12th Aug 2014

General questions

I'm looking for an old TV episode (1950-60) where people on a wagon train keep fighting over food, could be jerky, that they don't realize is poison. The last scene is a greedy old man hungrily eating the jerky.

Answer: It sounds very much like "the Old Man in the Cave", an old Twilight Zone episode from 1963.


4th Dec 2013

General questions

I'm trying to remember the title of a movie I watched many years ago. I do not remember any of the people who starred in it. This movie was about a man with O.C.D. Then there was a girl. I think it was his girlfriend or soon to be girlfriend. I believe she found out something strange about him, so she searched his house when he wasn't there. She checked his closet and found something odd. She heard a noise so she quickly put things back and got out of there, forgetting about his O.C.D. She greeted him and they went to have some wine. She accidentally spilled her glass all over the carpet. She apologized and apologized. He was trying to keep calm when out of the corner of his eye he saw something out of place in his closet. He got up and looked around. He found out she was in there and started asking questions. He got mad and he tried to kill her. He chased her around the house with a knife. That's all I remember! Please help me! I've been dying to know what this movie is called. It's going to bug me until I figure it out... Thanks!


Answer: Sounds a little like "Sleeping with the Enemy".


28th Oct 2014

General questions

Looking for a quote that was in the beginning of a movie. Like the opening credit. The movie came out in the last few years. Not sure of the exact quote but was something about "darkest" or "me at my darkest". I'm not sure exactly, but anything will help.


Answer: Sounds like the opening of "Kill Bill vol. 2" when Bill says to the Bride, "Do you find me sadistic? You know, Kiddo, I'd like to believe that you're aware enough, even now, to know that there's nothing sadistic in my actions. This moment, this is me at my most masochistic".


17th Nov 2014

General questions

There was a movie that I believe had Steve Martin in it. I remember one scene where a guy drives Steve's car into a swamp or something and later finds out that there was an animal inside that was a pet of Steve's wife. Another scene had the guy fall in quicksand and Steve refused to help him out until he confessed to what he did.

Answer: It sounds like "A Simple Twist Of Fate".


Sorry. It's not this. A Simple Twist Of Fate is the movie where Steve sees a little girl suddenly appear at his house late one night and her biological parents try to get her back.

11th Sep 2017

General questions

I only remember bits of the trailer for this 60's (??) British film. It's possibly an espionage or spy spoof that starts by showing a man running down a street wearing a black and white graduation cap and gown. A voice-over says (sic) "See this man? Very good. Carry on." He then is in a classroom with a bunch of beautiful college-aged schoolgirls/students. He asks a question to the class and then, after they answer, he exclaims, "Right, my children!" He then asks one beauty a personal question to which she replies (in letters) the man's name, which spells out on the screen and is (I think) also the name of the film. Any help here?


Answer: During the 1960's, there were a series of bawdy films with Carry On... in the title.

Nope, that's not it.


29th Nov 2010

General questions

Looking for a movie that has a cartoon within it. It's a 1960's movie with real actors doing a scene which is then reproduced in animation in front of us, the audience. The production of the comic strip is part of the story line. It may be a made-for-TV movie rather than a Hollywood film. The only other thing I remember is that the cameras that the audience can see (that are used to film it for the animation) are mounted on gunstocks which are aimed at the actors. Anyone know what the name is?

Answer: Sounds like "The Three Stooges in Orbit".


2nd Sep 2011

General questions

I don't remember much of the movie or TV show that I'm looking for, just a friendly monster/s in a kid's tree house. Can you think of anything that sounds like this? Thank you.

Answer: There was a movie called "The Monster Squad" where the Frankenstein monster was up in a treehouse and was not scary at all, only pathetic.


14th Mar 2011

General questions

Looking for movie title or actors: a comedy duo, one short and fat, one tall and thin, in Europe. Once at the Vatican dressed as monks, once in a Ferrari driving at 200 mph, and once they were asked to take a picture and ran away with the camera.


Chosen answer: I believe you are referring to "Nuns on the Run" with Eric Idle (Monty Python fame) & Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid from Harry Potter).


14th Oct 2010

General questions

Sometime in the 90s, I heard a rumor about a much-anticipated movie being cancelled because a child choked on a toy/doll of a character from it. Does anyone know if this is true or what movie it was?

Answer: Partially true: 1995's "Toy Story" had a mini-Woody PVC figure sold in the Disney stores. The base of this figure separated from Woody's feet and a child DID choke on the star-shaped piece. I bought one just before they pulled it off the shelves and replaced it with a another Woody figure that had an attached base. The movie, however, was obviously never pulled from release.


7th Jan 2010

General questions

In the original Pink Panther films, which is the one where Peter Sellers is at a hotel desk and asks if the clerk's dog bites, but then gets bitten with the clerk saying that is not his dog?


Chosen answer: The movie is "The Pink Panther Strikes Again".


29th Aug 2009

General questions

Does anyone know if the show "Freakylinks" (with Ethan Embry and Lisa Sheridan) is on DVD, or if it will be? I searched on, but there is just an option to be notified when it becomes available. Thanks.

Answer: YES! "Freakylinks" on DVD can be found at Goto:


3rd Mar 2009

General questions

A film called The Lion and the Horse was made in 1952. Want to know where to get one please.

gillian ahern

Chosen answer: Yes! You can find this movie on DVD at goto:


6th Nov 2008

General questions

I'm looking for the name of a Christmas special. It was a Claymation I saw in the 90s, but it may be older than that. It had something to do with a meeting with fairies in the woods, and there's a guy there that takes them flying around. Sorry so vague; any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: It's possible you may be thinking of "The Adventures of Mark Twain". It wasn't a Christmas special, but it was claymation, it did involve a meeting with "fairies", and it does has Twain flying kids around in a balloon. YouTube has some clips of it. Hope that helps!


30th May 2008

General questions

I'm looking for the name of an older movie I saw part of. There were two children, a boy and a girl, who had a male lion that they were taking somewhere. I remember a scene where they were trying to get the lion to cross a stream of water. The boy said that the lion is a cat, and cats don't like water.

Answer: You could be talking about Disney's "Napoleon and Samantha". A 1972 theatrical release about a boy (Johnny Whitaker) and a girl (Jodie Foster) and a pet lion. Goto:


23rd Jan 2008

General questions

I'm trying to find the title to a film I saw on television in the early 80's. A crazy young woman lives alone in a remote unpopulated area. A man (possibly a local authority) drives his truck to her house once in a while to check on her. The woman seems to have the mind of a child and her interactions are awkward and somehow threatening. There are a lot of long uneasy silences. At the end, the woman is walking around outside in just panties and shirt. The title was something like "The Madness of Emily" or "The Psychosis of Sara" or "The Neurosis of Ana Rose". I can't remember the actual name. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: I believe you're thinking of the Jodie Foster movie "Nell".


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