
25th Jul 2019

Cult of Chucky (2017)

Trivia: If you listen closely, the last Chucky doll that is brought to life (nicknamed "Buzz-cut" due to his hairstyle) is voiced ever-so-slightly differently than the other dolls. Since he was only just brought to life towards the end of the film, director Don Mancini and Chucky voice-actor Brad Dourif reasoned that he was like a child. Thus Dourif made his voice sound a bit more rambunctious and also made his voice crack a little, like a boy going through puberty.


25th Jul 2019

Cult of Chucky (2017)

Trivia: The character Malcolm has split-personality disorder, and one of his "alters" is revealed to be Mark Zuckerberg. If you pay close attention, his "version" of Zuckerberg is actually based on Jesse Eisenberg's portrayal of him in the film "The Social Network." Actor Adam Hurtig and director Don Mancini thought it'd make sense and be a fun inside joke for Malcolm to emulate Eisenberg's performance as "The Social Network," reasoning that Malcolm had seen the movie, and that was what inspired his mind to subconsciously create the Zuckerberg "alter."


Trivia: At one point, Steven Spielberg wasn't sure if he would direct the film. Joe Johnston, a former effects artist who got his start working on Spielberg and George Lucas films becoming a director in his own right, desperately wanted the job. Eventually, Spielberg decided to return to direct this film, but promised Johnston he would get to direct the next film. And true to his word, he let Johnston direct the following film, "Jurassic Park III."


20th Jul 2019

Midsommar (2019)

Trivia: During the feast in which Christian finds a pubic hair inside of his food, look closely at the drinks on the table. While the camera never calls direct attention to this, if you look closely, Christian's drink is very slightly darker than everyone else's. Earlier in the film, the camera briefly passes over a mural that depicts a woman collecting menstrual blood in a cup. (Along with the image of a woman cutting off pubic hairs, like the one Christian found in his food.) It seems Christian's drink has been laced with something he didn't expect.


Trivia: This movie is the first feature film directed by famed documentary director Joe Berlinger. His original director's cut of the film was much more ambiguous and less reliant on traditional Hollywood-style horror sequences. However, the studio forced him to reshoot several key sequences, add in new scenes and drastically re-edit the film to make it more marketable to mainstream audiences. Berlinger dislikes the version of the film released in theaters, and didn't direct another feature - film until Netflix's "Extremely Wicked, Shocking Evil and Vile," which was released almost 20 years later in 2019. (Though he continued to work as a documentary director in the meantime).


Trivia: The directors of the original film had almost no involvement in the film, and were reportedly very unhappy with how it turned out. They wanted to wait a few years before making a sequel, while studio Artisan instead wanted to rush one out as quickly as possible.


Trivia: Frank Lengella took the role of Skeletor because his son was a big fan of the "He-Man" cartoon and action figures. He has since fondly spoken of the experience and called it one of his favorite parts he's ever played, since he could just have fun with the role.


10th Jul 2019

A Dirty Shame (2004)

Trivia: After the film was given an NC-17 rating, director John Waters asked what he'd need to cut to get the film an R-rating. He was told by the ratings board that "after a while, we stopped taking notes." He was also told that the film would only be about 10 minutes long if he cut out everything they objected to. Waters and the studio then decided to simply release the film uncut with its NC-17 rating.


10th Jul 2019

A Dirty Shame (2004)

Trivia: Co-star Suzanne Shepherd first read the script, and was absolutely horrified by the explicit sexual content. She broke down crying and begged to not do the film. However, she changed her mind when she met director John Waters, who managed to convince her to stay on.


24th Jun 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Trivia: The original "Child's Play/Chucky" film series is still in production at Universal (with a planned TV series in the works), as Universal had acquired the franchise rights after MGM released the original film. However, as MGM still technically owns the original film, they were allowed to remake it, so long as it included no references to any of the sequels, as the sequels belong to Universal. Various scenes and portions of the script had to be rewritten several times, as they were found to be too close to scenes from the Universal sequels.


24th Jun 2019

Silent Hill (2006)

Trivia: Since her character was going to become increasingly dirty and distressed throughout the movie anyways, star Radha Mitchell eventually stopped washing her hair during production.


24th Jun 2019

Us (2019)

Trivia: Spoilers: Among the video-tapes seen next to the TV after the opening credits are "C.H.U.D." and "The Goonies." This is quite relevant to the plot, in which it is revealed that the doppelgangers come from beneath the ground in a series of tunnels that used to be run by the government. "C.H.U.D." is about mutant creatures that live underground and have began to rise up and attack, like the doppelgangers, and "Goonies" takes place largely in underground tunnels and caverns, much like the film's climax.


Trivia: The original title for the film was "Goosebumps: HorrorLand," which was based on the original script, which would have been a different story set in a haunted theme-park populated by "Goosebumps" monsters. The script was eventually re-written to be a smaller, lower-budgeted story. The film was then retitled "Goosebumps: Slappy's Revenge." Finally, it was retitled again to its current title "Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween." (Although oddly enough, home video releases for the movie have dropped "Haunted Halloween" from the title and simply market the film under a much simpler fourth title - "Goosebumps 2").


Trivia: During episode two, Chloe can open a cabinet in Frank's RV. Inside is a stash of dozens of cans of baked beans, which Chloe observes as an "insane amount of beans." This is an inside joke referencing a moment in the original game, in which the character Max can dump a plate of beans Frank is eating on the floor, causing Frank to have a complete meltdown. The moment subsequently became an internet meme, so the developers of this prequel threw in a nod to Frank's love for beans.


30th May 2019

Sicario (2015)

Trivia: Originally, Alejandro was meant to have much more dialogue, and his tragic origin would have been revealed earlier in the film. Actor Benicio Del Toro and director Denis Villeneuve ended up agreeing that the character worked better as a silent, mysterious type and that the revelation of his origin should occur late in the film. It is estimated that as much as 90% of his dialogue was deleted during rewrites.


26th May 2019

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Trivia: "Dark Phoenix" is set to be the final main-series entry in Fox's "X-Men" film series. (The spin-off film "The New Mutants" will be the last official entry in the saga, though it will be a stand-alone story with little connection to the main series.) Disney acquired Fox's movie rights during post-production, and after this film's release, the X-Men are planned to be rebooted as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


26th May 2019

Dark Phoenix (2019)

26th May 2019

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Trivia: Originally scheduled to be released in November, 2018. The film was pushed back repeatedly for reshoots, eventually landing with a June, 2019 release date.


Trivia: The scene in which John pieces together a custom revolver using parts from various 19th century guns is a reference to the classic western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." There's a scene in that film where the character Tuco does the exact same thing in a gun shop.


Trivia: Despite being released over a five-year period, the events of the three "John Wick" films transpire over the course of only roughly one month.


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