Cubs Fan

13th Mar 2012

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: When Kirk crashes his stepfather's Corvette, the cop who arrests him is voiced by J.J. Abrams. (00:13:20)

Cubs Fan

9th Jan 2011

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: According to the DVD commentary, Bones' line about being left essentially nothing in his divorce was improvised by Karl Urban. (00:27:40)

Cubs Fan

1st Jan 2010

Star Trek (2009)

1st Jan 2010

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: According to the Blu-Ray DVD special features, the Enterprise is about twice as big as the Enterprise from the TV series. (00:39:00)

Cubs Fan

17th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

10th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: To practice the Vulcan hand salute, Zachary Quinto used rubber bands to separate his fingers. He couldn't quite perfect it without them, so he ended up having his fingers glued together. (01:55:10)

Cubs Fan

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