
24th Nov 2019

Alien 3 (1992)

Question: At the start of the film when the facehugger tries to get into Newt's cryotube, why does it use brute force instead of acid to gain entry?

Darth Crucible

Answer: It does use acid, but it has acid for blood so it needs to harm itself first to produce the acid.


In the first Alien, didn't the facehugger use acid to get into Kane's helmet? It wasn't bleeding acid.

It actually isn't shown exactly how the acid was used to get into Kane's helmet. The creature jumps on his helmet and Kane falls over with the creature on the outside and next we see, the creature has melted its way into the helmet. So it could be it cut itself, just as the creature does in Alien 3.


9th Oct 2015

Alien 3 (1992)

Corrected entry: In the credits - and the warden says it - they mention chromosome YY, or double YY. But that is impossible; women are XX and men are XY; you have to have an X chromosome, sometimes you can have XXY, and maybe there are other variations, but there must be an X, no matter what.


Correction: XYY chromosomes in human males is quite common and is usually referred to as YY syndrome (though it isn't really a syndrome, medically speaking). They are using medical shorthand. Nothing unusual about that. See

This explanation is incorrect. The warden is using "Double Y" as shorthand for "male" and not referring specifically to any medical conditions the inmates might have. He is discussing the fact that a woman entering the facility full of violent men is problematic. The dialogue is incorrect as it assumes that females are "Double X" and males are "Double Y" when in fact males would be "XY", as the original entry states.


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