
18th Jun 2014

Zathura (2005)

Question: When Danny presses the button, the red spaceship moves onto a white space. Later in the movie, after accepting the astronauts' help, all three discover that the red spaceship is now on a blue space. How could it have gotten there? Neither Danny or Walter kicked the board and Danny never actually moved it from its original position since they had to deal with getting rid of the Zorgons.

Answer: If you are talking about the part where Walter says that Danny cheated and Danny says "someone must have kicked the board", you're right, no one did kick the board. After again being asked if he moved the piece, Danny says "maybe I moved the piece by accident." I think this implies that Danny cheated and moved the piece himself, which is why it was on a different coloured space.

Except, it never showed Danny moving the piece at all. When Walter moved Danny's piece back to the space it was originally on, the game shot out a card accusing Walter of cheating and tried ejecting him out of the house. If Danny had moved the piece by accident and therefore technically cheated, it kind of raises the question as to why he never received a card accusing him of cheating and ejecting him from the house as well.

I think the answer to this is in the card's text - "Caught cheating" I believe this implies that since Walter was observed physically moving a piece by the other player, that is what triggered the cheating detection. Nobody saw Danny move his piece, so he was technically not caught cheating in the moment. So, ostensibly, one may be able to cheat as long as they are not caught by the other player.


Chosen answer: She was finally shown at the very end of the last episode of season 8, continuing into season 9. The actor's name is Cristin Milioti:


22nd Sep 2008

Cube Zero (2004)

Question: At the end of this movie the main guy is lobotomised and put back into the Cube. Is this supposed to be the start of the original Cube movie? Because the dialogue is very similar (about liking the blue room), but it is not exact and his name is changed.


Answer: No, the director himself has stated they're not the same person, however they wanted to show that Kazan wasn't always like that, he went through the same lobotomy that Wynn did It also, when viewed in that aspect, gives a much darker perspective to the ending of cube 1 when you realise that the "white room" was NOT an auxiliary exit, but rather one just like the room from Cube: Zero where the "god" question would be asked.

Chosen answer: Yes, it is implied that Kazaan and Wynn are the same person. The scenes are nearly identical except for the way Wynn is shown, as in, we don't see him fall from the room above as we did with Kazaan. But, yes, they are essentially the same scene.


23rd Aug 2010

Inception (2010)

Question: If they are in a dream and they can imagine and create things (like, for example weapons, or modify the environment) why can't they imagine to create a bunker where the subconscious guys can't shot at them? Or, some kind of any other protection? Or mega-destructive weapons so they don't need to drive and escape all the time in the first layer?

Answer: Possibly the more you change in the dream, the more aggressive and powerful your target's subconscious becomes. Like how in the beginning of the movie, when Cobb warns Ariadne to stop changing things, and then all of a sudden a large group of people, including Mal attacks her. Still, this maybe because of Cobb's subconscious training being so advanced.

Answer: Aside from the obvious "the movie would boring if that were so," if they change too much in the dream, it would collapse. They only have one chance of making it work, so they can't afford to change anything drastic that might be noticed.


1st Feb 2010

Cube Zero (2004)

Question: When Dodd takes the central cup link out and he takes it back, it wouldn't fix everything would it? I mean, he did take all the wires and everything else out.


Chosen answer: It was one of the few things that could be fixed right then and there, and, although it wouldn't solve all problems, it's better than nothing.


Question: Why was the commander of Nest not allowed to see Optimus during the video conference? He was high enough in rank and security clearance to be entrusted with seeing Prime for himself, wasn't he?

Answer: Not exactly. Even the highest level of clearance can still bar people from something if it's considered very important. It was a decision made by the leader of the operation, and whatever he says goes, even if there is someone higher in authority than him.


27th Jun 2009

Red Planet (2000)

Question: Why does AMEE prolong the death of the crew? Why not kill them all the minute they try and remove her power source?


Chosen answer: At first, she's assessing the threat level. After she determines them to be a threat, she then decides how to eliminate them. She decides on guerilla warfare because she can fare better in the environment than humans can. She was damaged, so if she tried to attack them all at the same time, she would likely lose the battle.


27th Jun 2009

Red Planet (2000)

Question: In the movie, AMEE is shown to have various settings, such as 'Navigaton' and 'Military'. It is also stated that AMEE is on loan from the marines. My question is, before giving her to the crew of Mars-1, why didn't the marines remove the the military part of her programming? What possible use could it have been to the crew?


Chosen answer: It was disabled. The part of her program that was in effect was merely the survival instinct, given to it so it could protect itself.


27th Jun 2009

Red Planet (2000)

Question: What exactly are those little bug things on Mars and how do they produce oxygen?


Chosen answer: They aren't given a name. They act like plants, except instead of absorbing carbon dioxide and expelling it as oxygen, they eat plants and release oxygen from their bodies. It's probably more effective than using plants since they weren't expecting to be able to breathe on the surface.


24th Nov 2008

Clockstoppers (2002)

Question: In the scene where the hypertime QT agents are in Zak's house, one of them gets sprayed with liquid nitrogen, bringing him down to normal time. But, if he is in normal time, wouldn't Zak's mom and sister see him? Don't you think they would call the police after seeing a stranger in their house?


Chosen answer: Probably, but it's not essential to the plot so there's no reason to show it.


Answer: These are top agent like figures who likely don't want many people knowing what's going on. Those still in hypertime probably carried the normal-time agent out of the building before Zak's mom found him.

10th May 2009

Seven Pounds (2008)

Question: What does he give to Inez, the old woman?

Answer: She was not getting proper treatment. When he chewed out the boss because of this, the patients all started to get better care.


Question: I have played through the game several times and viewed this movie at least five or six times completelty, but there is something major I still don't understand. What is the fountain of "water" that appears in the Church and cures the geostigma near the end? The pool that appears right after Kadaj blows a hole in the ground. Is it lifestream energy from the planet? It is the presense of Aerith? What is it? It plays such a huge role but isn't explained at all.

Answer: We're lead to believe that it's the Lifestream of the world.


Question: When Evan went to see his father when he was young (not when he came back), why was his father trying to kill him? When he was young, he had no idea about his ability, so he couldn't talk about it and make his father try to kill him.


Chosen answer: Every time that Even blacked out was a moment that he would later return to as an adult. He couldn't remember them because he hadn't experienced them himself. It is a little confusing, but he basically skipped over those blackouts in his childhood. So just before he spoke to his father, his future self stepped in and spoke to him.


Answer: Evan's father is trying to kill him because he has the same ability as Evan, and is trying to kill him to prevent him from hurting himself/anyone else.

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