Matt Lynch

14th Jun 2007

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: I am a little puzzled by one of Mr. Finch's last investigations towards the end of the movie. As he meets with Dominic to ask him "the question" about the release of the viruses, the two of them also research files of the final three missing involved members, one of whom was Rokewood. Yet after they leave the meeting in the dark with "Rokewood" and are again in the office, Finch states to the man on the phone that Rokewood has indeed been dead twenty years. If Rokewood had been dead already, wouldn't Finch have known that he was being stood up by V (playing the part of "Rokewood") earlier as they met?

Answer: Finch isn't telling the man on the phone that Rokewood is dead, he's simply repeating what the man on the other end of the phone is saying.

Matt Lynch

16th May 2006

V for Vendetta (2005)

Question: I must've missed it during the movie - how exactly does V kill the people from the facility? I'm pretty sure it has something to do with poison, but I didn't quite get it. Also, I'm not sure if it's tied-in, but what is the whitish-orange stuff left on the floor next to most of the victims' heads?

Answer: He poisons them, and they throw up.

Matt Lynch

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