
25th Apr 2021

Young Sheldon (2017)

-70/10. Another unnecessary spinoff made out of greed and to keep the sucker fans of the original garbage show glued to CBS.


8. 1/10. The one that started all nightmares for us. I like it though honestly I felt they were holding back at time particularly with Freddy. He seemed more like an over the top bad guy, not grounded in reality as much others have been. I honestly liked the reboot idea of him being a child molester more because seeing how friendly he appeared to be was chilling. That someone so nice would hurt kids that way is creepy. Still Robert Englund does a great job in, no debate, his greatest role. I would say the weak link was Heather Langenkamp. She came across as this rather bland girl who had nothing going on. She seemed more like a teenager for that 50's show Mr Peepers or that 70's show set in the 50's Happy Days, maybe even Leave It To Beaver. Still I can understand and agree with being a top notch horror movie of the 80's.


-70/10. A rarity. A sequel that matches the original in lameness. Just make it about a renewal of vows and throw a daughter in and presto, really nothing but a repeat of the original idiocy.


-70/10. A movie that's neither clever nor original. The poster gives away that the homely girl played by Nia Vardalos will get with John Corbett. My guess as to why his character likes hers is maybe he likes being the prettier of the two, The movie otherwise does nothing but show all the Greek family stereotypes. This whole thing's a mess preying on women's love of romantic comedies.


22nd Apr 2021

Dallas (1978)

1.1/10. This show played to the pointless stereotypes of the rich and oilmen through 1978-1991. Frankly I never got the appeal of it.The plots were the usual "JR's greedy and tries swindling everybody. "The idea a sleazy guy like him could get so many women is unbelievable. A perk no doubt for Larry Hagman. Frankly I found the whole cast a bunch of boors who play their characters to the absolute worst they can. The ones who annoyed me the most were Larry Hagman as JR and Linda Gray as Sue Ellen. The fact this drunkard would stay with this sleazeball I couldn't believe. The only reason most guys would watch this idiocy is to see all the gorgeous actresses they'd have as guest stars. One of the best this schlock fest had was Barbara Carrera. I'm only giving it this high a ranking due to the use of beautiful women like Barbara Carrera, nothing more.


22nd Apr 2021

Cujo (1983)

A chilling tale of man's best friend mixed with the grim reality of him becoming a vicious frightening killer. A sweet gentle St Bernard called Cujo doing a Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde or Larry Talbot/The Wolf-Man. The atmosphere of being trapped in a sweltering broken down car with a killer dog outside works here. I found the dog quite a chilling sight, sweet and gentle to coldblooded and vicious in an instant, I would say this is among of Stephen King's best books turned movies and would rank his five best this way:1. Carrie,2. Misery,3. Christine,4. Cujo,5. It.


22nd Apr 2021

Christine (1983)

8. 9/10. A solid horror movie of the 80's. John Carpenter brings this story to life with the zest he's possessed in all of his work. Keith Gordon and Alexandra Paul, who I dislike, have surprisingly good chemistry. I was impressed by how they did Christine the possessed car. The first time I saw it that car looked like it was actually alive to me. This movie should be considered one of the horror genre.


19th Apr 2021

Ladykillers (1988)

5. 9/10. A harmless schlock fest of TV movies. Trufhfully it seems to be saying strip clubs, adult films, etc., are all bad. Thankfully that gets lost amidst all the amusingly hammy acting. I would say the one cast member that seemed to be trying was Susan Blakely. She plays the stereotypical mean possessive businesswoman well with a hint of a tramp trying to get out. Lesley-Anne Down as both the club owner and killer seems to be doing a second rate Joan Collins impersonation. The worst though is Marilu Henner as the detective assigned to the case. I laughed at the sheer ignorance and arrogance of her character. I won't deny this movie's good for some laughs.


-50/10. Woman on the verge of gaining a lot of power so evil man must stop her. There, that's this movie's plot in a nutshell. Anne Archer matches Jane Alexander in blandness which should tell you something about these 30-40 years of experience actors. She looks so like the type who'll buy into everything either conservative or liberal, gullible in other words. The movie would've been better had it been her falling in genuine love with the guy who'd been a hooker but now trying to reform. It would've been a lot better than this pure bunk.


-70/10. Why oh why do they still make this kind of junk? Why do we, the public, let them? This one's got the usual cliches in it of daughter gone wrong, mother who's single, is able to save her, no father around to help. If anyone thinks this is good, well then they're capable of being sold the Brooklyn Bridge. If anything, Jane Alexander has to be one of the most bland, boring actresses I've ever seen. Her character comes off as the strong divorcee who's got time for everyone else except her kids. I'm for a strong message via story being spread but this comes off as more of a preachy bland soap opera. If anything, Alexander's Peggy Ryan is a whiny middle aged ditz who looks to save the world more while expecting her kids to behave 24/7 and be perfect. Roxana Zal, who matches her in blandness,her character of Charley is actually sympathetic some as she had to do this since her mother and their relatives couldn't be bothered with caring for her and her little brother. This sort of movie has an actual message to it:Folks don't ever tell your stories to the media because they'll sucker you and make this sort of trash just to grab ratings.


13th Apr 2021

Tom and Jerry (2021)

7. 7/10. A relatively good romp and good bounce back after that disastrous movie of theirs from the 90's. Clearly the people in charge here love Tom and Jerry. They showed the care the duo needed, with the right lead in Chloe Grace Moretz who shows she's capable of acting when she chooses the right scripts.


1/10. A nonsenical show based mainly on how many times they could feature Loni Anderson in tight clothes. She was the first glorified bimbo of a ensemble sitcom. The others are forgettable as they only existed to speak when she had nothing to say. How anyone could take this bimbo Anderson seriously I haven't a clue.


6. 5/10. Arguably the second most annoying heroine here played by Dana Kimmell. I liked the atmosphere though as it seemed a perfect setting. A cabin deep in the woods cut off from civilization with a bunch of imbeciles being picked off by Jason Voorhees, played well by Richard Brooker as the first one to play the role complete with hockey mask. He was the best actor of the movie.


13th Apr 2021

Ghostbusters 2 (1989)

8. 3/10. A sequel that got no love. Its timing was off due to coming out the same time that Bat-Man did. Still it's a good watch. Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and company are still at the top of their game here, still giving it their all. The idea of ecto plasm that fed off the bad vibes of New Yorkers was certainly an interesting idea. If anything, it seems capable of holding an audience's attention for more than 20 minutes. The only negative was the bland bad guy Vigo the Carpathian. I found him dull next to Gozer. Gozer lived for destruction and worship, Vigo, well he looked like a menacing ghost inhabiting a painting. Still it's a decent sequel to Ghost-Busters.


6. 9/10. I think of this as its own story not a sequel to An American Werewolf In London. The two couldn't be anymore different than possible. The idea of a coven of werewolves trying to "weed out"those they deem weak, corrupt, etc., is a pretty good idea. Here the execution was hampered some in favor of over the top gore. I can understand some of the dislike of this movie. Still it's a decent watch for werewolf movie fans.


10th Apr 2021

The Toxic Avenger (1984)

9. 7/10. One of the better movies of the 80's and one of the best B movies ever made. Truthfully, I found it better than a lot of the so called A material. Lloyd Kaufman matches Mel Brooks in movie style, directing, and flat out genius. The Toxic Avenger design I liked, original. If anything, he could easily fit into the Marvel or DC comics universes. Heck I could envision him getting another movie today, though they'd probably mess it up. This is one that can be watched multiple time and never get tedious. Watch for yourself.


8th Apr 2021

House of Wax (1953)

9. 6/10. The better of two movies that are set within a wax museum. Vincent Price, one of the masters of horror, invokes a villain of both horror and sympathy. That's an accomplishment rarely done nowadays if only a few times. Here he owns the movie and makes it not only a horror masterpiece but one that could easily fit in with Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes in a crossover movie.


7th Apr 2021

Graduation Day (1981)

8. 2/10. A decent early 80's slasher. Here it's more, to me, about tragic love than horror. The killer only wanted to marry his girl after graduation but, because of the coach, she was taken from him. I found it amusing enough though I hated the presence of Vanna White. The woman's lived off her looks and charm for 30 plus years. Here she shows she can't act, only in this because of her honorary uncle Christopher George. Still a decent watch and should be in anyone's horror movie collection.


-80/10. Why make an hour or more long version of one of the worst TV shows of the 90's? This junk is something people could watch for free at home without anyone knowing they liked it.


6th Apr 2021

My Name Is Earl (2005)

1/10. White trash meets Eastern spiritualism. Mad Magazine described the show this way in their satire of it and it fits nicely. Despite having some moments of humor it's all boring and too preachy at times. We grow bored soon knowing Earl's going to do something good by the end of each episode. I couldn't honestly believe a white trash guy would suddenly buy into something so out of his depth. The rest aren't better ranging from dumb as all get out to slutty to one even being an illegal alien. Ha, ha. A real barrel of laughs this show.


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