
13th Dec 2011

The Island (2005)

Question: Say that a client of Merrick Biotech, like Starkweather who used his policy and had it terminated, needs another one for whatever reason. They'd have to regrow a new Starkweather 2 Delta and reintroduce him into the colony and everyone would say "Hey, isn't that the guy who won the lottery a few days ago? What's he doing here?" How would Merrick account for that? Whitman even says to Lincoln that they were going to "regrow" his policy.


Chosen answer: It would be easy enough for the administrators to fabricate some story as to why the clone needed to return to the colony. Doctors would most likely implant fake memories into the new clone's mind to convince him and everyone else that this was the same person as before. Also, if a client should ever need a new clone many years after using their original one, it is likely that most of the other clones would no longer be there--having been harvested to meet their host's medical needs.


24th May 2011

The Island (2005)

Trivia: In the scene where Lincoln and Jordan ask a man for an information directory, the futuristic red Lexus from Minority Report is parked next to them.


7th Sep 2009

The Island (2005)

Other mistake: Gandu 3 Echo has initials on his sleeve which read G3A. This would be fine if he was Gandu 3 Alpha, but he's not (although he should be - see the other entry relating to him). It should read G3E.


7th Sep 2009

The Island (2005)

Question: At the beginning of the movie, when Lincoln wakes up, he removes something from his ID bracelet. What is this and what significance does it have?


Chosen answer: It appears to be some sort of cable - it can be seen leading to the bracelet in the shot from above the bed immediately prior to the one where Lincoln unplugs it. Exactly what it does is never revealed, but it seems likely to be some sort of monitoring system, keeping an eye on Lincoln's health through sensors in the bracelet.


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