, good for Jack. Red touch yellow, kills a fellow." This is a harmless milk snake.


12th Dec 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

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Factual error: Abe Carver was a police commander. Consequently, his funeral should have been attended by the city's entire police force, in full uniform. The funeral would have been a solemn affair carried out in conjunction with the municipal government, and certainly would not have been combined with the funerals of two other people.


12th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Factual error: Clarice's actions are not in keeping with America's actual child welfare system. Clarice came to Theresa's house to remove Little Ethan on 12/09/03, which in the show was the day after Rebecca claimed Theresa was neglecting the child. There was no investigation of any kind. In a real case of possible child neglect, the home is visited and the family situation is thoroughly investigated before any action is taken.


12th Dec 2003

Passions (1999)

Show generally

Factual error: Clarice, the social worker from Child Protective Services, stands around bickering with Theresa through many scenes on 12/10/03 and 12/11/03. In actuality, when a case worker is sent to remove a child from a home, he or she takes the child as quickly as possible and removes him or her from the premises at the first opportunity. This is done to avoid precisely the type of scene that occurred when Theresa arued her case with increasing desperation while Clarice just stood there with Little Ethan.


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Factual error: This episode misrepresents the scheduling and format of the MCAT. The exam is given in four sections, with an hour lunch break between the second and third. The morning session lasts three hours and fifteen minutes, the afternoon two hours and fifty minutes. If Tru was "more than three hours late" (and, presumably, less than four hours late) when she arrived after 2:30pm, then it presents two problems. Firstly, the session should be in the midst of its lunch break. Secondly, the test started much later in the day than the real MCAT does.


8th Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Haunted - S1-E5

Factual error: Tru arrives "more than three hours late" for the MCAT and then begins the test. Firstly, it would be pointless for her to even bother going at that time, since she'd have already missed the entire Verbal Reasoning section and possibly the Physical Sciences as well (depending on how much more than three hours she was late). Secondly, that's really a moot point since late arrivals to MCAT testing centers are not permitted to take the test.


1st Dec 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Past Tense - S1-E4

Factual error: Davis tells Tru that glucagon is a substitute for insulin in diabetic emergencies. In actuality, it does exactly the opposite of insulin, raising glucose levels in the blood while insulin lowers them.


1st Dec 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

The Fat and the Furriest - S15-E5

Factual error: Homer creates a giant sugar ball by making a normal sized cotton candy on a paper cone, and then coating it with liquid caramel. The cotton candy holds its shape and Homer continues to expand it with more cotton candy and caramel. However, cotton candy dissolves very quickly and tears apart easily. Between the weight and moisture content of the caramel, the original cotton candy would have immediately melted and/or collapsed.


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Factual error: Throughout the serial killer plot in the fall of 2003, Celeste often dealt tarot cards. The Death card turned up very frequently, and it was always treated as though it actually meant death. I can see how a layperson could make this mistake, but Celeste should know that the Death card simply represents transformation and is not an omen of doom.


Show generally

Factual error: The Salem Police Department is grossly misusing the term "serial killer" in conjunction with the Abe Carver murder. The inaccuracies are too numerous to list, but the most obvious is the fact that the police believe that Abe was murdered by someone with a specific motive. A serial killer selects victims based on a general profile, usually in conjunction with a psychological "need" to commit the crime. The police brand the unidentified murder a serial killer based purely on the fact that they think he or she may strike again. But not every multiple murderer is a serial killer, and the police would certainly know better than to fall prey to this misnomer.


7th Sep 2003

Pecker (1998)

Factual error: At the beginning of the movie, Pecker is at the Washington Monument in Baltimore when he boards the 27 bus to Hampden. The 27 bus does go to Hampden, but the closest it ever comes to the monument is Howard Street, three blocks to the west.


26th Aug 2003

Sister Act (1992)

Factual error: At the very end of the movie, the Pope gives the nuns a standing ovation. The other people seated in the box with him should have immediately risen at this time. Instead, the man seated to his left looks up at him, seeing that the pontiff has stood, but makes no movement to join him on his feet.


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